Post pics of your builds....
Jan 10, 2011 at 7:19 PM Post #7,711 of 9,811

OMG!  Please tell me you aren't "testing" with HD800's!  You've got balls of steel!

my first thought as well when I saw the photo :p
Jan 11, 2011 at 10:35 AM Post #7,712 of 9,811

The testing phones are just a pair of cheap, high sensitive IEMs :p I need to 'upgrade' the DMM soon :frowning2:


I tested my b22 with my k1000 right in the 1st test since I had no other balanced fones or adaptor at that time and I was too eager to wait for my order. luckily nothing went wrong :p
Jan 11, 2011 at 10:59 AM Post #7,713 of 9,811

I tested my b22 with my k1000 right in the 1st test since I had no other balanced fones or adaptor at that time and I was too eager to wait for my order. luckily nothing went wrong

Yeah but those things are really speakers anyhow no?  I think they can take quite a bit more current than the hd800 :O
I test with orthos usually, it would suck to destroy them but needing in excess of 15 watts for an extended period I feel kind of safe.
I suppose I should test with some cheap iems myself.
Jan 12, 2011 at 12:35 AM Post #7,716 of 9,811

Well, not near as sexy as the desktops that i have seen on this thread, but this is a Pimeta V2 I am working on. Mostly stock except for the
Muse power caps ( that have been replacesd now with 3 470uf elna silmac II's ) and the 4 cell li-po pack and protection PCB. I keep tinkering with it, so it is back apart while i plan out a slightly modified PPA style bass boost. Also whitling up a nicer front pannel for it with front pannel designer.
Jan 13, 2011 at 2:36 PM Post #7,717 of 9,811
Here is my first tube head amp -- The Bijou.




No tweaks yet, just the regal mod.  Sounds really good as it is. 
Thanks to runeight for an excellent project!
Jan 13, 2011 at 7:07 PM Post #7,722 of 9,811
Jan 16, 2011 at 9:38 PM Post #7,724 of 9,811

My implementation of AMB Labs Mini3, I call mine Proto3 Mini3.  This was the 3rd prototype and the smallest one.  AMB gets all the credit for his engineering work with this 3 channel little monster.  I tinkered with the layout and design here and there to make it fit in a Hammond 1593K case and run from only wallwart.  Circuitry obviously isn't as neat as a pre-made PCB based Mini3, but hey, it gets the job done.  The sound so far is free from noise and very enjoyable.  Will be building a proper Mini3 soon to do some AB with.

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