Noble Audio - the Wizard returns!
Oct 1, 2015 at 1:48 AM Post #15,121 of 36,135
Just wondering though, I appreciate the actual quality of the materials in the universals, but has Noble ever considered adding a more artistic flair? Even something simple like texturing, etc vs the plain finish (again, only talking about non-limited edition universals)?

I think this has been well addressed with the update to the K10U, now to wait and see if it's translated across the rest of the line :)

Edit: the more I look at the K10U, the more I feel my finger twitch towards the buy button, good thing they're out of stock >.>
Oct 1, 2015 at 2:09 AM Post #15,123 of 36,135
The same goes for shell work. As for the universal, having lurked on this thread for a while to evaluate the purchase of a Savant myself, I found myself more and more convinced that the potential issue of a shell problem (peeling of the lacquer, cracked nozzle) was something that only started appearing recently, and not something that I wish to (potentially) deal with. The K10U issue can be referenced by the guy who had a Red K10U which started seeing horrible peeling issues subsequently. Same goes for the Noble k10 customs. Because Noble makes such intricate and elaborate shells, the difference in materials will make for uneven bonding strengths, leading to an enhanced risk of cracks. I have personally seen a couple of friends send their K10s back for a shell rebuild, and all of them went for the Wizard designs or reprints. I love Noble's shell work, and too wish that mine was as pretty, but I have had the luxury of listening to my CIEMs ever since I got it back from a refit, while seeing my friends in a constant cycle of getting their K10s, shell issue, immediate return and so on. Its, to me, simply a strong negative point. 

Many of these are give and take issues, but they are still none the less present. I seek not to offend, but offer a view in as objective a manner as possible. It is my honest opinion, that we should not be evaluating a CIEM based on what a group of people or individual person think is 'the best u/CIEM' he has heard to date, but rather view its strong or weak suits against other offerings, and then decide which CIEM suits him best.

In short, the idea that one UIEM or CIEM is 'the best', to me, is hardly informative, when seeking to evaluate a product. 

If you want to come here and make remarks about sound quality and your opinion of it, that is perfectly fine as it is your opinion.
Although the K10 CIEM is historically the most reviewed CIEM on head fi, and is the highest ranked CIEM on head fi as well (19 5 star reviews if I recall)
The Savant has an average of 4.5 stars (if I recall correctly)  Either way, the consesus has been, they provide top grade sound.
 But when you make slanderous remarks with no proof that crosses a line.
One complaint of lacquer cracking on a K10 U does not a crissis make.  
Lets refresh
The one and only Red K10 Universal ever made, had complaints issued by a THIRD owner, that couldn't possibly without any affirmation state the full history of the product.    So your "case study"  has zero vallidity.  

Because Noble makes such intricate and elaborate shells, the difference in materials will make for uneven bonding strengths, leading to an enhanced risk of cracks

Is that something my competitors told you, or something you just made up?  If so,  well played, as it almost sounds beliveable.

Noble Audio Stay updated on Noble Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Oct 1, 2015 at 2:16 AM Post #15,124 of 36,135
Just got my K10U today. They look really nice

I'm glad you think so. 
Noble Audio Stay updated on Noble Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Oct 1, 2015 at 2:30 AM Post #15,126 of 36,135
If you want to come here and make remarks about sound quality and your opinion of it, that is perfectly fine as it is your opinion.
Although the K10 CIEM is historically the most reviewed CIEM on head fi, and is the highest ranked CIEM on head fi as well (19 5 star reviews if I recall)
The Savant has an average of 4.5 stars (if I recall correctly)  Either way, the consesus has been, they provide top grade sound.
 But when you make slanderous remarks with no proof that crosses a line.
One complaint of lacquer cracking on a K10 U does not a crissis make.  
Lets refresh
The one and only Red K10 Universal ever made, had complaints issued by a THIRD owner, that couldn't possibly without any affirmation state the full history of the product.    So your "case study"  has zero vallidity.  

Is that something my competitors told you, or something you just made up?  If so,  well played, as it almost sounds beliveable.

Dear John

Thank you for taking the time to reply! I really appreciate the personal touch in getting to acknowledge the situation.  Do give me time to respond, as I have some errands to attend to in the meantime.  Do please be assured, that I do not in any way wish to cast doubt on your or the company's professionalism, without evidence. I am certain that there are people who are most satisfied with their wizard k10s, but similarly, the other side of the spectrum exists, and I know these people to be individuals who treat their gear better than they would their first born. So to my uninitiated and uneducated mind, my limited education would hence make the link towards the difference in material adhesive bonding, or expansion during the bonding phase due to heat. I wish I had the luxury of direct contact with other manufacturers who might be willing to cue me more into the process of shell work, but alas, that is not so. 

I will provide those pictures when I do find them, and I seek your enlightenment then. 

you will have to forgive me for not quoting the entirty of your post by removing the Obama post, but I do find that the addition of irrelevant pictures more often than not detracts from the main discussion, as does ad hominen responses and threats. So lets try and keep this discussion clean!
Oct 1, 2015 at 4:24 AM Post #15,129 of 36,135
The new design is gorgeous! I love the color contrast on the body 

Just let it slide John, the the complaint will stop once people realize how fast the new production rate is.
Oct 1, 2015 at 4:51 AM Post #15,131 of 36,135
  The new design is gorgeous! I love the color contrast on the body 

Just let it slide John, the the complaint will stop once people realize how fast the new production rate is.

