post pics of your headphone set up and listening area
Dec 30, 2005 at 11:24 PM Post #61 of 6,467

Originally Posted by MikoLayer
pics of my room after a complete and thorough cleanup a week ago



I really could use a headphone stand, maybe its a time for a IKEA trip..

i hope you like real human girls.....
Dec 31, 2005 at 12:25 AM Post #63 of 6,467
My meager little area. Can't wait till I can get up to VA and get a Ikea Jerker..

Not pictured are my HD-650 (waiting for delivery), KSC-35 & Triport. To the left of all this is my Sun workstation and cd shelf.


Dec 31, 2005 at 12:27 AM Post #64 of 6,467

Originally Posted by lovebell
you got very good eyes dude,hmm I think it is huge.

How about the sound.
[If you don't think its making a difference send it to me! I've been wanting to try one of them for a while] Quote:

Originally Posted by lovebell
I knew there are 3-4 headfiers are hiding in this city.

Cool... not sure what I would lug to my Moms on the plane, but my K340's would definately make it. Won't be for quite a while though... maybe next christmas.
Dec 31, 2005 at 12:56 AM Post #66 of 6,467

Originally Posted by philodox
How about the sound.
[If you don't think its making a difference send it to me! I've been wanting to try one of them for a while]

The price makes the difference, yea I really can't hear whats the big difference.but I like huge.


Originally Posted by EdipisReks
hey lovebell, how does the Firewire 1814 compare to the Benchmark, as a source?

Compare to the DAC1,the FW1814 sounds soft and warm, not many details as DAC1 ,I've heared therer
some background hiss a few times,don't know why.
Dec 31, 2005 at 12:58 AM Post #67 of 6,467

Originally Posted by lovebell
The price makes the difference, yea I really can't hear whats the big difference.but I like huge.

Compare to the DAC1,the FW1814 sounds soft and warm, not many details as DAC1 ,I've heared therer
some background hiss a few times,don't know why.

that is more or less what i figured, but i was curious, as the 1814 is a pretty expensive product.
Dec 31, 2005 at 1:13 AM Post #68 of 6,467

Originally Posted by lovebell
The price makes the difference, yea I really can't hear whats the big difference.but I like huge.

Interesting... in that case why don't you sell it?

Is it possible that you just have it hooked up to a component that already has good filtering? Have you tried it on different components?
Dec 31, 2005 at 1:50 AM Post #69 of 6,467

Originally Posted by immtbiker
What's the Vasoline Intensive Care and toilet paper for?
Do they make your system sound better?

Dec 31, 2005 at 2:47 AM Post #70 of 6,467
Before anybody asks - yes - my room is a complete bomb site at the moment.








PS> Mikolayer hasn't responded since all the vaseline jokes lol.
Dec 31, 2005 at 3:24 AM Post #71 of 6,467

Originally Posted by saturnine
My meager little area. Can't wait till I can get up to VA and get a Ikea Jerker..

Not pictured are my HD-650 (waiting for delivery), KSC-35 & Triport. To the left of all this is my Sun workstation and cd shelf.


how do the swan speakers treat you? Ive been considering a pair but its a toss up between them an a Athena/Tamp combo.
Dec 31, 2005 at 3:44 AM Post #72 of 6,467
HAHAHA you guys are awesome, got a few chuckles out of me too

I thought I was gonna put a special remark on that just to be on the safe side, but got too lazy and was getting tired about to hit the sack.

The TP is there to wipe the spit off the monitor, it gets splattered every time I crack up reading another joke. I am pretty anal about how clean the monitor is as I have to stare at it for prolonged period of time, so I need to clean that up on a daily basis. The little bottle in front of the secondary monitor holds the antistatic liquid I use for that. Another reason is for the ominous presence is that the second desk gets used frequently for TV dinners and quick grubs, and a messy slob I am - need to wipe that stuff off my dining table.

Vaseline Intensive care is great for keeping my facial skin moist during the winter time. I dont normally require it in summer, but my skin gets real dry when it gets colder.

and yes, I do love human girls a lot, send me some this way if you will

any more questions?
Dec 31, 2005 at 3:48 AM Post #73 of 6,467

Originally Posted by lovebell
oh my god oh my god......

and I am scared to think how much just one small piece of that pile would cost...


Originally Posted by shuurajou
Mikolayer hasn't responded since all the vaseline jokes lol.

excuse my nocturnal nature, woke up like 7:00pm ish...
That pic sure was an attention grabber, do I get a cookie to go with that TP?
Dec 31, 2005 at 3:52 AM Post #74 of 6,467

Originally Posted by EdipisReks
well, since obfuscation is too strong for headfi apprently, let me rephrase what i have now tried to post twice (in the future, if a mod is going to delete my post, which i presume is what happened, please PM me so that i don't try to repost it over and over thinking it's a forum error). to answer your question, thaddy, the toilet paper is next to the CD3000s because the CD3000s deposit a bowel movement into your ears when you listen to them. or, if that is too adult for the staff, the sonys take a poo-poo in your ear-ear.

No actually its for my special CD3000 mod... I have discovered TP padding inside the earcups turns these modest phones into R10 killers! TP for the winnah

On a serious note, your post does carry some sense of reality to it. Apparantely I am not very fond of their sound and would try to find a new home for them, had they been in good shape
Nothing wrong with the drivers, but the pleather is all fscked up and isnt exactly in "prestine" shape...
Dec 31, 2005 at 3:58 AM Post #75 of 6,467

Originally Posted by MikoLayer
Nothing wrong with the drivers, but the pleather is all fscked up and isnt exactly in "prestine" shape...

audiocube sells the pads and the headband assembly (as of a couple weeks ago), but it might cost more than it's worth.

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