feifan reacted to amartignano's post in the thread Sennheiser HD660S... Finally a successor for the HD650? with Like.I like the 660S more than you, but your sounds impressions are very good, and giving the music examples you also gave the readers the...
feifan reacted to Krypto98's post in the thread Sennheiser HD660S... Finally a successor for the HD650? with Like.I went back to bay and bloor radio. The guy there was really nice and let me try out the HD800s and the HD660s as well I tried the 650s...
feifan reacted to Babel's post in the thread Soncoz LA-QXD1, new balanced DAC for under 200$ with Like.Well, with 40 years' experience listening to systems of various degrees of quality, I believe I have more than a clue. Other people's...
feifan reacted to Babel's post in the thread Soncoz LA-QXD1, new balanced DAC for under 200$ with Like.Maybe one of his other components introduced the noise he claims to hear on the QXD1. I'm listening on a JDS Labs Atom Amp with the QXD1...
feifan replied to the thread Official Unofficial 8XX Discussion Thread - UPDATE SENNHEISER HAS BEEN SOLD!!! GT(heck)IH.Good question. I've heard variations of this question before. I think it boils down to listener expertise. At some point, some listeners...
feifan reacted to Sense's post in the thread Official Unofficial 8XX Discussion Thread - UPDATE SENNHEISER HAS BEEN SOLD!!! GT(heck)IH with Like.Fair enough...edited and included additional thoughts on the rest of your post. Sorry...I just strongly reject any situation where...
feifan replied to the thread Drop + Sennheiser HD8XX - now in final form.Let's just say our standards for evidence and "fact" differ. Have a great day. Stay safe.
feifan reacted to ForSure's post in the thread Drop + Sennheiser HD8XX - now in final form with Like.I think this is why planar have a big following nowadays. Since the "speaker" in planar is much bigger, position it on the head is not...
feifan replied to the thread Drop + Sennheiser HD8XX - now in final form.If you bought the original HD800, you received a certificate from Sennheiser that included the Individual Diffuse-Field Frequency...
feifan replied to the thread Drop + Sennheiser HD8XX - now in final form.You're not alone. It's not for everyone. It's primarily for those who want to hear their music as it was recorded. With no coloring...
feifan reacted to ForSure's post in the thread Drop + Sennheiser HD8XX - now in final form with Like.I think people forgot the "Pain" to own the HD800. It takes a great effort to get the best out of it, either by EQ or keep on switching...
feifan reacted to Odin412's post in the thread Drop + Sennheiser HD8XX - now in final form with Like.Well said! I'm definitely in the first category, although I have several open-back headphones that I love, including the HD650.
feifan reacted to Odin412's post in the thread Drop + Sennheiser HD8XX - now in final form with Like.I and very treble-sensitive and I found the original HD800 almost physically painful to listen too. Other people loved it. (So clear! So...
feifan replied to the thread Drop + Sennheiser HD8XX - now in final form.Hi. I didn't say it was "imagined." I assumed it's real and tried to explain why some or many experience pain/fatigue. When they're not...
feifan reacted to mvneufeld's post in the thread Drop + Sennheiser HD8XX - now in final form with Like.Thanks for your post. It convinced me that I should go ahead and place my order. In the end, the only way to know is to hear the tuning...