Sennheiser HD 700 Impressions Thread
Dec 18, 2016 at 1:02 AM Post #7,202 of 9,327
Has anyone partnered HD 700 with Audio-gd nfb 11 ?

What are your impressions ?

I currently use a Hifiman HE400i. I really like the sound of these headphones, but they are not the most comfortable pair of headphones. I'm considering buying a Sennheiser HD 700 as it perfectly suits my budget and I prefer fast sound than warm sound.

I don't have the NFB-11, but I do own the 400i and the HD700.
The HD700 is definitely more comfortable than the HD700. In fact, the HD700 is probably among the most comfortable headphones I have ever worn.
Not entirely sure what you mean by "fast sound", but I don't think the HD700 sounds much "faster" than the 400i, in terms of transients and being able to keep up with quick music.
If you really like the sound of the 400i, then you may or may not like the sound of the HD700. I think in terms of bass they both are pretty equal in quantity (with perhaps the 400i being slightly better in quality) but the HD700 has some treble spikes that the 400i does not. So if you think the 400i is about as bright of a headphone you want to listen to, you may not like the HD700.
Soundstage and layering (depth perception, or being able to distinguish if sounds are closer or further away from you) are definitely better on the HD700.
Hope that helps!
Dec 18, 2016 at 2:50 AM Post #7,203 of 9,327
I think this is correct. The HD-700 are my go-to cans for classical, which I listen to more than everything else combined and is also what I hear live most often.
No complaints from me, as-is, with classical and (mostly) with jazz. With my tube OTL amp, there is enough roll-off at the high-end that I find the '700s work well for me with many other varieties of music. But with my SS amp, it's not a pleasant experience, even though I love that amp with other 'phones, like the HightHawks.
I periodically play around with EQ and sometimes just the right settings match-up with an album and make me say "Wow", but in the end I always go back to un-EQ'd playback.
I think my next step is an HD-800 for classical playback - would love that extra level of detail.

HD800 S sounds amazing for classical. I listened to Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky and wow, it was the best audio experience I've ever had. It was like being in Wien Staatsoper once again, I relived those moments. HD800 S is much better, that is for sure, but you need an amplifier as expensive as HD800 S is. I don't think 200-300 USD amps can drive it to its full potential.
Dec 18, 2016 at 2:52 AM Post #7,204 of 9,327
  Stuff like this kinda confuses me. Maybe it's because I use a tube amp, but I listen to pretty much nothing but metal and hip-hop with my 700s, no issues.

Not everyone has the same ears. You may not be as sensitive to 6-7 kHz peaks as I am. I still really like HD700 and would have bought it if it wasn't for that peak. I recommend you audition HD800 S on a good amp though. 

Dec 18, 2016 at 4:32 PM Post #7,205 of 9,327
HD800 S sounds amazing for classical. I listened to Swan Lake by Tchaikovsky and wow, it was the best audio experience I've ever had. It was like being in Wien Staatsoper once again, I relived those moments.

I've listened to the HD-800 at meets, a couple of times; I know that isn't the same as owning, but my impression was that it was close to the HD-700 in sound when listening to classical. I think it's hard to hear the incremental improvements when doing a quick audition at a meet.
For me the real question is: do I go with the HD-800 (for classical) or the HD-800 S, given the huge price difference?
Dec 18, 2016 at 5:30 PM Post #7,206 of 9,327
I've had mine burning for about 6 hours so far and am really enjoying them. I was looking for greater clarity and treble extension than my HD650 with portability (I move around a lot while working and need something that can attach to my iPhone and travel with me). I did notice that driver placement on my head is pretty picky. If I push them forward so that the backs of my ears are touching the inside rear of the pads, the sibiliance and hot treble tones down a lot.

I just picked up "Born and Raised" by John Mayer and had a hard time liking it on my HD650- too muddy and undefined. I'm really liking it on the HD700 for the increased soundstage, clarity, and treble extension. Punchier bass, too. I have a lot more to listen to, but I can see where this could help out some of my darker CDs. Detail is certainly better, too.

