Feb 9, 2013 at 11:10 PM Post #32 of 4,655
I've tried to convert some Beats users with my system, but apparently, they were all deeply convinced that Beats are the best headphones in the market...

They are.
Feb 10, 2013 at 8:51 AM Post #34 of 4,655
- My cousin had bought a pair of Bose NC headphones ($300) and was raving about them. I let him listen to my Triple Fi's ($75). He just sat there with a stupid look on his face, mumbling something about how it's been more than 30 days...
- A friend was about to buy a pair of Beats Studios. I spent a good hour trying to convince her not to go through with it, to no avail. So I dragged her to my house and let her listen to an LP of AC/DC on HD800's. Needless to say, she listened to every word I had to say afterwards. So she decided on ATH-M50's, and loved them. Sometime in the future she passed by a store with the Beats on demo and did an A/B test. She said she couldn't believe that she ever thought that the Beats sounded good because now there was no way she'd ever put them on again. And she only spent 1/3 of their price.
- She went on to convert her friend, who now owns a DT770.
- Some other friends bought a UE700, a Triple.Fi 10, and a JH-5 Pro (yes, he jumped all the way from the stock Apple buds to customs).
I actually have quite a big list of converts. But the general reaction people have is "You're absolutely insane for spending that kind of money on headphones, but damn if that isn't the best sounding thing I've ever heard".
Feb 10, 2013 at 9:00 AM Post #35 of 4,655
- My cousin had bought a pair of Bose NC headphones ($300) and was raving about them. I let him listen to my Triple Fi's ($75). He just sat there with a stupid look on his face, mumbling something about how it's been more than 30 days...

TF.10 for $75. Damn that's a deal right there.
Feb 10, 2013 at 10:30 AM Post #37 of 4,655
- My cousin had bought a pair of Bose NC headphones ($300) and was raving about them. I let him listen to my Triple Fi's ($75). He just sat there with a stupid look on his face, mumbling something about how it's been more than 30 days...
- A friend was about to buy a pair of Beats Studios. I spent a good hour trying to convince her not to go through with it, to no avail. So I dragged her to my house and let her listen to an LP of AC/DC on HD800's. Needless to say, she listened to every word I had to say afterwards. So she decided on ATH-M50's, and loved them. Sometime in the future she passed by a store with the Beats on demo and did an A/B test. She said she couldn't believe that she ever thought that the Beats sounded good because now there was no way she'd ever put them on again. And she only spent 1/3 of their price.
- She went on to convert her friend, who now owns a DT770.
- Some other friends bought a UE700, a Triple.Fi 10, and a JH-5 Pro (yes, he jumped all the way from the stock Apple buds to customs).
I actually have quite a big list of converts. But the general reaction people have is "You're absolutely insane for spending that kind of money on headphones, but damn if that isn't the best sounding thing I've ever heard".

wow that's amazing

Feb 10, 2013 at 1:17 PM Post #38 of 4,655
I just had a horrible idea... what if beats owners are right? Now hear me out here. We all know expectation and autosuggestion can make a huge difference in perceived sound quality. Is it possible that beats (and other non-fi) owners really do hear their chosen flavor as sounding better?
Feb 10, 2013 at 1:33 PM Post #39 of 4,655
I just had a horrible idea... what if beats owners are right? Now hear me out here. We all know expectation and autosuggestion can make a huge difference in perceived sound quality. Is it possible that beats (and other non-fi) owners really do hear their chosen flavor as sounding better?

of course they do. they have the perception of heavy bass meaning high quality. anything bright they will think of it as an old radio from a nuclear fallout era which has no bass. especially if they use their overly compressed and synth'ed top 50 music to test it.
Feb 10, 2013 at 1:46 PM Post #40 of 4,655
It's similar to the mayo, mustard, or ketchup preferences on burgers, fries, or hot dogs depends on where you are form and what is the norm for your culture.
Another example is blood pudding, lutefisk, balut, or kimchi, it all comes down to how your evirnoment influences what you feel is acceptable or normal.
Unless you were with the band when they were deciding what their music should sound like, you have to use your own experience to decide what is acceptable to you.  Doesn't much matter what others think.  We can only present what we think is good and then let them do what they want, ultimately.
Feb 10, 2013 at 1:53 PM Post #41 of 4,655
I just had a horrible idea... what if beats owners are right? Now hear me out here. We all know expectation and autosuggestion can make a huge difference in perceived sound quality. Is it possible that beats (and other non-fi) owners really do hear their chosen flavor as sounding better?

Sound signature preference + expectation bias are indeed powerful. The brain is a funny thing.
Feb 10, 2013 at 3:36 PM Post #42 of 4,655
It's similar to the mayo, mustard, or ketchup preferences on burgers, fries, or hot dogs depends on where you are form and what is the norm for your culture.
Another example is blood pudding, lutefisk, balut, or kimchi, it all comes down to how your evirnoment influences what you feel is acceptable or normal.
Unless you were with the band when they were deciding what their music should sound like, you have to use your own experience to decide what is acceptable to you.  Doesn't much matter what others think.  We can only present what we think is good and then let them do what they want, ultimately.

oh and don't forget durian, i know (at least most of) they hate it with a passion due to its fowl smell. but most asians/malaysians (like me) like to eat them and think they smell very delicious

Feb 10, 2013 at 4:27 PM Post #43 of 4,655
oh and don't forget durian, i know (at least most of) they hate it with a passion due to its fowl smell. but most asians/malaysians (like me) like to eat them and think they smell very delicious

Never had the chance to try durian...maybe someday.


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