Sennheiser HD 700: Officially Unveiled at CES 2012!
Jan 10, 2012 at 10:26 PM Post #286 of 3,545

 Just in that I'm worried about paying $1000 for a headphone with potential sibilance issues that could be very grating for long term use once FOTM passes. And yes, FOTM is going to be very strong with a company that releases new headphones so rarely. I mean... we already have FOTM from people who haven't even heard it yet.

Yes. And I'm sure we will hear the term "break-in" more than a few times in the coming weeks/months.

Well, gotta say. Sennheiser is being frankly stupid with $1,000.

I agree. $1000 is too close to $1300, the original price of the HD800. The current $1800 list is a complete joke. Total gouge, ripoff.
At the time it was introduced, I was considering the RS-2 because it was all I could afford, but I decided to take my time and scrape together the cash and get the RS-1, knowing If I got the RS-2, I'd wish I'd gotten the RS-1 instead of the inferior RS-2. Perhaps Sennheiser is hoping potential HD700 buyers do the same.
Jan 10, 2012 at 10:28 PM Post #287 of 3,545

Yes. And I'm sure we will hear the term "break-in" more than a few times in the coming weeks/months.

Start placing your bets on how many hours these will supposedly need to not sound peaky anymore. 100? 200? 400?
Jan 10, 2012 at 10:43 PM Post #288 of 3,545
Who's preordering one?  I may.
Jan 10, 2012 at 10:46 PM Post #289 of 3,545
They're gar/re badge regardless. ^^ They're traditional dynamics, no ring driver, and 40mm elements. "Wake up mamma! 'Cause they want $1,000 from you!"
In the worst way, Sennheiser is crazy. There's a distinct lack of interest for you and I. (*Well business aren't supposed to worry about the customer** the naysayers will squeal.
The business is supposed to serve the customer, otherwise we don't buy from them.
HD 700 is LOLTastic failblog. I cannot believe Sennheiser. They've done it with every single product except for HD 600/6XX.
Orpheus, - - create a market for $10,000 headphones. HD 800, quickly create a market for 1,000 dollar headphones. Oops, did I say 1,000? I'm sorry. I meant $1500!

HD 700.
The worst of all of them. There's no trickle down of technology. And shoves HD 600 drivers in an HD 800 'cup.' LOL(,) and they want 1,000 from you. Ha! And people might actually pay for it! Luuuuuuuuuuuuuuuulk Sennheiser. Thanks for producing (this time) a garbage product not worth it's weight in tin.
Jan 10, 2012 at 10:48 PM Post #291 of 3,545

Don't get me wrong here!

I do like the HD700's! I work with a few headfi members and I was probably the one who enjoyed it the most.
At near $1,000.00 USD it is priced like a high end headphone and as such, I compared it with headphones at those price points. At that price point, and in comparison with other headphones at around the same price, the HD700 is a decent effort by Sennheiser! It sounds nearly the same as a T1 but the T1 being slightly better in my honest opinion when properly made. What is even more reassuring to me is that Sennheiser has better quality control than Beyer. Does this mean that the HD700 will be the best for everyone? No...but it's reassuring to know there are alternatives to other headphones at the same price point. Are there better headphones than the HD700? Once again, IMHO, yes but it comes down to personal preferences in what I listen to in music.
Like you said, it will come down to how much bass you want, personal preferences, technology limitations, sound signature preferences, etc. However...once gain...I do like the HD700.

[size=11.0pt]It really all does come down to personal preference.  One headphone might be superior technically over the model upon which it grew from.  I (and many others) actually prefer the HD 600 over the HD 650 in term of sound signature.  I also prefer the Grado SR-125 over the SR-225.  And I’ve heard that there are some who prefer the SS of the electrostatic HE-60 to the HE-90.  So, prices and industry intentions aside, cost comparisons and affordability are really mute points in the long run.  Some will love their HD 800, while others may consider the new HD 700 to be superior sonically and others will happily stick with their tried and true HD-650.  And some will be satisfied with their LCD-2……me, I’m currently listening with and enjoying immensely my HE-60’s[/size]
Jan 10, 2012 at 11:22 PM Post #295 of 3,545
I don't see why people say that a traditional driver at $1000 is a steal, the recent ATH, Fostex TOTL headphone have traditional drivers, as well as the Beyer T1, and all the Ultrasone Edition X.
Jan 10, 2012 at 11:27 PM Post #296 of 3,545

I don't see why people say that a traditional driver at $1000 is a steal, the recent ATH, Fostex TOTL headphone have traditional drivers, as well as the Beyer T1, and all the Ultrasone Edition X.

Totally agree with this. I'm actually rather disappointed to hear that the HD700 is only a click behind the HD800. While that's awesome, I wanted a smoother sounding headphone.
Jan 10, 2012 at 11:41 PM Post #298 of 3,545


Im thinking about this and RS220 help me decide please :S


There's no question here - do NOT, repeat DO NOT go for truly inferior wireless headphones.
Jan 10, 2012 at 11:49 PM Post #299 of 3,545

There's no question here - do NOT, repeat DO NOT go for truly inferior wireless headphones.

This depends, I'm guessing your going purely for sound quality. Maybe he likes simplicity, being cordless, and a black shame over that of the HD700? Maybe he doesn't want a high end amp and DAC to run them? I'd take a RS220 over the HD700 any day. And no, not for sound, but for the other added benefits.

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