REVIEW: Fischer Audio FA-011 - OFF THE DEEP END!!
Apr 21, 2011 at 12:39 PM Post #346 of 2,116

double post
Apr 21, 2011 at 12:40 PM Post #347 of 2,116

Just wanted to add, I didn't smell any cigarettes on my pair. I am curious, did anyone else have holes cut into their cushions?One person said his pair didn't have it.

There were no holes in my cushions either. Is it really a big deal either way?
Apr 21, 2011 at 1:20 PM Post #348 of 2,116
There were no holes in my cushions either. Is it really a big deal either way?

Based on similar mods done with other phones to enhance/alter the sound (i.e. HD414 pad/quarter-modded MS1i), I'd venture to say the mids probably sound a bit more prominent with the middle of the cushion cut out.
Apr 21, 2011 at 1:23 PM Post #349 of 2,116
Mine had holes, kind of sloppily cut too.  I can't help but wonder if that extra bit of foam in front of the driver might have helped to trim the treble a bit.  I might have to find some similar foam to try out this theory.
Apr 21, 2011 at 1:52 PM Post #350 of 2,116
Well, so far the mids sound wonderful to me, and the treble didn't sound piercing or too extreme. So if the foam there is helping curve the treble (I'm not a huge fan of too much treble), it's perfect for my ears. Now, if I feel that I need more treble (very highly unlikely) I will simply cut a section of the inner foam out. I don't foresee, however, any need to adjust that foam to see the holes at this point.
Apr 21, 2011 at 3:45 PM Post #352 of 2,116
So I just went to Fischer's main webpage (the manufacturer's webpage) and looked at photos of the FA-011. In their models, the foam is completely covering the middle (no holes are showing). Just some info for what it's worth if you guys/girls are curious about how the company originally presented its product. I highly doubt this will change the sound that much. It could have some effect, but not much I would think. Other thoughts?
Apr 21, 2011 at 3:49 PM Post #353 of 2,116

So I just went to Fischer's main webpage (the manufacturer's webpage) and looked at photos of the FA-011. In their models, the foam is completely covering the middle (no holes are showing). Just some info for what it's worth if you guys/girls are curious about how the company originally presented it's product. I highly doubt this will the change the sound that much. It could have some effect, but not much I would think. Other thoughts?

It absolutely affects the sound.  Ask any T50RP modder or anyone who has done significant pad rolling.  The question is which is the intended design?
I'm beginning to wonder if some of these might be formerly pre-owned and modded?  It's odd to have random cutouts in a mass produced item.  Not to mention one that smells like smoke.....
Just wondering out loud.
Apr 21, 2011 at 4:46 PM Post #354 of 2,116
I'd love to read a head to head between the FA-011 & the HD598 .. of course, the bass quantity of the 011 probably wins, but I'm curious about how everything else stacks up..
Apr 21, 2011 at 4:53 PM Post #355 of 2,116

Sorry for the large pictures! I took an extra long lunch today to pick them up from the post office. The package was so light. I thought Dmitry had to exclude the extension cable and 1/4" adapter to meet the weight limit? They came as needed.
First thing I inspected were the cups. This is where the ~$130 some price tag really sunk in. I have 2 imperfections (one shown) on my left cup, and small identations & little holes on my right. I think you'll be lucky to receive flawless cups. Initially, the headband was very tight on my head, far from the comfort that LFF described. BUT I also have a fairly large head, and did a quick mod by slowly pulling the headband apart to decrease clamping force. My outer ear has no problems with the shallow cups and with the headband mod, I'd say they are as comfortable as my DT880s. The colors are very accurate in the photo--they are almost nearing black, which I am very very happy about.
They are connected to my Dell workstation with onboard audio. As soon as I played some Nujabes, I completely forgot about the imperfections on the cups. WOW. Talk about deep bass extensions. I am completely overwhelmed by the punchy bass--in a good way. LFF is right--many of you will not hear bass like this since the HD650s. The highs are not as harsh as my SR-225is, something I was concerned about as my Grados do hurt my ears during extended listening. Wide soundstage as described by LFF and the mids are comparable to, but not as warm my DT880s (250ohms). I've only listened to them for 30 mins and found them to be really fun cans.
FA-011s = Cross between my SR-225is & DT880s w/ bass from a HD650.
In all, I would say that LFF's review is mostly accurate. Thanks for a great recommendation!
Apr 21, 2011 at 4:58 PM Post #356 of 2,116
I am really getting edgy, the mail man came again, and like a predator stalking and watching its prey I watched from my window to see if he will drop of my headphones as he delivered my letters.
He drops of the letters, but no headphones.

Another day without the headphones.... *sigh*
With everyone saying they went to pick it up from the post office, I wonder if I should go to my local post office to check for it...
Apr 21, 2011 at 4:59 PM Post #357 of 2,116

I'd love to read a head to head between the FA-011 & the HD598 .. of course, the bass quantity of the 011 probably wins, but I'm curious about how everything else stacks up..

598 is more neutral all the way across rather than colored and has a huge SS many like more than the 600/650.  Its also musical despite the neutrality, I hated the 555/595 tbh.
Apr 21, 2011 at 5:02 PM Post #358 of 2,116
You might be right Anaxilus, but what I briefly heard sounded wonderful to my ears with no foam cut-outs. It is interesting that so many complained about banged up boxes. Mine was was very fresh looking, and again, no cigarette smells or anything. Pristine! Did everyone get the accessories that were shown with the headphones? I did.
It absolutely affects the sound.  Ask any T50RP modder or anyone who has done significant pad rolling.  The question is which is the intended design?
I'm beginning to wonder if some of these might be formerly pre-owned and modded?  It's odd to have random cutouts in a mass produced item.  Not to mention one that smells like smoke.....
Just wondering out loud.

Apr 21, 2011 at 5:15 PM Post #359 of 2,116
I don't know if it's just me, but the highs feel a bit muffled. Perhaps I'm not used to so much bass. I don't think so though, because I've got some turbines. I plan on letting these burn in some more, really hope the highs come forward more. I didn't realize how much I like treble until now... :'(
Apr 21, 2011 at 5:18 PM Post #360 of 2,116
598 is more neutral all the way across rather than colored and has a huge SS many like more than the 600/650.  Its also musical despite the neutrality, I hated the 555/595 tbh.

Thanks Anaxilus.. how would you describe things like the 598's clarity, detail, timbre, and balance?  I've read it's got nice bass.. but does that bass have weight?  Can they present microdetail?  Does the 598 have that Senn "veil" ?
I'm surprised by the lack of concise 558/598 reviews around HF (most seem to be of the "just got the 598s, they're my 1st real cans.. they're awesome! kthxbye" nature).. considering the few reviews of them that are here have had very positive things to say about them, I'd like someone with a bit more of a seasoned ear (i.e. you) to expand on them.  BTW, I've read the Headphonia review of them too.
Right now, I'm weighing them vs the 011 as a compliment to my 003.. I haven't heard Senn cans since I had the HD212 4 or 5 years ago (long before I discovered HF).. so I'm kind of itching to hear a great quality Senn phone (w/o the veil).. the 598's seem right up my alley but am wondering if they might be a bit too similar to the 003s..

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