New Beyer DT1350
Aug 2, 2012 at 11:58 AM Post #2,071 of 4,010
For ridiculous bass testing, I vote for 'Bass I love you' by bassotronics... If you can't hear the bass, your cans aren't good enough... Be sure not to play it too loud in case you blow your drivers however, but I have tested it on the DT1350s and they are capable...
Played it on my grado and all the bass is gone :D Except I can see the drivers (I removed the white cloth) moving back and forth hahahaha...

Try the intro from Mint Condition's album Definition of a band. There's one note that I haven't heard in anywhere except a studio environment with Genelec 1034's. It's below 20Hz and you can only feel it. Otherwise the DT1350 did pretty good. Though I have to admit, I really don't fret over how low a headphone goes... That's like 0,5% of the information in my music and it feels highly irrational to give such value to such a little thing. 
Aug 2, 2012 at 12:41 PM Post #2,072 of 4,010
I want 1350

Any direct comparisons to the M80? I've noticed stuff here and there, but nothing directly comparing the two. My searching skills suck. The M80 is a nice all-a-rounder, but I like a more neutral and detailed, fast headphone with sparkling treble. The M80 is a bit dark and I'm not super big on bumped up mid bass. My Ety ER4s is exactly what I like, but in adition to that would also like a portable that I can quickly take on and off without having to shove an IEM in my ear and spend a couple minutes getting them all snug.
Aug 2, 2012 at 12:50 PM Post #2,073 of 4,010
I'm currently thinking of getting a DT1350 for use on long haul flights.
Has anyone tried these cans with a Sansa Clip Zip player?
I don't really expect much but is this audio combination still acceptable?
Aug 2, 2012 at 1:27 PM Post #2,074 of 4,010
I'm currently thinking of getting a DT1350 for use on long haul flights.
Has anyone tried these cans with a Sansa Clip Zip player?
I don't really expect much but is this audio combination still acceptable?

I have a clip+ and I think you can find more suitable phones for a better sounding combo than with the DT1350. without being bad or worse. I enjoy my Clip+ with the M80 more than the clip+ with the DT1350. but hel I enjoy more the M80 with anything when compared to the 1350.
but I asume you want isolation, the M80 dont give me much of that. have you considered IEMs?
Aug 2, 2012 at 2:09 PM Post #2,075 of 4,010
I have a clip+ and I think you can find more suitable phones for a better sounding combo than with the DT1350. without being bad or worse. I enjoy my Clip+ with the M80 more than the clip+ with the DT1350. but hel I enjoy more the M80 with anything when compared to the 1350.
but I asume you want isolation, the M80 dont give me much of that. have you considered IEMs?

Ha - a dissenter in the DT1350 ranks LOL! I guess that it would only be prudent to do a bit of research into the various similarly priced alternatives before just jumping in on the DT1350, so I'll be looking into the M80 as well. Thanks.
Aug 2, 2012 at 2:22 PM Post #2,076 of 4,010
I want 1350

Any direct comparisons to the M80? I've noticed stuff here and there, but nothing directly comparing the two. My searching skills suck. The M80 is a nice all-a-rounder, but I like a more neutral and detailed, fast headphone with sparkling treble. The M80 is a bit dark and I'm not super big on bumped up mid bass. My Ety ER4s is exactly what I like, but in adition to that would also like a portable that I can quickly take on and off without having to shove an IEM in my ear and spend a couple minutes getting them all snug.

