Shanling M0 - Smallest Hi-Res Portable Player - New Firmware V3.6
Nov 28, 2021 at 10:07 PM Post #6,286 of 6,428
The plot thickens, the original W10 laptop I'm using is actually through bootcamp on a macbook air. When plugging the M0 in to the same machine but running mac os, it appears to be working fine. I'll use the mac for a few hours tomorrow to properly test it. Are there any known issues with the M0 in DAC mode with W10 @Shanling ?

Not really seeing such reports. We recommend to always use drivers with M0 in USB DAC mode.

Hey guys, hello @Shanling.
Since i'm a proud owner of M0 and i didn't find this question answered anywhere, and i've contacted shanling throught e-mail and didn't receive an answer, lets see if i can get the answer here.
So, i've tried loudgain and foobar2000 replaygain tags in various audio formats. They work very well for .mp3 and .m4a, but they do not work for .WAV files. If some of you know why, i would like to know. And how to fix it, if possible.

Hi, can you please send me PM? Will check on the email and can have a look at your files, what might be setup wrongly on them.
Shanling Have any question about our players? Just PM me or send me email. Stay updated on Shanling at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Dec 1, 2021 at 7:00 AM Post #6,287 of 6,428
Hello, first off all thank you for your response.
Unfortunatly FLAC tags seem to not work either on M0, i've used ffmpeg to convert them. Just used loudgain and foobar to test and tag the files and they are behaving exactly like wav. Plus i go to Playback settings on the M0 and change between replaygain off, audio track and album and there's no difference at all. But they do work in m4a files and i can clearly listen to the difference in the audio.
Some of those tracks have 5db corrections, which is weird cause it makes them a lot different in volume.
You might have a point there, I went back to check for a noticeable difference on my FLAC files with ReplayGain and I am now starting to think it does not work for FLAC files. My files are all fairly well-normalized to begin with so what I thought I was hearing seems to have never been there.

Sorry for the bad suggestion.
Dec 1, 2021 at 7:31 AM Post #6,288 of 6,428
You might have a point there, I went back to check for a noticeable difference on my FLAC files with ReplayGain and I am now starting to think it does not work for FLAC files. My files are all fairly well-normalized to begin with so what I thought I was hearing seems to have never been there.

Sorry for the bad suggestion.
Hello, no problem.
The only files that are reading replaygain tags on my shanling m0 are m4a and mp3, those work like a beauty, but since my albuns are mixed it messes up and almost blow my ears when a wav or a flac comes to play.

About the WAV, i've tried lowercase, uppercase from loudgain as well as tags from foobar. None seem to work. It seems to me that the player doesn't read the "ID3 " chunk at all. Althought those files work beautifly in VLC or foobar in the computer using the m0 as DAC, so tagging is not the problem here... I'm sending some files to shanling tonight so they can test.
Dec 1, 2021 at 7:35 AM Post #6,289 of 6,428
I tried again, and once more I do think it works for my FLAC files.

Rescanned my FLAC files with foobar2000 and applied the replaygain again. I can definitely hear a difference when toggling the replaygain setting off/on while playing a tune.

No idea what is different about your files of course. Mine were encoded not encoded with ffmpeg but with FLAC from the foobar2000 encoder pack.
Dec 1, 2021 at 7:40 AM Post #6,290 of 6,428
I tried again, and once more I do think it works for my FLAC files.

Rescanned my FLAC files with foobar2000 and applied the replaygain again. I can definitely hear a difference when toggling the replaygain setting off/on while playing a tune.

No idea what is different about your files of course. Mine were encoded not encoded with ffmpeg but with FLAC from the foobar2000 encoder pack.
Ok, that's weird.
For Wave i'm sure they're not reading in any case scenario.
For FLAC i tried only loudgain default setting.
I'll try again lowercase uppercase for FLAC and then foobar.

One question, did your files had tags prior to converting? Is it possible that they did convert already normalized?
Or when you toggle on off on the m0 it does have a clear difference?
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Dec 1, 2021 at 8:27 AM Post #6,292 of 6,428
My files did have tags.

Could it be that 'replaygain' is supported, but 'loudgain' not?
I'm not sure how FLAC tags work, but i'll look into it.

I know for a fact that i tried the same file in VLC and it wasn't working either, so there might be a case sensitivity issue there.

Loudgain is just the name of a script to put replaygain tags but with more options, like v2 v3 of the tags, you can also choose lower case upper case cause some players are case sensitive(which is very stupid cause they could just read both) etc, but they should work the same in the end...

Also foobar does use lower case in most cases and it doesnt work in some players and you can't change it, also most players read both for m4a and mp3 but only uppercase for WAVE, so i need to test more the FLAC part.

Loudgain instead of speed prefers to analyse better the file, it takes a bit more time than foobar.

I like loudgain cause sound levels tend to be more accurate, and it is working great with m4a and mp3 on the m0, on VLC they all work except for FLAC with default options.
But i'm trying each time foobar too.
For the FLAC i'll give it a longer try tonight with more options.
For the WAV, i'm gonna send the files to shanling and see what they say, since lower case, upper case, foobar has been tested and none work on the m0
Dec 4, 2021 at 2:16 PM Post #6,293 of 6,428
With an older firmware, my samsung buds pro didn't sync with the Shanling M0
But with the firmware V3.6, everything is ok.
Thanks @Sahnling
Jan 4, 2022 at 12:34 AM Post #6,295 of 6,428
Hi @Shanling
I'm trying to get the eddict player iOS app playing nice with my m0. When I do the steps as described on the website and then open synclink in the app on my iPhone, I don't get the option of client/server like I do on an android phone. I just get the screen with connected devices etc. Am I missing something? Thanks!
Jan 4, 2022 at 12:41 AM Post #6,296 of 6,428
Hi @Shanling
I'm trying to get the eddict player iOS app playing nice with my m0. When I do the steps as described on the website and then open synclink in the app on my iPhone, I don't get the option of client/server like I do on an android phone. I just get the screen with connected devices etc. Am I missing something? Thanks!
Oh, that setting is just extra function that could be used on Android. iOS simply skips that.
Shanling Have any question about our players? Just PM me or send me email. Stay updated on Shanling at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jan 9, 2022 at 8:14 PM Post #6,298 of 6,428
@Shanling Does the M0 supports "Car Mode" ( USB C // BT )
M0 has our version of in-vehicle mode. It detects when charging start to automatically turn on and then shut down when charging stops.
Shanling Have any question about our players? Just PM me or send me email. Stay updated on Shanling at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Jan 18, 2022 at 3:15 AM Post #6,299 of 6,428
hi @Shanling i have both q1 and m0, i havent figured out how to stop charging both of them when using DAC mode, specifically DAC mode when using cables attached to phone, they are draining my phone battery which is not ideal; i wanted to prolong both devices battery but even charged 100% they will still be charging via DAC MODE...
Jan 18, 2022 at 3:18 AM Post #6,300 of 6,428
hi @Shanling i have both q1 and m0, i havent figured out how to stop charging both of them when using DAC mode, specifically DAC mode when using cables attached to phone, they are draining my phone battery which is not ideal; i wanted to prolong both devices battery but even charged 100% they will still be charging via DAC MODE...
There is no way how to prevent them from charging.
Shanling Have any question about our players? Just PM me or send me email. Stay updated on Shanling at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.

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