Thanks Tranhieu.
While on paper, production will move fast, trouble is, we already have a lot of the new K10 U on back order.  I do hope folks can be patient.
Noble Audio Stay updated on Noble Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Oct 1, 2015 at 5:29 AM Post #15,132 of 36,135
  Cracked open a Savant. 
Schematics of the Savant:
Knowles 30761 + 1.5K ohm Damper
Knowlles 29689 + 2.2K ohm Damper 
20 Ohm Resistor
Probably $50 at most tops. Add another $100 for the shell. Doesn't even come close to $600. I felt the sound doesn't justify the price much in the beginning but not sure what else to say about this.

The argument here is not whether the number of drivers should correlate to higher price, its if iems should even have such a high price to begin with.

If people were not so constantly adjusted to accept increasingly higher prices, that's a USD300 max earphone.

Oct 1, 2015 at 5:42 AM Post #15,133 of 36,135
If you want to come here and make remarks about sound quality and your opinion of it, that is perfectly fine as it is your opinion.
Although the K10 CIEM is historically the most reviewed CIEM on head fi, and is the highest ranked CIEM on head fi as well (19 5 star reviews if I recall)
The Savant has an average of 4.5 stars (if I recall correctly)  Either way, the consesus has been, they provide top grade sound.
 But when you make slanderous remarks with no proof that crosses a line.
One complaint of lacquer cracking on a K10 U does not a crissis make.  
Lets refresh
The one and only Red K10 Universal ever made, had complaints issued by a THIRD owner, that couldn't possibly without any affirmation state the full history of the product.    So your "case study"  has zero vallidity.  

Is that something my competitors told you, or something you just made up?  If so,  well played, as it almost sounds beliveable.

Brennan, do not mislead people into thinking the RED K10U was an isolated incident.

They were at least 2 more in south east asia with a cracked paint near the connectors. Except, these didnt have to go through much hassle as they had dealers to back them up.

Which as it turns out, means that John's statement of no warranty for cracked paint is not consistent. He should add a "if i feel like it" statement in his warranty FAQ.

And, congratulations on the new K10U, they look great, and seem much more durable. An aluminium casing should have been the bench mark to start with not cheap ABS plastic that was dipped in shiny paint. If you want to make a Gross profit of USD1000 on your universals, at least have the decency to get things right, properly and not treat your customers as guinea pigs.

I have been nice enough to not post up pictures that show the true extent of the damage or how the fillings were literally crumbling. Lets try and keep things honest.

At least now people are getting a little more of its worth, god knows its the ethical thing to do considering your significantly higher profit margins on the universal.

PS: Just because the K10U is the most reviews, does not mean its the bee's knees. I concede, despite my dislike of Noble, the K10 remains one of the best earphones i've heard in terms of the neutral signature and its customs, if you're willing to cough up for a wizard or prestige, do look pretty good, even in real life. 

That said, you guys are not the number 1 in headfi because its the best. Noble just happens to be one of the best in business at hyping up products and marketing and delivering most of the hype.

I dare say, you've taken over that banner from JH, who is pretty damn good at hyping things up, but fail to deliver a earphone that sounds anywhere close 1.5k much less 2.5k.

Damn, what kind of people are we to think a 5x gross profit margin is acceptable. Even wilson audio whose speakers are significantly harder to make, can legitimately claim to need custom and highly expensive equipment, need genuine R&D (Custom drivers), and sell way less units, are pricing at about 3X of cost.
Oct 1, 2015 at 6:01 AM Post #15,134 of 36,135

(1) Brennan, do not mislead people into thinking the RED K10U was an isolated incident.

(2) They were at least 2 more in south east asia with a cracked paint near the connectors. Except, these didnt have to go through much hassle as they had dealers to back them up.

(3) Which as it turns out, means that John's statement of no warranty for cracked paint is not consistent. He should add a "if i feel like it" statement in his warranty FAQ.

And, congratulations on the new K10U, they look great, and seem much more durable.

(4) At least now people are getting a little more of its worth, god knows its the ethical thing to do considering your significantly higher profit margins on the universal.

(1) the post was made by me not Brannan
(2) Paint isn't applied to K10 Universals, regardless, if there was a dealer involved then that woudl mean that they were they original owners and their products would have warranties. The red K10U had no warranty.
(3) Warranties are often decided upon on a case by case bassis, as information is gathered and analyzed, this isn't a unique concept.
(4) Have you ever thought that not being profitable is unethical?   If by chance Noble was to fold, who is going to provide service to Noble products?  In my view, Noble actually has a duty to insure profitability to its customers, employees and family members.
Why would a dealer tell you I stated the K10 CIEM cost is 600$?   Why would I even tell a dealer the actual costs of a K10 CIEM? 
Noble Audio Stay updated on Noble Audio at their sponsor profile on Head-Fi.
Oct 1, 2015 at 6:03 AM Post #15,135 of 36,135's getting a little too heated here....
can we refrain from ad hominen criticism? I just came back from a lovely date, on my way out for a short workout soon, and I've been labelled as a 'troll d****'.

as I mentioned, we all love audio, and while I would like to post my reasons and its basis immediately, I do have to make a facade of having a social life, take off my iem to make conversations every now and then, and get off the forums so that my commanding officer doesn't leave me.

lets lay off the personal attacks. I believe that all of us are mature adults who do not have any intention of deceit. We all love audio as a community.

that said, would those two issues be on this forum? I am only aware of what I have read here, and what I see in my friends' unit.

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