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Feb 8, 2019 at 7:10 PM Post #22,111 of 24,687
I do not really want to review it until I see it again. What I will say though is that CGM's performance in the beginning was spellbinding. How a kid from Georgia nailed the Berlin accent amazed me no end (must have been channeling a very young Natassja Kinski). I think she is underrated due to A) being way to Cute, and B) selecting pee poor scripts. I thought "Brain on Fire" was an understated if TV valued production that should have been more viewed, much like the largely unknown HBO Doomsday Gun (Kevin Spacey before he was a pervert). Gems that surface briefly and get buried by AntBatWaspManinHungryMazeGamesRunning for Divergence trope films pushed to the limits of hype.

It would be obviously silly to fail to judge a remake-movie fairly on it’s own merits just because it was done 20 or 30 years ago. Any person having an emotional tie to an old film can in the right mindset see a new production which could bring new insight into a classic story. The modern remake of Solaris was entertaining but not equal in my eyes to the original. Lost Horizon as the 1970s musical was not as good as the 1930s original black and white. Still they are artistic statements with a large amount of effort put in and deserve respect.

But I’m sorry to say I only made it half-way through 2018 Suspiria. It was simply annoying?
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Feb 9, 2019 at 1:39 PM Post #22,112 of 24,687
Free Solo - 8/10

I liked it, but the actual climb is not very long. Most of the movie is about preparing for the climb.
I don't know if this was worth the $15. There is a lot of suspense during the climb though.
You don't actually get to see every part of the climb. It's like someone fast forwarded parts for you.

Watch "Meru" instead. "Dawn Wall" is also very good.

Widows - 4/10

Sorry, but I couldn't stand this movie. Found the entire movie painfully dull.
Don't listen to me since it seems most everyone likes this.

It's one of those movies where I'm watching it and nothing seems to register in my brain.
It's not fun or entertaining to me. The last movie like this was "Logan Lucky", which I also hated.

It also contains one of the worst heist scenes ever filmed. It's probably over and done with in 10 minutes.

It's pretty much a mess and they added in too many different political messages to make it seem better than it really is.

What's interesting is that after the movie is done I don't really know much about any of it's characters.

Not much character development.

It also seems to be too many different types of movie all in one.

Burning - 4/10 (Already reviewed)

Despite me not liking this movie I think a lot of people here would.
Many would probably love it. I think it'd be fun to analyze in film school or something.
It's one movie I disliked that made me think after the movie more than any other movie in the last year.
I ended up reading maybe a dozen reviews just to figure out what kind of person they thought "Ben" was.

The whole "metaphor" comment in the movie really gives it away for me.
The more I think about this movie the more sad and depressing it is for me.
One reason I didn't like this is that it's way to ambiguous and I hate movies that are a real downer.
I don't need the director to spell everything out for me, but at least give me more clues.
I know for sure what kind of person I myself think Ben is, but maybe I'm wrong. Doubt it.
It'd be nice to read other reviews of this on here. I'm sure someone will give it a 10/10.

PS the movie is available to rent on Amazon. I was surprised!
4/10 is not really fair :)
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Feb 10, 2019 at 10:46 AM Post #22,115 of 24,687
"Mary Shelley" [9.7 10]: Wow! What a surprise! Loved this film, really!
Feb 11, 2019 at 2:32 PM Post #22,118 of 24,687
Valerian and the city of a thousand planets - 9/10

Expected to hate this after the terrible "The Fifth Element".
Turns out this was possibly the most fun/entertaining movie i've seen in a long time.
It's better than any Star Wars and Marvel movie i've seen in the last few years.
At least since "Guardians of the Galaxy 2" (hate the first!).

Too bad about the two main characters. I didn't really like them at all and seem very miscast.
Maybe they were similar to the characters in the comic books?

I think I read that this bombed at the box office. Too bad. It deserved to do better.
It came out during the same time as "Dunkirk" I think and maybe that's why.
Feb 11, 2019 at 2:37 PM Post #22,119 of 24,687
Yeah I'm sure a lot of people back in summer '17 were debating between watching a high fantasy space opera and a bleak visceral WWII drama.

I like The Fifth Element. It's very stupid.
Feb 14, 2019 at 5:10 PM Post #22,120 of 24,687
Mortal Engines (2018) |0| / 10

That a ridiculous piece of sub trash like this even gets made is bad enough. Too see the names attached to it is like pouring lemon juice on a paper cut. Somewhere out there 1000 up and coming visual story tellers careers were extinguished by the amount of money wasted in this mobile trash heap of cinema. Suspension of disbelief is one thing, having to be lobotomized just to get through the first 10 minutes of a film is quite another. One can only assume the production staff got a group rate on said lobotomy before purchasing the rights to a peez poor attempt at a childrens steampunk fantasy novel and attempting to make a film out of it.
Feb 15, 2019 at 12:48 AM Post #22,123 of 24,687
Trabant Trek - 8/10 (tv series)

Nine people drive 17,000 miles from Hungary to Cambodia in one of the worst cars ever made (so they say).
I was reading up on the Wiki page for it and it's 25hp, no fuel gauge and you have to pop the hood to just add fuel.
If that wasn't bad enough you have to add oil in with the fuel.

I found this show addicting and fun to watch, but I can't stand most of the men in this show.
Their views and comments on women are kind of sad. Reminded me of the drunk guy in the RV from "Borat".

This is actually a prequel to "Wreck Trek", which has even worse characters.

If you check ANY reviews online, they are almost all negative or one star.

I seriously doubt they had any scripts, so there was not a whole lot they could do to improve on any of it.
Many events were possibly scripted a little to add drama (Like losing their passports. Who does that?!)
Feb 16, 2019 at 11:07 PM Post #22,125 of 24,687
Incendies - 9/10

Denis Villeneuve is one of my current favorite directors so I just had to see this.
It's a bit slow, but never boring. Only problem is that it's too melodramatic.
Seriously, how many bad things could you have happen to one person?
It's also a bit depressing, maybe a little disturbing. Relies too much on coincidences.

Reminded me of films like "Blood and Bones" (with Takashi Kitano) and the masterpiece "Jan Dara".
"Blood and Bones" is one of the most depressing movies ever made. It's almost unwatchable.
The main character is someone who makes everyone around him miserable (family included).

"Jan Dara" also has every bad thing you can put into a movie, but it's not gory or too graphic.
It's more like an art film and not how people portray it if they haven't watched it.
I haven't seen it since 2001 or so, but I remember it probably being a 10/10 or so.

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