James Taylor's "Live at the Beacon Theater" DVD was great. Really nice textures in the instruments and a very light yet full sound. Great micro detail compared to my HD650. It was a 256K mp3 rip, so they were pretty forgiving as well. Not so detailed that I heard artifacting from my iPhone.

Lastly, I've read some complaints about clamping force. I have what I would like to believe is a "normal" sized head and I wouldn't mind if there was a little more. The cans are very comfortable but I feel the pads sliding a bit when I look down.

This is all based on my iPhone and iPad unamped. I'll try them out with my iBasso D4 (iPad connected) and Little Dot mk III soon to see what they do. My LD has 8161s in it, so I'm interested to see what they do to the tone.

Overall, a nice set of cans but I'm still very on the fence about the value for the price. Thankfully, amazon will give me 28 more days to decide. It's definitely worth giving it a fair chance from what I've heard so far.
Dec 18, 2016 at 5:56 PM Post #7,207 of 9,327
  I've listened to the HD-800 at meets, a couple of times; I know that isn't the same as owning, but my impression was that it was close to the HD-700 in sound when listening to classical. I think it's hard to hear the incremental improvements when doing a quick audition at a meet.
For me the real question is: do I go with the HD-800 (for classical) or the HD-800 S, given the huge price difference?

The HD800 S has a much better sound profile in my opinion, but remember that you need extremely picky amps, like the Project Horizon III/Schiit Valhalla 2 with a dac such as the Schiit Bifrost or Modi 2 Uber
You can also go the solid state amp route, but I think tube compliments it better.
Dec 18, 2016 at 6:26 PM Post #7,208 of 9,327
Heading to Jaben to audition the HD600 and HD700. As of now the HD600 is priced at AU$369 and HD700 AU$599. I'm pretty sensitive to treble as my left ear nerve is damaged.
After a quick audition, I must say the HD600 sound pretty different compared to the HD650. The HD650 is really warm when compared to the HD600. The HD600 however sounds like a warmer R70x. Finally the HD700 do really come with extremely high treble but at the same time the sound stage is simply amazing. The moment I put it on, the difference for the sound stage and separation are day and night compared to the HD600. I have decided to grab the HD700, no stock at the moment but will be shipped to me by this week.
Dec 21, 2016 at 11:43 PM Post #7,209 of 9,327
Not everyone has the same ears. You may not be as sensitive to 6-7 kHz peaks as I am. I still really like HD700 and would have bought it if it wasn't for that peak. I recommend you audition HD800 S on a good amp though. 

If I had a spare $1700 lying around I'd probably already have a pair.
Lesse... $1700... $400... 
I can see how the two are nearly on the same plane, yes. 
Dec 22, 2016 at 2:32 AM Post #7,211 of 9,327
  So I got my HD700 running through an STXII. Is anyone doing the same? Any recommended settings for the equaliser?

