Searching high-quality Audiophile "non leaking" Headphone
Nov 15, 2012 at 5:57 AM Post #31 of 53
Closed and sealed are not the same thing - something like the D7000 are closed, but not sealed. So they leak. Based on IF measurements, the D7100 should be more sealed, but I don't know this for certain. Realize that just because they're letting sound "in" doesn't mean they're putting sound "out" as heavily - I'm thinking you're listening to music at pretty ridiculous levels if you've got the Denon models leaking enough to hear from across a room or similar.

Other models to consider beyond what Morbid suggested include the STAX SR-4070, Beyerdynamic T70 or T5p, Koss ESP/10, etc. There aren't a lot of truly sealed/high-isolation headphones, and they will not generally match 1:1 what you can get from a good open headphone. It's a trade-off.
Oh, another thought, and I know this isn't really "Summit-Fi" would be ANC headphones - like the Parrot Zik or (*ducks*) Bose QC15. No the sound quality will not compete with $500-$1000+ open-back audiophile headphones, but they isolate and seal better than most other headphones made. Just a thought, although I'm guessing you don't need this much isolation/etc to make the compromise on sound quality.

STAX SR-4070 does leak and does not isolate that much from my experience.
I have the ATH-W10VTG, same issue.
I have also a Thunderpants made by smeggy. Best isolation\leakage I have run into.
Ultrasone Edition may also fit your requirements (never tested for myself).
Nov 15, 2012 at 7:14 AM Post #32 of 53
One of the various heavily damped modified Fostex TP50s might be the go actually -- Thunderpants, Maddogs or Paradox. The main issue might be how loud one listens. If you listen loud, there isn't much that can be done regarding isolation as there will be leakage with just about everything.  Having high-end closed cans though, one should be satisfied listening much quieter.
You could wait for Audeze to release their closed-back orthos. The prototypes sounded pretty damn good.

how does it compare with the open back models?

The prototype had better imaging I felt. Noting it WAS a prototype, the bass was a bit boomy, but I would take one as it was even despite that, depending on price. Can't say about isolation.
Nov 15, 2012 at 7:23 AM Post #33 of 53
One of the various heavily damped modified Fostex TP50s might be the go actually -- Thunderpants, Maddogs or Paradox. The main issue might be how loud one listens. If you listen loud, there isn't much that can be done regarding isolation as there will be leakage with just about everything.  Having high-end closed cans though, one should be satisfied listening much quieter.
The prototype had better imaging I felt. Noting it WAS a prototype, the bass was a bit boomy, but I would take one as it was even despite that, depending on price. Can't say about isolation.

interesting how the prototype has better imaging because its a closed can, thanks for your impression
Nov 16, 2012 at 7:59 PM Post #35 of 53
I have à pair of westone ES3x. Custom IEM. They are very good but ... Not confortable enough for loooong listening cession. Is it normal or should I do a new hear imprint ?

Depends on how long you can go.  You should be able to wear them very comfortably for at least a few hours.  But I don't think customs are the most comfortable phones out there, despite being, er, customized. So if you can only stand them for an hour, then I think new impressions are the way to go.  If you mean that you want to wear them for 6-8 hours straight, then I agree that customs are not comfortable enough for that length of time.  Of course, few things are.
Dec 23, 2012 at 5:35 AM Post #37 of 53
I bought a ATH-W3000ANV, and.... returned it !  
It is very good sounding headphone, but ... it leak a lot ! Everybody could hear what I was playing.  So it did not fil the requirement...
So now, I will try an ED8 and an Edition Pro...
Jan 6, 2013 at 4:41 PM Post #41 of 53
I have not had a chance to try the ED8 or SigPro yet.  I will keept you posted.
In the mean time, on the "leaking headphone" side of my search,  i went yesterday to carefully try an LCD-3 and a Fostex TH-900 for my desktop system. Tests were done with a Burson HA-160 and..  I was disapointed by the LCD-3 because (1) I did not get any WHAW effect !  (2) I found it VERY UN-confortable on my head.  I liked better a Fostex TH900.  Less dark, (much) more confortable, more lively...    
Jan 6, 2013 at 10:15 PM Post #42 of 53
I have not had a chance to try the ED8 or SigPro yet.  I will keept you posted.
In the mean time, on the "leaking headphone" side of my search,  i went yesterday to carefully try an LCD-3 and a Fostex TH-900 for my desktop system. Tests were done with a Burson HA-160 and..  I was disapointed by the LCD-3 because (1) I did not get any WHAW effect !  (2) I found it VERY UN-confortable on my head.  I liked better a Fostex TH900.  Less dark, (much) more confortable, more lively...    

Burson HA-160 + TH900 = Great Combo
Burson HA-160 + LCD-3 = Really bad combo
Jan 12, 2013 at 5:33 AM Post #44 of 53

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