Non-audiophile reactions to high-end headphones Part II
Mar 16, 2014 at 12:38 PM Post #1,891 of 4,655
soooo.... moving back onto the original discussion direction...
I don't really have a high-end anything, but I'm looking for one, and appreciate those that others have let me listen to. I do own Momentum on-ears. My girlfriend listened to them (when she owns $40 Skullcandys) and she gave me the obligatory "nice" that comes with someone who wants to show that they respect your tastes, yet don't get it at all. After a few headphone demo-ing adventures I have found that she literally cannot hear any difference between any sub $300 headphones she tried. Kinda funny, since she's really tone-deaf (>_<), whereas I have nearly-perfect pitch. All closed, no open ones tried.
My parents are a different point altogether. My mom tried the HD 700s with a dragonfly amp and was really impressed, almost too much so. I think the clarity allowed her to hear sibilance (present in recording, not from the setup) that would be muddied up by a consumer headphone. My dad loved the B&O H6s and we got them for him as a Christmas present. He clearly enjoys audio clarity, and doesn't mind a treble-oriented 'phone. Both are actually really supportive of my new hobby, and are fine with me using my money to get some mid-fi cans. At least the parents approve. I don't have to get GF/wife approval yet :p
Mar 16, 2014 at 12:53 PM Post #1,892 of 4,655
Well, I would be careful if I were you!!!
You could end up in the hospital furious, with a broken arm and - gasp - an unwanted suppository up your back end.
Are you sure you want the HD650 and not a pair of $200 closed cans?
Moral of the story:  spend less time arguing over Monster and Beats headphones -- maybe next time you will be able to pick up a pair of HD650s on sale before they're out of stock.

LOL you know, I wanna apologize. I got all confrontational. My mistake. Sorry about that, man. And I've got my eye out! I'm loving my M100s off the Verza but I tested some HD650s on it and ooo man. For open phones? Seeeeexy.
If I can just sort of say my point: I don't think Beats/Monster are great. Just they're not bad. They're pretty good if you like bassy headphones, you could certainly do worse. Like tons of other products out there, there are better and there are worse in the price bracket. I just would like it if around here the circlejerk of "OMG BEETZ/MONSTAR ARE SO BAD U GUYS" would ease up. There's better places to put the energy. Like finding deals on better products, as you said. 

Mar 16, 2014 at 12:54 PM Post #1,893 of 4,655
Also, a friend tried to ridicule me for getting a headphone that was not Beats. yep. I talked him into some sense, and told him that I know my stuff when it comes to audio. He then tried to convince me that Bose is the epitome of quality. I assented, deciding that this was the best I was gonna get out of him. He refused to listen to my momentums. To be fair he was busy 3D modeling a mars rover for dynamic simulation.
not trying to add fuel to the fire, just wanted to share a personal story. I would actually really like to hear other people's stories as well, and less arguments. I'm here to enjoy myself
Mar 16, 2014 at 12:55 PM Post #1,894 of 4,655
  Also, a friend tried to ridicule me for getting a headphone that was not Beats. yep. I talked him into some sense, and told him that I know my stuff when it comes to audio. He then tried to convince me that Bose is the epitome of quality. I assented, deciding that this was the best I was gonna get out of him. He refused to listen to my momentums. To be fair he was busy 3D modeling a mars rover for dynamic simulation.

I've actually gotten that. And my general reaction is "they just weren't for me". Lot less struggle. 
Mar 16, 2014 at 1:15 PM Post #1,895 of 4,655
When people try to tell me that they like a lot of bass, or that Beats has the best bass, I encourage them to try V-Moda, as a well regarded "basshead" offering (not beats level bass, but that's kinda the point) that has the build quality of a tank. I feel like most people can be sold on durability, if nothing else
Mar 16, 2014 at 1:18 PM Post #1,896 of 4,655
  When people try to tell me that they like a lot of bass, or that Beats has the best bass, I encourage them to try V-Moda, as a well regarded "basshead" offering (not beats level bass, but that's kinda the point) that has the build quality of a tank. I feel like most people can be sold on durability, if nothing else

Plus VMODA is just sexy. If they really want bass with style, the LP2 is the way to go, IMO. 
Mar 16, 2014 at 1:55 PM Post #1,900 of 4,655
Usually, the reaction to a bass monster like the AH-D600 is "They don't have much bass." I walked down the aisle in Best Buy the other day, listening to different Beats and Sony models that cost more than $100. I was shocked at how bizarrely distorted they are.
Mar 16, 2014 at 2:02 PM Post #1,901 of 4,655
Usually, the reaction to a bass monster like the AH-D600 is "They don't have much bass." I walked down the aisle in Best Buy the other day, listening to different Beats and Sony models that cost more than $100. I was shocked at how bizarrely distorted they are.

It's an illusion, and a pretty understandable one. 
On Beats/Sony/Monster bassmonster headphones (more true for older Beats/Monster, VERY true for the Sony X05/X10), the bass isn't just big,   it covers the rest of the spectrum AND they're loud headphones in general. They sound muffled, so people associate the two with each other. Big powerful bass = overpowers the rest. Give 'em an M100 or AH-D600, which has about as much bass, and they'll think it doesn't have much bass because they can still hear everything else. 
Mar 16, 2014 at 2:02 PM Post #1,902 of 4,655
Usually, the reaction to a bass monster like the AH-D600 is "They don't have much bass." I walked down the aisle in Best Buy the other day, listening to different Beats and Sony models that cost more than $100. I was shocked at how bizarrely distorted they are.

Butt teh diztorsin maeks et sownd gud k bro?
That was torture to type.
Mar 16, 2014 at 2:32 PM Post #1,904 of 4,655
Heh, the human brain is truly incredible if it can extract musical information from a sound signature like that. I don't think a five or ten minute audition is nearly enough time to acclimate to a semi-accurate audio reproduction.

It was a piss-take 
 I personally can't stand distortion. I know what you mean, it takes me far more than that to get used to and appreciate the sonic merits of a pair of headphones.
Mar 16, 2014 at 2:36 PM Post #1,905 of 4,655
Usually, the reaction to a bass monster like the AH-D600 is "They don't have much bass." I walked down the aisle in Best Buy the other day, listening to different Beats and Sony models that cost more than $100. I was shocked at how bizarrely distorted they are.

Ethan Hawke, right before going to Best Buy to buy a pair of Sony or Beats headphones:

This is what he looked like after the audition:

Just kidding, SomeGuyDude, just kidding.  All in good fun!!


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