Radius HP-TWF11r Review and Impressions thread
Jul 16, 2010 at 2:20 AM Post #557 of 864
Oh there is going to be an updated version. Someone mentioned it on one of the threads, with pictures as well.. but right now I am too lazy to find it haha...
Jul 19, 2010 at 1:15 AM Post #558 of 864
We all get taken in, this is one of the disadvantages of using forums to get opinions, and the manufactures know their purpose and therefore they often get hijacked by them for advertising and this result in the inevitable sense of disappointment. I read this thread and there are some serious people here whose opinions I do trust but to buy another pair of earphones even on their recommendation did seem a little extreme as I already have a collection, topped out by the Ultimate Melody 4 driver customs. How could I possibly even consider another purchase? Surf extensively and find them cheap. $150 + $10 for postage seemed to be the best. Then fortunately Head Fi came up with a solution, a kind member selling at a reasonable price and now they’re mine, thank you Honeyboy!!
                             For those of you who might be thinking they’re overblown think again. Take them out and put them in your ears and immediately the music if full clear and excellent. Bass? Where has it been? I have been missing it without realizing what was happening. No more, from the first track it’s there and smooth, not mushy or overemphasized but cool and clear like a wake up with iced water. Treble I love having been a fan of Hisound since they first started; tinkling in there as it should not the overblown type that others seem to think is correct but in equal measure to other ends of the scales. I really love my music again. My sincere thanks to all who wrote and so persuaded me to part with my money, you’re quite correct easily the bargain of the year,
Jul 19, 2010 at 2:39 AM Post #559 of 864
GLAD YOU like them @ ulsanman. To me, hands down, the DDM is the bargain of the year!! I have over 100 hours on them now..maybe close to 200 hours...and they are just blowing my mind now. The separation of instruments is just about par, and the DDM almost equal the SM3 from that standpoint. The soundstage is huge (wider than the SM3). CN11 was right in saying that the UE silicons brings out the treble nicely while keeping the bass and mids intact. This is a special IEM. Enjoy.
Jul 19, 2010 at 4:04 AM Post #561 of 864
Never said it's number 1.. I said it's the bargain of the year. it comes close to the FX700 and does some things better, but the JVC has more clarity and micro details. The DDM isn't far behind, and has a better soundstage. They complement each other because neither really sounds like the other.
Jul 19, 2010 at 4:19 AM Post #563 of 864
Overall the FX700 is better (more clarity and micro details) and is it worth the price. With that said, if you just have the DDM it's not a bad earphone to have on it's own merits. I know a headfier who sold his FX700 and kept his DDM . I have love both and have kept both. Both give me something the other doesn't. So I can't say the the FX700 is not worth it's price, it is to me. But again, the DDM is worth having on its own merit and is a real bargain for its price.
Jul 19, 2010 at 7:09 AM Post #564 of 864
Yah I agree, for the price its such incredible sound. Don't mistake my earlier post, I still very much love the DDM's. I just was pointing out ways they could be better.
Funny thing is, the other day I tried those large Head Direct white bi-flange tips with the DDM's, and though it was a ridiculously uncomfortable solution the sound was really nicely balanced and clear. Now I'm wondering where I can find these UE tips in Australia..
Jul 19, 2010 at 2:45 PM Post #567 of 864
Glad you're enjoying your set of DDM's, and that the forum was helpful. Keep everyone posted with your further thoughts.
Jul 19, 2010 at 10:30 PM Post #568 of 864
can anyone point me to a EU reseller?
or there aren't one?
(sorry if it's been asked before)

Vitor Teixeira,
Do you read in Spanish/castellano? This reviewer from Spain mentions something about possible reseller for Radius DDM in Spain. Does not mention where exactly or when though...
For those who do not understand spanish, might want to check this review out for some nice pictures.

Jul 22, 2010 at 5:37 PM Post #570 of 864

is it safe to buy radius ddm from mobimega.com?

Not sure about mobimega but this company is Japanese and provides warranty support and price is lowest too.
or here
apparently this two are linked together.
Also if you are in the UK or USA you can get them from a local dealer as well. Check this forum for links.

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