mdr-xb1000 vs ath m50s vs Beyerdynamic (whatever the bassiest kind is)
May 30, 2011 at 1:58 AM Post #16 of 24
Yeah the Pro700mk2 should be given the bass treatment :)
But I highly suggest the Maudio Q40 after hearing them. These blow the bejesus out of any similarly priced can in terms of BASS
May 30, 2011 at 1:35 PM Post #17 of 24
Okay so now I think its more of a Audio Technica Pro700 MK2 vs. darth beyers but i'm still a little confused as I mentioned in my previous comment.
EDIT:Okay so now I think its more of a Audio Technica Pro700 MK2 vs. darth beyers vs M-audio Q40  but i'm still a little confused as I mentioned in my previous comment.
May 30, 2011 at 1:43 PM Post #18 of 24
Are you looking for bass quantity or quality or a good balance between them? The biggest bass quantity usually lies somewhere in the 50~$200 range, above that it often gets only weaker as highend headphones tend to be more balanced. Pro 900, Darth Beyer, Thundepants, D5000/7000, XB1000 are some exceptions though but yea no1 can beat the $50 headphone XB500 when it comes to bass quantity AFAIK but quality-wise it's a different matter ofc. Not to say XB500 has bad bass quality, not at all but the mids & highs suffer quite a lot from the sheer strength of it as well as stretching a bit far into the lower mids and needs some EQing to sound optimal.
Also what kind of bass? Deep/slow focused bass or mid/upper bass punch or an even deep/upper bass response? Darth Beyers for example have extremely deep bass that is soft and rumbles but there's lots of headphones that have a lot stronger mid/upper bass punch and impact but deep bass wise it's hard to beat.
Just to give an example, typical midbass that kicks hard with great impact and fast decay or another
Deep bass example another
Some don't like midbass at all and vice versa and some wants a balanced deep/mid/upper bass response like me why it's important to bring up this matter IMO.
May 30, 2011 at 2:02 PM Post #19 of 24
May 30, 2011 at 2:20 PM Post #20 of 24
May 30, 2011 at 2:33 PM Post #21 of 24
thanks RPGWiZaRD, to be more specific, I want a bass a 'phone that has the best of both worlds if thats possible. I like the pounding mid bass against my head but I also like the rumbling deep bass that courses through your body.  I'm looking for the the headphone that is superdynamic where I can feel the bass, but also the crystal clear highs. I want quantity and quality if thats possible becuase I hate distorted bass unless its dubstep or something.
May 30, 2011 at 4:33 PM Post #22 of 24
I haven't heard this ATH-PRO700MK2 yet nor M-Audio Q40 so dunno how they stand in deep/upper bass balance but you seem to be the person who wants a decent amount of both and AFAIK Q40 should deliver that based on some reviews I've read, I know for example XB500, D5000, D7000, LCD-2 does this too but they are all a bit out of your budget except for XB500 which doesn't have what I'd call "crystal clear highs", at least without a decent amount boost to them on a good quality EQ but I believe Q40 is also described to have gently veiled highs.
The ATH-PRO700MK2 does look tempting to me as well, it recently got released so there's not much info to go by yet and availability is very scarse in europe so far, seems to have some1 importing from a japan retailer and it costs like £142 so not sure I'm willing to jump on that.
May 30, 2011 at 5:24 PM Post #24 of 24
Isn't that quite irrelevant anyway? I don't think it exists any headphone that have the exact characteristics I'm look for, XB500 comes pretty close except it's too unbalanced so it needs EQ work and I use a high quality hardware EQ and get quite good results out of it so it brings me a great satisfaction for a mere $50 'phone, LCD-2 might need a heavy quite even boost to the whole bass range as well as a mild boost to the midrange but then it may be very close to what I'm looking for. I'm looking for a headphone with these characteristics, as forward/engaging sounding as possible with as flat emphasized (maybe about 5~7db? above the avg loudness of mids & highs) bass response as possible in the 10 ~ 200Hz or so range with gently boosted mids as well as gently veiled highs for a warmer sound. Instrument separation isn't top priority, in fact too obvious separatation is countereffective for me and soundstage should be large and airy but doesn't necessarily have to be at the top contenders among highend open-back headphones either as then it becomes too analytical/laid-back sounding. The ideal frequency response curve to me I think looks a bit like this:

As a comparision here's how the XB500 frequency response curve looks like on

And here are my EQ settings for it:

(note +2.0 on this hardware EQ grants roughly similar sense of change like +6dB on iTunes EQ for example in case you're doubting those small values actually do any significant change)

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