REVIEW: Sennheiser HD 800
Jul 23, 2009 at 9:32 AM Post #466 of 632
As for bass the DX 1000 really doesn´t go that deep either. It gets one note bass very quickly. Watch some movies which often have a lot of low frequent bass and it get quite obvious
. There is tons of low bass in movies and celine dion and others that you never ever hear on the DX 1000 despite it having a lot of volume in bass/mid range
Jul 23, 2009 at 9:34 AM Post #467 of 632

Originally Posted by IPodPJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
And to those who think the HD800 sounds like a grown-up K70x.... I agree somewhat but the HD800 is levels above the K70x.

Interesting how everything's so relative. When I listen to the K701, I really enjoy it. I don't hear any shortcomings. But when I put on the HD800, it's so completely different. Somebody, in one of the threads, described the sound as looking through a window that's just been cleaned. That's exactly how it is. You don't know the glass is dirty until it's cleaned. Then you see the difference.

No! No! All you K7xx guys -- I didn't mean they're dirty . . .
Jul 23, 2009 at 9:41 AM Post #468 of 632
I don't hear any similarities with the K701's, either. The music is neither fluent, nor natural. There is more of resemblance to the HD595's, save the completely different treble and ultra-fast bass attack with delayed texture in the HD800's. There is also a well-like soundstage and utterly huge sound sources with nothing happening in the center of the stage.
Jul 23, 2009 at 10:00 AM Post #469 of 632
What happened to the vocal&bass?
Maybe I am bit confused, but seems that HD800 arent presenting music like speakers, but more like weightless floating through the space, am I devise it?


Originally Posted by majkel /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I don't hear any similarities with the K701's, either. The music is neither fluent, nor natural. There is more of resemblance to the HD595's, save the completely different treble and ultra-fast bass attack with delayed texture in the HD800's. There is also a well-like soundstage and utterly huge sound sources with nothing happening in the center of the stage.

Jul 23, 2009 at 1:21 PM Post #471 of 632
I just got my HD800s today. Burning them in now.

When I got to auditioned them, my first impression was that they sounded more like K701s than HD650s. These are probably the first truly neutral sounding headphones to my ears - the HD650s were too dark and the K701s were a tad bass-shy.
Jul 23, 2009 at 1:29 PM Post #472 of 632

Originally Posted by oqvist /img/forum/go_quote.gif
As for bass the DX 1000 really doesn´t go that deep either. It gets one note bass very quickly. Watch some movies which often have a lot of low frequent bass and it get quite obvious
. There is tons of low bass in movies and celine dion and others that you never ever hear on the DX 1000 despite it having a lot of volume in bass/mid range

That may indeed be how they sound to you, but I actually measured them with an SPL meter, and they do indeed have very prodigious deep bass capability that measures very evenly (although admittedly a few db elevated versus the lower midrange). So do the Denon D5000 which I measured at the same time. What was interesting is that the Beyer DT770/80, often thought of as "bass monsters", did indeed have more of a mid-bass peak, but had less deep bass than either the JVC or the Denon.

At some point I will measure the bass of the HD800, just for grins.
Jul 23, 2009 at 1:36 PM Post #473 of 632

Originally Posted by IPodPJ /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You never heard that from me. I never said the HD800 doesn't extend deeply, flatly. In fact, I mentioned I thought the bass was stronger and deeper than the D5000 and the D7000, but it is not bloated or artificially enhanced in any way. These cans have tons of accurate bass. I ran a test sweep on these headphones from 20k to 20 and I thought the floor and walls were caving in. Listening to music on the balanced Beta 22 gave these headphones such incredible impact the D7000 could only dream of having. And I used to be a Denon man. Now they get exactly zero listening time.[...]

Maybe I read too much into what you wrote at #400 above, or maybe you misspoke, or both. But you did say that you were not 100% satisfied with the HD800’s bass below 60Hz. Here’s what you wrote:


Originally Posted by IPodPJ
The only shortcomings I can find with the HD800 is that 1) the soundstage is too tall and high frequencies seem to be a few heads above you, and 2) the bass below 60Hz could have just a tiny bit more weight. Beyond that, I can't find any other flaws on my system. Music just sounds so right, and natural. Tonality is almost spot on.

If you’ve changed your mind, fine. That’s good news, actually. I’m just a hobbyist. I want more options on the market, not fewer. And it’s great to know that a headphile like you, coming from the Denon camp, is now satisfied with the HD800 as regards deep bass. This is news to me. Some have claimed that the HD800 doesn’t compete with the D7000 as regards realistic deep bass. You’re the first that I’m aware of to say that they do.

Jul 23, 2009 at 10:05 PM Post #474 of 632
Does anyone have experience of amping the HD800 via Heed Canamp, Benchmark DAC1 headphone out or the Sugden Headmaster? Are any of these likely to be a decent match, as I don't particularly want to invest more money in amps..

Jul 24, 2009 at 6:15 AM Post #475 of 632
Hey, I thought I'd chime in. No point in writing a full review, but I'll add my two cents.

I have to commend Skylab for being honest about his impressions with the 800s - I hear everything he is talking about and find the review to be dead on. Incredible midrange, great top and bottom end extension, BUT a bit of a peak in the highs that (imho) goes away with the right equipment... and a recording that isn't bad. I think it's more unrelenting accuracy in the 3-8khz range that gets the HD800s into trouble than it is simple sound peak / coloration. But I could be wrong...

The three things that stick out about the 800s though that I feel should be emphasized over anything else:

(1) by far the fastest transient response I've ever experienced outside live music - at any volume!!

(2) these are borderline AKG K1000-like in terms of design and soundstage - enough leak and a Sony CD3000-esque (fortunately they don't resemble the CD3000 soundwise, tee hee) tilt to the drivers make for a speakerlike sound.

(3) Powerful lows that, even when I listen at very very very high volumes, don't distort the mids or highs. Ever. No rattles. No tonal shift.
Jul 24, 2009 at 2:06 PM Post #478 of 632

Originally Posted by ical /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Just got mine today. It sound decently well out of the box. Edition 8 and PS1000 is still the winners for now.

How about a review then between them? Oooh, that would be niiiice!
Jul 24, 2009 at 7:17 PM Post #480 of 632

Originally Posted by feifan /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Cat's outta the bag now, S. You can run but you can't hide. We're expecting a comprehensive review of the GS1Ki soon! Of course, it's one of the most controversial 'phones around so expect a lot of heat! LOL!

Did you notice how just mentioning it in the same breath as the HD800 creates an instant seismic reaction?

But as many others have said, they're different animals. Thus, liking them both isn't contradictory. They're like a beautiful wife and a hot mistress. (I wish!) No contradiction at all. (Sorry for the mixed metaphors and the unkind implications. Unintentional.)

I wonder how long it's going to be before you come to your senses and decide to get the HD800. (Nah, jus kidding!)

Therein lies the problem, Feifan: I don’t miss my beautiful ex-wives at all. But the hot mistress… (PC Police, talk to Feifan! Here, here, I’ll give you his number!

PC-certified version of your comparison: Whitney Houston or…Ruth Brown? Bing Crosby or…Mighty Sam McClain? Dean Martin or…Bobby Blue Bland? Celine Dion or…Chrissie Hynde? Paul Anka or…Jerry Lee Lewis?


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