Sennheiser IE8 Impressions Thread
May 5, 2009 at 1:11 PM Post #3,946 of 8,119
Mine are at the sorting office awaiting pickup (thanks Agentred!)
I am curious, main fear is the bass will be too too much. Hoping not.

Deep breath. Here goes....
May 5, 2009 at 1:13 PM Post #3,947 of 8,119
After 90 hours of burn-in. I'm in love in them.
May 5, 2009 at 1:15 PM Post #3,948 of 8,119

Originally Posted by steviebee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Mine are at the sorting office awaiting pickup (thanks Agentred!)
I am curious, main fear is the bass will be too too much. Hoping not.

Deep breath. Here goes....

when you first hear them fresh out of the box the bass even on lowest setting is unbearable. after about 50 hours or so they begin to tighten up rather nicely. i have around 300 hours on my ie8's now. bass has recessed to something much more pleasant and i even have to notch up the bass adjuster to level 3 to get them perfect for my choice of music and ears. they do sound great tho. very musical, like i have mini hd650's in my ear canal.
May 5, 2009 at 1:27 PM Post #3,949 of 8,119
Cheers smallcaps
Exactly what I needed to hear, thx - leaving soon. Guess I'll report back after a few days then. Have I finally found Triple Fi beaters in a universal? Gulp.
May 5, 2009 at 7:10 PM Post #3,951 of 8,119

Originally Posted by steviebee /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Have I finally found Triple Fi beaters in a universal? Gulp.

I will be interested in what you think.
For me, the ie8s are pretty high maintenance. 200 hours burn in, tip swapping... tougher to break in than an automobile.
My ie8s have the required 200 hrs at least. They are still very heavy on the bass. So much so that it is always calling attention to itself.
I really like the s because each sound source is easily identified in space. Each instrument or voice seems to have its own sonic purity. The heavy bass of the ie8s somehow pulls down these individual sonic entities and removes their edge.
Of course fit and seal are major players in how any earphone sounds. I was a little unhappy with the triples before I started using the large silicone tips and converted them to reverse mode. That for me was a revolation.
I also use the large silicones on the ie8s. Fit, seal, and the way the sound hits my ear canal are very similar with both IEMs.
The ie8s are fine earphones. I also have the shure 530s and they are great also. I rotate these IEMs all the time and enjoy them all.
I have no doubt that at present there is no "best" earphone. Any one of my earphones I can make sound like crap just by swapping tips. I very well may not have found that magic combination for the ie8s that will provide me a new revolation.
Anyways, I have always enjoyed your posts and wish you the best of luck with your new dynamic drivers.
May 5, 2009 at 9:09 PM Post #3,953 of 8,119
Thanks Sandy. Very nice of you

Guess what I'm listening to right now

Very first impressions were 'Jesus Christ...these are poor outta the box' followed a track or two later by 'Wow!' Since then, I have been listening to two different IEMs it seems - I'll explain...

I seem (bear in mind this is at +3hours burn-in, no more) to get a much better SQ if I just place the tips in my ears w/ only a gentle pressure (little to no isolation) - attempting more isolation just brings up the bass and little else, making them too warm (I've preferred prefer slightly cooler climes generally). The direction of the drivers face in my ears seems critical too - move em and the sweet spot goes some. however, this may be just acclimatising to fit (still practising). If I let them act as earbuds, they do sound pretty damn superb, & even when they don't I can hear their potential down the line (I hope!). But really push for isolation & they sound pretty poor... Different tracks sound better/worse too, even at FLAC coding. At the moment I'm using the default fitted silicon tips. Tried a few in the first 20 minutes, but didn't find any that worked better -altho I will revisit the Senn version of olives. I didn't get on with the weird double flange thing (looks like a shelf fitting) at all, but who knows? It's still very early hours in my affair with IE8s.

So far, used a Shuffle (only thing I had to hand at the box-opening ceremony), & later iRiver H160, Xin SuperMicro IV and brand-newly arrived (same day as IE8 -somebody up there likes me) P51-Mustang.

Good stuff: wonderful SS, great separation and placing of instruments, very nice solid but still airy sound. I'm hoping this all will remain when I get isolation too. In common with soozieq, I find some treble a bit 'ouch' on certain tunes ( never had that with Trips) and even on some upper mids (Flora Purim's voice f'rinstance - a wee bit glaring sometimes -could be the recording...)

I absolutely concur and agree with Duncan's description way back on page 1 about the almost holographic imaging IE8s can present. And when they sound good, blimey they sound great. I was taken aback at their presentation at times - some wonderful detail and metallic glints on Kaki king's guitarwork, great echoing reverb and background jinx with Ozric Tentacles & leavening out a wonderful bassline from The Pharoahs etc. I'm looking to be floored by IE8 meeting Battles (fingers x'd) and what Sibelius will be like.

I did do a very quick IE8 vs Triple Fi, but I'm not taking much notice of it given burn-in etc. The Triples surprised me by being much bassier (better isolation) and their top end is still magical, to my ears. If anything, it was actually the Trips that were too bassy, but IE8 wasn't isolating to any where near Triple Fi cessation of the outside world.... So long as the IE8 keeps improving (& pretty much everyone says they do, so I'm on a promise) - I am looking forward to having 3 IEMs I adore and all different to a greater or larger degree. I just love Head Fi - all these toys!
May 5, 2009 at 9:53 PM Post #3,954 of 8,119
Gee, you'd better not look over the Westone UM3X thread then, or it might be quad IEMs in your future. I am in the minority in saying that the IE8 didn't improve enough. In fact, it didn't cause me to sell my Westone 3s, which, with the right tips and fit, to me, really outperformed the IE8s, which I found lacked the clarity and detail the Westones deliver. There are a few more IE8 fans moving to the UM3Xs, and there are some early comparisons. Not to muddle your view of the IE8s. But you seem interested in the best, so why shortchange yourself?

One such comparison...

And here's another...

More toys on the horizon.
May 5, 2009 at 10:15 PM Post #3,955 of 8,119
Dammit, I knew you'd say that....give me time, I'll get there!
May 6, 2009 at 6:23 AM Post #3,958 of 8,119
Tried IE 8 in the subway yesterday. Well, it could be worse

Isolation was little better on CX 300. But, it's still can be listened.
May 6, 2009 at 6:41 AM Post #3,959 of 8,119

Originally Posted by korc /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Anybody know what the circuitry in the Y-split does? I'm thinking of trying to splice a Kleer wireless module to an extra set of cables.

Are there any components in there, or is it just a circuit board for breakout/solder purposes? Rip your apart and post the pics


Originally Posted by Vladimir_F1 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Tried IE 8 in the subway yesterday. Well, it could be worse

Isolation was little better on CX 300. But, it's still can be listened.

If you have complys laying around, you can always try the comply under silicon, which in my experience greatly increases isolation (and subsequently sound quality).

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