Reconfiguring my rig - Random updates on the journey
Oct 21, 2012 at 4:09 AM Post #137 of 222
I can't remember which ones, but I know I've seen a few amps that actually have negative gain. Something small like -2dB or so, then a regular gain setting as well. 
How about one of Jan Meier's amps? He uses a digital control as well. I believe he just released the PCstep not too long ago. 
Oct 21, 2012 at 12:42 PM Post #138 of 222
I can't remember which ones, but I know I've seen a few amps that actually have negative gain. Something small like -2dB or so, then a regular gain setting as well. 
How about one of Jan Meier's amps? He uses a digital control as well. I believe he just released the PCstep not too long ago. 

Oh man!  You are leading me around by my nose again!  The PC step does have -2 gain at low setting, fairly whopping +14 @ high gain (Pico has +6).  It also appears to swing up to either 15V or 30V, depending on how one interprets the "Internally the supply voltage is doubled to increase driving capacity."  statement.  Runs from USB (site says 6V, more like 4.2, I think) 9V battery or up to 15V power adapter.  20mA of current means theoretically up to either 300mW or 600mW, depending on the doubling statement again, and also depending on output and load impedance - which is well beyond my somewhat vague recollections of "bonehead electronics for Mechanical Engineers" that I took back in about 1980 or so....
I had looked at this earlier, and moved on, because Jan didn't even note the specs on the dec - 16/44.1?  24/96 capable? Who knows...  Also, not really a fan of removable 9V, as recharging separately is kind of a pain, and replacing is kind of expensive.  It is nice to be able to pop in a 9V when you don't have access to a wall outlet for charging, though I can't imagine that being a frequent occurrence for me.
Anyway, I'm curious enough to email Jan.  I've shot him an email or two over the years, and he always seems pleasant.  I've tried a couple of Justin's amps, one of Ray Samuels (Tomahawk - nice amp for iem's also, and one I always forget about), it would be nice to try one of Jan's amps sometime.  I kind of count those 3 as the venerable gentlemen of headphone amps - all 3 have been around since near the beginning, all three are quirky in their own ways, there seems to be a bit of respectful competition between them, and they all put out a good, higher end product.
I'll post up the question answer exchange if it appears informative and appropriate to do so.
Oct 21, 2012 at 1:28 PM Post #139 of 222
The amps swing up to 30V (actually 32V), as people have been plugging it in with an Energizer XP8000 battery pack for transportable use in their man-bags. 
Ray's got his new Intruder usb dac/amp as well...
Haha, carrots I say. Carrots!
Oct 21, 2012 at 3:01 PM Post #140 of 222
More than selectible gain, the actual volume pot figures in as well. Pico slim's digital is awesome. I don't think I've tried one with a so called zero gain. The Pico has +2 and +6.

The Pico Slim volume control is actually a gain adjustment
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Oct 22, 2012 at 1:16 AM Post #143 of 222
Yeah that is interesting. I've heard both good and bad comments. Seems the bad outweights the good comments from what I've been reading though.... Kiteki feels the amp is lacking in energy (life).
Oct 23, 2012 at 2:22 AM Post #144 of 222
Yeah that is interesting. I've heard both good and bad comments. Seems the bad outweights the good comments from what I've been reading though.... Kiteki feels the amp is lacking in energy (life). 

I love mine. I don't really look for an amp to add or take away from the recording. That said, I sure like the TTVJ Slim, and it has its own color that it adds. Over the long haul, I really like the Pico Slim. Heck, it did a very serviceable job with the DT 770-600's, and I love what it does for the Mad Dogs modded Fostex. It shines best with sensitive iems. Still haven't topped it.
Nov 3, 2012 at 12:33 AM Post #146 of 222
I am so close to pre-ordering the Centrance hifi-m8 (kinda silly name...).  I already have the email with order info.  Since they decided to go with the 4 pin for balanced, I am pretty much there.   I find that 95% or more of my listening is from my iPod touch.  I have used that Pico Dac/Amp I bought all of once.  I guess the Centrance unit will cover the few times I need a DAC, at least as well as the Pico, if the DacPort is any indication.
I am so close, that I put my Pico Dac/Amp, and the Pico Slim up for sale!  Both for best offer, and I'm motivated to move one of them.  I'll close the other post as soon as one of them sells.  I need to keep something around until the M8 arrives.  That is assuming I buy one.  Tomorrow...  Not that I have new toy fever or anything...
I am so fickle...
Nov 3, 2012 at 2:42 AM Post #147 of 222
Haha, the journey continues. I just recently picked up a few too many toys for my home rig... I really need to stop using the "I can write a review for these" as an excuse to buy 

Nov 3, 2012 at 2:53 AM Post #148 of 222
I pretty much try to shuffle gear now and sell things off before buying. Although at times that is even nearly impossible....

Nov 3, 2012 at 3:46 AM Post #149 of 222
I've been telling myself that I should sell stuff first, and I even actively seek trades to move several of my items for one. Just a couple months ago I traded 7 headphones for one. I thought I was doing well.
And now suddenly I find myself with several more extraneous headphones and somehow my amps have doubled in number...

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