I like the M80s from what I've heard of them (admittedly just a short hour long demo).  The two major things that swung me towards the 1350:
1)  Better treble. 
2)  Isolation. 
I'd say it's a no contest between the two in both of those areas.
As for bass, it just depends on what you like.  I liked the bass on the M80 (tight and well-controlled), but I personally found it to be a very colored bass presentation.  When I listened to old standys by someone like Radiohead, I thought, "Hmmmm, I've never heard Radiohead sound quite like this before".  It wasn't bad, but it also didn't feel quite right to me.  The 1350s have enough bass for my taste and it feels like a more natural presentation of the music I enjoy. 
It all comes down, in the end, to your own subjective opinion though...
Aug 2, 2012 at 2:22 PM Post #2,077 of 4,010
i just recieved my dt 1350s. i havent broken them in yet. bass is visible but its not overpowering, . but still breaking them in . its extremely comfortable. my grados sr225 are little more comfortable because i modded the head band.  but still the headband is stretching and getting used to my head. but i love them so far. good for any genre music (perfect medium) i got mine for 250 from razordogdeals on ebay and fast shipping and everything. EDIT :::COMES WITH A COOL CASE TOO i forgot to add that.
Aug 2, 2012 at 3:21 PM Post #2,078 of 4,010
I want 1350

Any direct comparisons to the M80? I've noticed stuff here and there, but nothing directly comparing the two. My searching skills suck. The M80 is a nice all-a-rounder, but I like a more neutral and detailed, fast headphone with sparkling treble. The M80 is a bit dark and I'm not super big on bumped up mid bass. My Ety ER4s is exactly what I like, but in adition to that would also like a portable that I can quickly take on and off without having to shove an IEM in my ear and spend a couple minutes getting them all snug.

I own both of them but have to admit that the M80 is awaiting another owner already (the 1350 is older btw).
In direct comparison I can second what skyline said above: the M80 is to dark for my taste and the dt1350's bass seems clearer, deeper and simply more true to the recording (I mostly listen to electronic music when using headphones).
All in all I'd say the dt1350 should fit your bill, being more neutral and fast with far better treble extension. You should give it a try -- just got mine out to listen to it once again, still fascinating...
Aug 2, 2012 at 3:51 PM Post #2,079 of 4,010
Is comfort anything to be concerned about? Relevant quotes below?:
Edit: fyi, I even found the PX100-II's to clamp too tighly on my ears. I was able to bend them though, so they are very comfortable now. Possibly this can also be done with the DT1350?
Review 1:
After extensive testing, after buying these, I have concluded that they are amazingly good quality... BUT, at the cost of comfort. I find that after a few minutes the ears get very warm, then HOT... and as if that weren't bad enough, after about 30-40 minutes the pressure of them resting on the ears is so uncomfortable that I have to go back to using my Sennheiser HD 555's. The longest I can "bear" having these Dt1350's on is about 60 minutes... the heat and the pressure just make them intolerable to continue wearing, and I'm likely returning them in search of a better more comfortable alternative
Review 2:
It stays snug on my head however the clamping force on my ears makes it uncomfortable after a couple hours - worse if you wear glasses. Because its so small, I put the arms of my glasses over the top of my ears instead of between my head and the headphone. I'll be switching between these and my Ety's for extended use.

Aug 2, 2012 at 4:44 PM Post #2,080 of 4,010
The issue with people who wear glasses is definitely a legit concern, IMO. I wear glasses and at first I had this issue where it felt like it was pressing too hard trapping my ear between the frames. I ended up shifting the headphones back slightly, as some were posting that that was how to maximize the sound, and that made them sound better and also seemed to take away the pressure concern. 
As for the heat, I find them to be just the opposite. The material the cups are made of keep my ears quite cool and I've worn mine for hours. The only phones that I had a big problem with heat were the Sennheiser 518s. That was like having two heaters clamped to my head. I guess it just depends on how sensitive you are to such things, and the only way to really know is to try it for yourself. The clamp is just the right amount of force to keep them stable on my head without being too much, IMO. 
But yeah, the glasses thing is valid...just gotta try them to see. 
Aug 2, 2012 at 6:53 PM Post #2,081 of 4,010
Is comfort anything to be concerned about? Relevant quotes below?:
Edit: fyi, I even found the PX100-II's to clamp too tighly on my ears. I was able to bend them though, so they are very comfortable now. Possibly this can also be done with the DT1350?

