Post pics of your builds....
Jan 17, 2011 at 4:16 AM Post #7,726 of 9,811
My new β22, enjoy... 


excuse the fingerprints on the base... 




Once again thanks AMB (Ti) for all your support during the build process.
Jan 17, 2011 at 4:24 AM Post #7,727 of 9,811
Nice build! Are you still working on the power supply? I liked the craftsmanship of the volume knob illumination ring. Would you care to share your technique for creating this ring?
Jan 17, 2011 at 5:55 AM Post #7,730 of 9,811
Thanks guys!
Nice build! Are you still working on the power supply? I liked the craftsmanship of the volume knob illumination ring. Would you care to share your technique for creating this ring?

The psu was done a while ago, it’s dual duty for the EHHA and β22
The illuminated ring is simply a 37mm cavity hole bored to 7mm (panel is 10mm thick). Two 37mm frosted perspex rings (3mm thick) are placed in the cavity with the centre hole cut out. I used two pieces of perspex as it spreads light evenly, you could use one piece and have the knob inset further into the panel. A front panel bearing bush locks everything into place. A LED from each amp board is used for the 4 LEDs and glued into place. The knob is a 30mm dact. 
This is kind of what the panel looks like without the perspex.

and this is a work on progress with the shaft not yet cut, to give you a better idea...

Beautiful John. Did you get the case from Italy or local?

I bought the front panel and side flanks from Modushop, the top, bottom and back were all done at Cam-Expert.
Owen, my previous β22 was sold, the reason I built another besides insanity... I’ll explain...
My old β22’s psu was not up to scratch for speaker duty when building my EHHA, so I build another hefty sigma22 for the EHHA. I sold the old β22/sigma22 and re-built this new amp section with those funds.
Jan 17, 2011 at 10:14 AM Post #7,732 of 9,811

Looks like a great little build, congrats (as well as on the Homer in his "Here's Johny" expression).  Any instability with the opamps - they're quite picky to layout and PSU bypassing.

I've always found the AD8397 ran quite warm.  I will eventually take this thing to my nearest scope to see if there is any high frequency oscillations.  In contrast, the OPA690's ran much much cooler.  Looking to build AMB's Gamma DACs soon, or the GrubDAC, haven't figured out which one yet.
Jan 19, 2011 at 4:31 PM Post #7,736 of 9,811
Thanks Pars,
The feet are from a small local supplier, here’s is an interesting link for those with foot fetishes:
Jan 19, 2011 at 5:15 PM Post #7,737 of 9,811
They look like the Jaycar ones? Or are they more fancy than that?
Thanks Pars,
The feet are from a small local supplier, here’s is an interesting link for those with foot fetishes:

Jan 19, 2011 at 5:19 PM Post #7,738 of 9,811
One of you Aussies (skyscraper, maybe?) got me a couple of sets of the Jaycar ones (I believe). The ones John has on the B22 look bigger and nicer than those, at least from what I can tell from the pics. I'll check out the PC link tonight, good thought.
Jan 19, 2011 at 6:11 PM Post #7,739 of 9,811
Here’s the link, sorry I didn’t know they shipped international.
Jan 19, 2011 at 7:50 PM Post #7,740 of 9,811
And here is another Beta22.... my very first build and first DIY experience.
I took my time and everything went ok. Now I have some fine tuning left to do, minor hiss to get rid of. I had also some pops and clicks like an old vynil but I don't know why, it's gone... Usually it's cold joint. I'll relfux everyhting one of these days but for now, I'm enjoying it. Thanks AMB and the whole community who gave me support along what was a crazy challenge, starting DIY with the B22.






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