Show us your Head-Fi station at it's current state. No old pictures please...
Feb 17, 2015 at 7:11 PM Post #19,636 of 41,888
Dendi, good to see you.
No complaints- I've definitely reached my end of the line, although I'll be honest - I use a ever so slight classic v in foobar.

No one needs to know! 

Alright that is nice! You kept the phones for quite some while now so I bet you are pleased! I'm looking into some nice balanced SS option aswell :)
Feb 17, 2015 at 10:48 PM Post #19,637 of 41,888

Aplogies for craptastic photo. Right now, Debut Carbon TT into the NanoPhono, SX-780 receiver for amplification and Schiit Sys for gain. This will suffice until the monoblocks get back from the doctor! Works quite well with my Fostex T50RP, nice and intimate yet deep presentation.
Feb 18, 2015 at 12:28 AM Post #19,638 of 41,888
Dendi, good to see you.
No complaints- I've definitely reached my end of the line, although I'll be honest - I use a ever so slight classic v in foobar.

I don't see any vacuum tubes, so I don't see how that can be true... 

Feb 18, 2015 at 12:05 PM Post #19,639 of 41,888
Aplogies for craptastic photo. Right now, Debut Carbon TT into the NanoPhono, SX-780 receiver for amplification and Schiit Sys for gain. This will suffice until the monoblocks get back from the doctor! Works quite well with my Fostex T50RP, nice and intimate yet deep presentation.

I don't see many people with an SX-780 around these parts. How do you like it? I had one for a bit, but it wasn't restored when I bought it and I wasn't cut out to maintain it myself.
Feb 18, 2015 at 8:31 PM Post #19,640 of 41,888

Aplogies for craptastic photo. Right now, Debut Carbon TT into the NanoPhono, SX-780 receiver for amplification and Schiit Sys for gain. This will suffice until the monoblocks get back from the doctor! Works quite well with my Fostex T50RP, nice and intimate yet deep presentation.

Nice Pioneer..................vintage rules!  There's a thread dedicated to vintage receivers and amps - stop by if you get a chance.
Feb 18, 2015 at 11:34 PM Post #19,641 of 41,888
I don't see many people with an SX-780 around these parts. How do you like it? I had one for a bit, but it wasn't restored when I bought it and I wasn't cut out to maintain it myself.

I love it! It is a bit on the mid-bassy-warm side, but very fun nontheless with gobs of power to boot. I was lucky to find this particular unit chilling (or toasting?) in my grandmother's garage. Was in perfect condition... haven't felt the need to recap, but did give it a good cleaning and deoxit. As you can see though, one of the lamps burnt out finally... and I must confess that there was a little crack-ccident with the wooden case :frowning2:

Nice Pioneer..................vintage rules!  There's a thread dedicated to vintage receivers and amps - stop by if you get a chance.

Thanks! Indeed it does :) I've been lurking that thread for a couple years now; my Pioneer pales in comparison to some of the pieces you guys have o.O I'm using EPI model 150 vintage speakers with my Pioneer as well; it's not the most detailed thing in the world, but the soundstaging is pretty epic in my lightly-treated room.
Feb 19, 2015 at 12:08 AM Post #19,642 of 41,888
Holy hell. Started reading this topic for the first time. In 10 pages couple Abysses.. Almost every picture contains multiple totl cans. I'm off to /r/headphones to feel like a big boy with LCD2's among M50x/DT770/HD598 people.
Really liking isolated setups. I have mine at computer desk. This chair is not comfy and it's almost impossible to listen to a whole track without looking at monitors. Need to move my rig to the couch.
Feb 19, 2015 at 1:13 AM Post #19,643 of 41,888
  Holy hell. Started reading this topic for the first time. In 10 pages couple Abysses.. Almost every picture contains multiple totl cans. I'm off to /r/headphones to feel like a big boy with LCD2's among M50x/DT770/HD598 people.
Really liking isolated setups. I have mine at computer desk. This chair is not comfy and it's almost impossible to listen to a whole track without looking at monitors. Need to move my rig to the couch.

Just because there are people who owns an Abyss and/or multiple TOTL doesn't mean your LCD-2 looses quality though, to this date I still covet an Audeze can massively. Might get myself the EL-8 if I like its comfort..
Feb 19, 2015 at 1:16 AM Post #19,644 of 41,888
  Holy hell. Started reading this topic for the first time. In 10 pages couple Abysses.. Almost every picture contains multiple totl cans. I'm off to /r/headphones to feel like a big boy with LCD2's among M50x/DT770/HD598 people.
Really liking isolated setups. I have mine at computer desk. This chair is not comfy and it's almost impossible to listen to a whole track without looking at monitors. Need to move my rig to the couch.

Lool not really sure what your trying to say seeing as both the LCD2 and HD700's are TOTL.....
Feb 19, 2015 at 8:43 AM Post #19,647 of 41,888
Decided to ditch the Geek Pulse as the main headfi station, it's been relegated to my 2nd rig. I replaced it with an iFi iDSD Nano + Lyr stack.....

Took my remaining cans and placed them on the top shelf of my hifi rack...

Will be adding a Philips Fidelio X1 and, with some luck, a Fostex TH900......
Feb 19, 2015 at 9:14 AM Post #19,648 of 41,888
Just because there are people who owns an Abyss and/or multiple TOTL doesn't mean your LCD-2 looses quality though, to this date I still covet an Audeze can massively. Might get myself the EL-8 if I like its comfort..

I personally think the Abyss is massively overpriced and doesn't have very good measurements.  I've never heard it, though, so it could be the best headphone ever as far as I know.  But, I'll never buy it because it's priced in the stratosphere. 
Feb 19, 2015 at 9:26 AM Post #19,649 of 41,888
Current pictures! Replaced the old iMac with a Mac Pro, the Abrahamsen V6.0 for a Yulong D100 and the JVC A-S5 plus the Dali Lektor 2s for a B&W MM-1 – the latter two for convenience. 


As for the headphones on the drawers of happiness not many interesting changes apart from the addition of a Parrot Zik 2.0 as a portable.


And as a bonus, a gathering of my set plus some interesting things that are in for reviewing :)

Feb 19, 2015 at 9:58 AM Post #19,650 of 41,888
  As for the headphones on the shelves of happiness not many interesting changes apart from the addition of a Parrot Zik 2.0 as a portable.



I'm inspired by the headphone drawers / shelves... my cats love to chew on cables (I've already lost my original Senn and Grado cables to the cats). Seeing this, I am going to re-think my use of headphone stands and clear out / line a drawer in my desk (don't know why I never thought of that before...)
Nice rig!

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