Pictures of Your Portable Rig (part XVI)
Dec 26, 2017 at 4:19 PM Post #25,007 of 38,198
Which spinfit tips are those? the stock tips on the s-em9 aren't ideal for me. Also let me know if you find that 1plus2.2 alternative, i've been tempted but it seems Gavin has limited involvement now.
These are the narrow bores, the cp800, work perfectly, but the stem has to be clean otherwise they will slide off.
Dec 26, 2017 at 4:45 PM Post #25,008 of 38,198
Yeah, was a little disappointed the kann used such a crude display.

I hear you on the amoled burn in - also, the RG deteriorates at a faster rate than B in general so given long enough (and not burned in) everything will be blue shifted from what I've read.

But the inky deep true blacks, and the awesome viewing angles.. ❤️❤️❤️
This is head-fi, play back is more important. In here we dim the screen the screen to the lowest and try to use the side button more then the screen
Only time your screen should be on max is to take a picture
Dec 26, 2017 at 6:24 PM Post #25,009 of 38,198

My end game portable (minus an upgrade cable at some point in the distant future) :p

Ak70>8.2 Harmony

That's the illest looking (actually) portable setup I've ever seen.

I've also been rocking my AK70 (same color) naked 24/7, great aesthetics. I didn't like how the case covers the buttons, made it hard to feel for the play/pause with the unit in pocket.
Dec 26, 2017 at 6:54 PM Post #25,010 of 38,198
That's the illest looking (actually) portable setup I've ever seen.

I've also been rocking my AK70 (same color) naked 24/7, great aesthetics. I didn't like how the case covers the buttons, made it hard to feel for the play/pause with the unit in pocket.

Thanks! Yeah, I wanted something that would actually fit in my pocket lol. Plus when I'm on the go, small fidelity changes ala portable amps/dacs/daps/cables don't really matter. I'll do critical listening when I'm back to my desktop rig :p

Edit: And I agree, the AK70 is gorgeous. Am I the only one that only buys gear that I think looks good? XD
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Dec 26, 2017 at 7:17 PM Post #25,011 of 38,198
Thanks! Yeah, I wanted something that would actually fit in my pocket lol. Plus when I'm on the go, small fidelity changes ala portable amps/dacs/daps/cables don't really matter. I'll do critical listening when I'm back to my desktop rig :p

Edit: And I agree, the AK70 is gorgeous. Am I the only one that only buys gear that I think looks good? XD

I bout go the ak70 mkii on BF, and I’m really surprised how well it plays and this little thing is loud too!!!
When I play dsd file the temperature does rise too much.
I love to pair it with the Encore.
Dec 27, 2017 at 6:06 AM Post #25,012 of 38,198

Ibasso It01 and Benjie T6, pretty solid 80£ combo (got the Iems for 50£ as they were an open box).
I love good value.
Dec 27, 2017 at 1:18 PM Post #25,013 of 38,198
Sony WH-1000XM2 used with an iPhone 8 Plus
Dec 27, 2017 at 3:04 PM Post #25,014 of 38,198
Sony WH-1000XM2 used with an iPhone 8 Plus
The Sony's and some Sriracha Hot Chili Sauce and you look all set.....
Dec 28, 2017 at 1:39 PM Post #25,018 of 38,198
Hi Pinky -

Is that the iBasso? How does it compare to your Cayin?

Been researching DAPs with offline Tidal and these came into my sights (along with the X5iii, X7ii), your impressions will be much appreciated and valued.

Thanks x

I haven't performed any hard comparison tests yet, but my general feeling is that the DX200 is a worthy upgrade to the Cayin N5II. In other words, you get the sense it's priced accordingly. The N5II is the best mid-tier DAP I've yet found. While the DX200 is indeed in summit-fi territory.

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