Pictures of Your Portable Rig [Part XIII]
Feb 18, 2009 at 10:23 PM Post #1,801 of 5,950

Originally Posted by dfkt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
What he probably meant with "not again" is that this issue has been discussed just a few pages back in this very thread.

Ah, I see. My bad.


Originally Posted by limin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Makes sense...
I can definately see myself using a setup like this if I were traveling somewhere and wanted a rig for where i was staying, but for moving around it seems like a hard sell.

That's kind of how I see it too. I often prefer using my iPod Touch at work/home, even though my main library is on my MacBook. Problem with the MacBook is that I can't walk around with it (easily) and there are too few USB ports for all my peripherals (incl. external drive for music, and amp). So, my iPod is preferred unless I have my USB hub with me. So, instead of attaching the amp when I get to a place, I just strap it on and have it with me all the time. Less hassle that way. To me, anyway.
Feb 18, 2009 at 10:39 PM Post #1,802 of 5,950
haha i went back enough pages to see the debate on what is portable and i guess i understand the frustration... that RWA-akg setup would be awesome in the library haha. I understand what portable is all about now, I just had a different way of thinking about it... until now

if i ever go past my nano/shure setup i'll be sure post a pic
Feb 18, 2009 at 10:47 PM Post #1,804 of 5,950
sony nwz-a818 --> fiio e5 --> ue tf10 pro






And now for some size comparison, next to your average-sized coffee mug...





ROFL just kidding that's a giant starbucks mug. Here's a REAL normal-sized mug:


Excuse the bad quality pictures, poor lighting, olympic Fuwa charms and manlymanly piggy mug.
Feb 19, 2009 at 1:00 AM Post #1,806 of 5,950

Originally Posted by #@y0 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I think it's a yotank case (correct me if I'm wrong).

Oh yeah, it's a Yotank The only iPod case that qualifies as a weapon in a pinch.


Originally Posted by limin /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I guess I just lack ambition/the size of IceClass' LOD is making me feel inadequate haha

I promise to keep my baggy pants on then.

But seriously that LOD was a real pain the ***** as it was so stiff and inflexible that it takes a solid rubber band or strip of velcro to stop the amp and iPod from springing apart.
I still keep it around for jacking the iPod into rental car stereos when on the road.

I since sourced a nice small and flexible jobbie from a Hong Kong dude on Ebay for under $30.

Works great so far.


Originally Posted by jonathanjong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Many of us have decided that an amp is pointless in our portable contexts, given that we don't do analytical listening on the go. That, and there's outside noise anyway. I think it's worth the extra weight, but it's a personal choice. To each his/her own, etc.

I do some pretty critical listening with this rig when I'm out walking the dog and the UEs really seal out the outside interference; sometimes frighteningly so.
The bulk is hidden really easily in the inside chest pocket of my coat which keeps the rig warm in the sub zero temps outside and during the summer it goes handily in the side mesh pocket of the small North Face backpack that goes everywhere with me.

The rig is a God-send for air travel.
I spend a lot of time on passenger jets and rickety unpressurised and noisy old kites and can tune out the din at will and the rig sits firmly on the fold down table.
It also works a dream for solo snowmobile rides.

Feb 19, 2009 at 1:13 AM Post #1,807 of 5,950

My wife would be bummed on that mug, it says Latin America but the squares and coloring disclude her country, Argentina. Ouch. She's very touchy about that.

Edit-and now looking at the colored areas it includes Central America, which is technecly technecily a okay, a part of North America. Huh.
Feb 19, 2009 at 1:24 AM Post #1,808 of 5,950
^^ LOL. Brazil got split in two. just like that Tordesillas treaty.
Feb 19, 2009 at 4:09 AM Post #1,810 of 5,950

Originally Posted by kingbuzzo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Guyana is anglo yo!

<--------Born in Georgetown =-)
Feb 19, 2009 at 6:04 AM Post #1,811 of 5,950

Originally Posted by HighLife /img/forum/go_quote.gif
<--------Born in Georgetown =-)

really?? I never would have guessed hehe
tyou look just like a good friend of mine
Feb 19, 2009 at 6:10 AM Post #1,812 of 5,950

Originally Posted by IceClass /img/forum/go_quote.gif
But seriously that LOD was a real pain the ***** as it was so stiff and inflexible that it takes a solid rubber band or strip of velcro to stop the amp and iPod from springing apart.

How long had you been running that rig like that?? because doing that would kill the mini socket on the hornet in no time flat


I do some pretty critical listening with this rig when I'm out walking the dog and the UEs really seal out the outside interference; sometimes frighteningly so.
The bulk is hidden really easily in the inside chest pocket of my coat which keeps the rig warm in the sub zero temps outside and during the summer it goes handily in the side mesh pocket of the small North Face backpack that goes everywhere with me.

ditto apart from the sub-zero temp; I do some critical listening on the go too obviously not ion the bus, but during break etc between classes when i'm studying. so having my lisa III or pico with me is awesome. the pico rig with low profile LOD fits in a pocket no dramas; actually even a regular LOD does.

The rig is a God-send for air travel.
I spend a lot of time on passenger jets and rickety unpressurised and noisy old kites and can tune out the din at will and the rig sits firmly on the fold down table.
It also works a dream for solo snowmobile rides.

Feb 19, 2009 at 6:18 AM Post #1,813 of 5,950

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
How long had you been running that rig like that?? because doing that would kill the mini socket on the hornet in no time flat

Nah, I just put a permanent kink in it and clamped it.
Once kinked it stays kinked but it was really rigid, besides sticking out like a CB radio antenna.

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