Do NOT, use the STX II's equalizer, use Equalizer APO and make sure that hi-fi mode (the icon with the square around it in the picture below), is enabled, the STX II uses artificial soundstaging, distorting the sound without the hi-fi mode.
In the case of equalization with Equalizer APO, I recommend these settings. 
Filter Settings file
Room EQ V5.00
Dated: October 15, 2014 5:51:23 AM
Notes: Sennheiser HD 700 Flat Balance
Equaliser: Generic
No measurement
Filter  1: ON  PK       Fc    10.0 Hz  Gain  4.8 dB  Q 8.00
Filter  2: ON  PK       Fc    20.0 Hz  Gain  -0.5 dB  Q 8.00
Filter  3: ON  PK       Fc    30.0 Hz  Gain  -2.0 dB  Q 8.00
Filter  4: ON  PK       Fc    40.0 Hz  Gain  -3.2 dB  Q 8.00
Filter  5: ON  PK       Fc    50.0 Hz  Gain  -4.5 dB  Q 8.00
Filter  6: ON  PK       Fc    60.0 Hz  Gain  -4.8 dB  Q 8.00
Filter  7: ON  PK       Fc    70.0 Hz  Gain  -5.1 dB  Q 8.00
Filter  8: ON  PK       Fc    80.0 Hz  Gain  -5.1 dB  Q 8.00
Filter  9: ON  PK       Fc    90.0 Hz  Gain  -5.1 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 10: ON  PK       Fc    100.0 Hz  Gain  -5.1 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 11: ON  PK       Fc    200.0 Hz  Gain  -5.1 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 12: ON  PK       Fc    300.0 Hz  Gain  -4.8 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 13: ON  PK       Fc    400.0 Hz  Gain  -3.3 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 14: ON  PK       Fc    500.0 Hz  Gain  -2.3 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 15: ON  PK       Fc    600.0 Hz  Gain  -1.5 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 16: ON  PK       Fc    700.0 Hz  Gain  -0.9 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 17: ON  PK       Fc    800.0 Hz  Gain  -0.5 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 18: ON  PK       Fc    900.0 Hz  Gain  -0.1 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 19: ON  PK       Fc   1000.0 Hz  Gain  0.1 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 20: ON  PK       Fc   2000.0 Hz  Gain  6.2 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 21: ON  PK       Fc   3000.0 Hz  Gain  6.7 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 22: ON  PK       Fc   4000.0 Hz  Gain  5.0 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 23: ON  PK       Fc   5000.0 Hz  Gain  3.0 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 24: ON  PK       Fc   6000.0 Hz  Gain  1.0 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 25: ON  PK       Fc   7000.0 Hz  Gain  -1.3 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 26: ON  PK       Fc   8000.0 Hz  Gain  1.0 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 27: ON  PK       Fc   9000.0 Hz  Gain  3.5 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 28: ON  PK       Fc  10000.0 Hz  Gain  7.0 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 29: ON  PK       Fc  13000.0 Hz  Gain  10.3 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 30: ON  PK       Fc  20000.0 Hz  Gain  -0.5 dB  Q 8.00

To install: 
  • Download and install EqualizerAPO.
  • After installing, you'll need to restart your computer, as the installer instructs.
  • Go to "C:\Program Files (x86)\EqualizerAPO\config"
  • Open the "config.txt"
  • To make sure this will work, change the dB value(6) to "0." The volume level should change after "ctrl+s"(saving.)
  • If the volume level changed, copy and paste the preset, below, into "config.txt" (REPLACE/ctrl+a everything)
Dec 22, 2016 at 2:49 AM Post #7,212 of 9,327
Sounds much much better. Thank you very much!

I actually asked about the EqualizerAPO in another thread whether it will work with the STX II driver installed. Guess it works :)
After listening to a few of those presets, I decided to go with only these few adjusted lines:
Filter 1: ON  PK       Fc   5000.0 Hz  Gain  0.0 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 2: ON  PK       Fc   6000.0 Hz  Gain  -3.0 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 3: ON  PK       Fc   6500.0 Hz  Gain  -4.0 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 4: ON  PK       Fc   7000.0 Hz  Gain  -5.3 dB  Q 8.00
Filter 5: ON  PK       Fc   8000.0 Hz  Gain  0.0 dB  Q 8.00

Dec 22, 2016 at 7:15 AM Post #7,214 of 9,327
  I've listened to the HD-800 at meets, a couple of times; I know that isn't the same as owning, but my impression was that it was close to the HD-700 in sound when listening to classical. I think it's hard to hear the incremental improvements when doing a quick audition at a meet.
For me the real question is: do I go with the HD-800 (for classical) or the HD-800 S, given the huge price difference?

While I have a HD-800 I'm still looking to get a HD-800S, they are different enough that owning both is not a problem.  The other thing I noticed was the HD-800S is not as picky with amps, but you still need to do auditioning to see if its a pairing you like.

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