Initially, I wasn't impressed with the fit of the DT1350, had to tweak alot and still not feeling that comfortable with it. The clamp force was greater than I wanted it to be. Could almost feel my blood pumping because of the squeeze. I did not give up on the little beyer tho, like the sound too much to give it up. After few month, the headphone kind of mold to my head size, its quite comfortable wearing it now, I dont really have to tweak it when I put it on anymore... 
I love the isolation on this, i think alot ppl tends to pull them apart to loosen the clamp force, i think it just makes the headphone a bit too loose. I think it will definitely be a good choice.
I owned the m80, sold it straight after 2 weeks. I wanted to convince it was a good headphone because of the raving reviews, but it just didnt feel right to me. It is not as comfort as my DT1350 as well. i think the earpads are on an angle that didnt really fit my head shape.  
Aug 2, 2012 at 7:13 PM Post #2,082 of 4,010
Just type m80 vs dt1350 in Google and you will get result

You can even add vs hd25

I want 1350 :smile:

Any direct comparisons to the M80? I've noticed stuff here and there, but nothing directly comparing the two. My searching skills suck. The M80 is a nice all-a-rounder, but I like a more neutral and detailed, fast headphone with sparkling treble. The M80 is a bit dark and I'm not super big on bumped up mid bass. My Ety ER4s is exactly what I like, but in adition to that would also like a portable that I can quickly take on and off without having to shove an IEM in my ear and spend a couple minutes getting them all snug.
Aug 2, 2012 at 7:15 PM Post #2,083 of 4,010
James why are you keeping the DT1350 if you hate them that much? I'm sure you can get decent $$ from someone that would give them some love. :D

I have a clip+ and I think you can find more suitable phones for a better sounding combo than with the DT1350. without being bad or worse. I enjoy my Clip+ with the M80 more than the clip+ with the DT1350. but hel I enjoy more the M80 with anything when compared to the 1350.

but I asume you want isolation, the M80 dont give me much of that. have you considered IEMs?
Aug 2, 2012 at 9:59 PM Post #2,084 of 4,010
I was waiting for someone to say that! I won't be able to get the DT1350's for a few months, but at least I haven't heard them yet, so my PX100-II's (and KSC75's) still sound good to me :)
Thanks for your EQ tips. Below is how I have the PX100-II's EQ'd on my Samsung Galaxy S2 (using PowerAmp), and it sounds pretty good to me. I assume that "mid-bass" is around 100hz, so it looks like I fumbled my way around to lowering it. If you have any suggestions, let me know (although it's OT, so no problem if not). Thanks!

Last OT lol.. Although I use an Android Phone (Galaxy SL), I don't use it as DAP so I haven't tried that PowerAmp yet. But if I were given by that kind of EQ bands to play with the PX100-II, I will initially set all the bands flat, then...
- 62Hz increment by 2 - 3 steps maybe?, because you would think PX100-II is bassy but it really lacks sub-bass all it has are mid-bass that are overpowering.
- 250Hz decrement by 1 - 3 here you'll lower the mid-bass that overpowers everything.
- 500Hz increment by 1 - 2, after you lowered the midbass, you'll feel the mids to be a bit recessed, I like mids, so I'll try to compensate the lost mids from lowering the mid-bass.
- 2KHz and 8KHz increment by 1 - 3 (I suggest just increment to 1 step), after this adjustment, you should here everything more clearly and maybe hear some details you never heard before.
It all depends really on your preference, my approach to this was to make PX-100 not mid-bass bloated as possible and to hear more crisp bass, without (at least lessen) that muddiness, but still present mids that you need on most guitar riffs, and then make the highs just a bit more audible. That's my approach to my J3's hardware EQ at least, I dunno if it would match the frequency range numbers to PowerAmp at all, lol. But it's worth a try. Sorry for OT, just got excited to share my great results with PX-100, it really transformed to a more dynamic, somewhat natural balanced headphones, compared to the unEQd dull sounding that is so lacking in detail.

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