New AKG cans... k601 k701 k27i
Sep 4, 2005 at 1:05 AM Post #91 of 190
They're already my PC wallpaper at work as I spent friday running around telling a bunch of people who couldn't give a rats *** about AKG's new babies. I think they're stunning and as soon as I can get them, I'm gonna. I called B&H to ask if they were going to stock them, they had no idea what I was foaming about.

Sep 4, 2005 at 2:26 AM Post #93 of 190

Originally Posted by Andrea
Do you find them that fine looking?

I really like the dark and more understated looks of the K601 better.
To my eyes the K701 is a bit like "hey look at my mighty yet classy looks"


k701 have kind of a digitalook look indid
I don't like enormously how they look ..

k601 have a more old/natural look ..

but , in the end , if one of them sounds like a (much) improved k501 , stnding a comparison of price .. who know what can will they be ..?

I bet ..
middle range focus , again - but a more "wide" and relaxed expansion of middles in the stage , and this time , the bass . An incredibly firm pure bass . A low bass. And refinement.

EDIT : II bet : they will definitely , and with no dubts , steal the crown of kings of mass headphones from hd650
Sep 4, 2005 at 3:13 AM Post #94 of 190

Originally Posted by Bobby B.
anyway I'm going to visit the IFA 2005 in Berlin tomorrow, AKG will be one of the exhibitors, so I hope I'll be able to test these new cans.

Looking forward to your impressions of the new AKG's if they were at IFA. Also the new Beyers. Danke!

Hopefully Jan Meier will drop in and give his impressions, too. He is the one who broke the news of plans for the K601/K701 in early 2003.

Here is the post and here is a follow up from that year's IFA-Berlin.
Sep 4, 2005 at 3:38 AM Post #95 of 190
I have a hunch these will be WAY less neutral than the K501s.
Sep 4, 2005 at 4:58 AM Post #97 of 190
The K701 look comfy, but might be a bit dorky on the head (unlike the distinctive K1000
Sep 4, 2005 at 5:14 AM Post #98 of 190

Originally Posted by Ingo
I have a hunch these will be WAY less neutral than the K501s.

Almost non-existent bass isn't neutral imo.
Sep 4, 2005 at 5:28 AM Post #99 of 190
Let me GUESS what they will sound like.
K601 will have more bass than K501 but becomes a bit brighter, and sound like a DT880.
K701 will have even more bass but maintains a transparent midrange and an airy treble. The result would be similar to K340 but a bit punchier.
Sep 4, 2005 at 7:34 AM Post #100 of 190

Originally Posted by Patu
But isn't that a good thing?

Depends on your politics.

But not only that. I like the model number "601" better than the model number "701". Numerology is by my side.
Sep 4, 2005 at 11:27 AM Post #101 of 190

Originally Posted by Ferbose
K701 will have even more bass but maintains a transparent midrange and an airy treble. The result would be similar to K340 but a bit punchier.

We can only hope.
Sep 4, 2005 at 11:49 AM Post #102 of 190
My guess for the 701s sound... Best bass among all headphones in the history of the industry!!! Binaural Soundstage with any recording!!! No frequencies pop out more than any other, and be the most dynamic thing ever to go on anyones head!!! AAAAAAAHHHHHH sonic Bliss!!! hehehe We could only wish
I started the thread thinking these were the best looking cans I have ever seen... Maybe I'm hoping it will sound as good as it looks.
Man, wouldn't it be a scandal if these cans rule over all cans in SQ
Sep 4, 2005 at 1:16 PM Post #104 of 190

I see that there isn't even anything on these new cans at the AKG USA website...I'm thinking it may be a while before we can get our hands on these.

That's what we thought about the Sony SA5000's. A Japanese group-buy resulted, only to have US prices come much sooner, and much lower than expected.

And who knows? Many times distributors do have info, but just can't say anything.

Where there's money to be made, business timeframes miraculously become much shorter.

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