Radius HP-TWF11r Review and Impressions thread
Jul 12, 2010 at 1:10 AM Post #542 of 864
THE DDM has way better bass and mids than the DBA. The DBA has better treble than the DDM. The DDM has a wider and most unique soundstage compared to the DBA.
im about to get my dba02 anytime soon
can i expect a big difference in sq compared to ddm regarding bass punchiness, highs, and soundstage?

Jul 13, 2010 at 2:04 PM Post #544 of 864
More listening today with the DDM's (sans SM3 for a while still), and thoroughly enjoying their sound. For kicks I've been doing some back to back comparisons with the IE8's and although they share a similar sound signature I am amazed at how when material has a wide stage the DDM's convey a significantly larger space than the IE8's. It's quite a bit more 3D too. Amazing for a $150 earphone. Sennheiser needs to get into the catch-up business.... 
Jul 13, 2010 at 4:22 PM Post #545 of 864

Hey at Chris buddy.. Yes, those DDMs are  something quite amazing for the price..... And quite amazing period. Not missing your FX-700 yet?
More listening today with the DDM's (sans SM3 for a while still), and thoroughly enjoying their sound. For kicks I've been doing some back to back comparisons with the IE8's and although they share a similar sound signature I am amazed at how when material has a wide stage the DDM's convey a significantly larger space than the IE8's. It's quite a bit more 3D too. Amazing for a $150 earphone. Sennheiser needs to get into the catch-up business.... 

Jul 13, 2010 at 5:09 PM Post #546 of 864

Hey at Chris buddy.. Yes, those DDMs are  something quite amazing for the price..... And quite amazing period. Not missing your FX-700 yet?


Nahhh, not really. I like the DDM's enough to keep me happy in the dynamic driver camp! 
Jul 15, 2010 at 9:05 PM Post #547 of 864
Finally took the fantastic SM3 out of my ears for awhile to listen a little bit to the wonderful DDM. I have it connected to my Rockboxed 80gb iPOD. the DDM and Rockboxed iPod really really like each other. The soundstage is huge with the Stereo width setting I have it on (130 percent). I have bass and and treble on flat, but did do something with the other crossfeed settings, but I'm not sure what..lol. It sounds wonderful though. These DDM are just as special to me as the SM3, although both are quite different from each other. Listening to the Eagles Greatest hits. Fantastic instrument separation and space!!
Jul 15, 2010 at 9:25 PM Post #548 of 864
I never use Rockbox Crossfeed; except with the DDM. It works with them quite nicely!
Jul 15, 2010 at 9:50 PM Post #549 of 864
It's funny - I've been going through all my IEMs again lately just to see how I feel now that the initial excitement has died down. After comparing the DDM to the RE0, the CK90 Pro and the RE252, I still really like the DDM - its amazing for acoustic instruments and male vocals, and nothing else I own comes close when it comes to conveying emotion and timbre. They still convey microphone placement and other little audio cues with eerie presence.
I just wish they were a lot faster. I listen to a lot amount of electronic music, or at least music music which uses a lot of synthesized instruments, and sometimes I miss that crisp bite that the RE0 et al have. That would be my main complaint now comparing it to my other IEMs. I have bizarre fantasies where you could have the bass driver of the DDM and a balanced armature treble driver together (sick I know), and the only other IEM I can think of that does that is the somewhat maligned SuperFi 5 Pro EB.
I'm also wondering what portable source would go nicely with the DDM. I find it a pretty poor match with the iPhone 3G, and a pretty nice one with my trusty Sony S739. I'm at a point where I will probably get the iPhone 4 when it is released in Australia (hopefully with an antenna fix) and I wonder how that will pair.
Listening to frequency sweeps on both my 3G, the S739 and the headphone out of the uDac, its actually pretty obvious where the sound crosses over to the treble driver. It suddenly dips softer, and the treble driver is actually a little mushy in its sound. It's most obvious on the 3G which seems underpowered, and very subtle on the uDAC, so I think this IEM exhibits the same hard to drive characteristics as multi-armature IEMs on portable sources. I'm curious as to what everyone's opinion is on this?
All this of course makes me very excited about the next DDM radius plans on releasing, which I would snap up in an instant if it improved the treble. 
Jul 16, 2010 at 12:34 AM Post #550 of 864
Do they sound better in black?  I think M6s sound better clear.  

Jul 16, 2010 at 12:42 AM Post #553 of 864

Does color make a difference in sound?

Lol, sorry was an inside joke from the Meelec thread.  A-recording was talking about the DDM's, I only know they are coming out w/ black DDM's.  To this day I have not found any info on the future miracle DDM.
Whether color is related to density of the housing material is....nevermind, forget about it.  

Jul 16, 2010 at 12:47 AM Post #555 of 864

With clear shell, you will be able to burn in your drivers better, since they are more exposed under sunlight. Ok that was crap, haha 




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