MD/VA/DC Meet Impressions thread!
Apr 4, 2005 at 5:27 PM Post #61 of 141

Originally Posted by Wmcmanus
Look like a great meet. Just one question: good time had by all?

Oh yeah! Best meet ever!!!!!!!!! (Um, of the three that I've been to.

This one was a whole lot of fun for me. I almost bailed out because my ears have been giving me grief and I didn't want to overstress them with too much listening time, but I'm glad I went anyway. (And I managed to keep my listening to short intervals, which gave me more time to meet and talk to people!) Great to see a lot of new faces, and to have more of a chance to talk with the old hands who I've only met briefly at previous meets. (For reference, I'm the smiling bearded guy on the right side of Thrice's first picture, "A bunch of Head-Fiers".)

A few hardware impressions, although I didn't do much extended listening (and after more than a year here and hearing some amazing gear at meets, I still feel like a newbie when it comes to describing the sound of things):

Ack dAck! v2.0 combined with the Rockhopper M³: Wow. I don't know what each component was contributing, but the end result was warm, smooth (but not too lush), detailed, involving, and above all comfortable, especially with the K501 (but with my A900's as well). This is the sort of sound I could relax and float away on, but without the laid-back, distant quality that I dislike about the Senn HD580/6x0's. Put another way, I felt like the equipment disappeared completely and left me alone with the music.

AKG K501: I like it a lot, and it makes a perfect open complement to my A900's, with warm smooth mids that make voices sound glorious. It also has the qualities I like about my E3c's, but with the high extension that, I confess, they do lack somewhat.

Headamp AE-1(?)/American Eagle: I A/B'd this with my SR-71 (which has around a hundred hours on it) using my A900's and the line-out of my Rio Karma. The sound was very close, with the AE having a lively, dynamic character, and a noticeably larger soundstage than the SR-71. To my ear, the SR-71 was a little more detailed, and did a better job of controlling the A900's bass. I still like my SR-71 better, but it's a matter of taste rather than quality. The AE is a great piece of gear with excellent sound and some impressive features (long-lived rechargeable battery, both RCA and mini inputs) packed into a very neat form factor. Looks like Ray and Xin have some serious competition in the high-end portable market.

I also spent some time with the other portables there, including the Portaphile V2 and the SuperMacro that stevieo brought along (not sure which generation SM it was). Both impressive amps, although I have some user-interface issues with the SuperMacro, considering that it required a lengthy cheat-sheet to identify all the various switches, and I had to fish out my car keys to flip the one closest to the volume knob -- I couldn't get it with my fingers at all. I'm still happiest with the SR-71, though; it has that certain Ray Samuels magic that I'm at a loss to quantify properly.

I didn't spend that much time with the new Sonys that were there (Qualia 010, SA5K, SA1K), but I did feel that although the new generation is extremely impressive for their detail, my heart still belongs to the previous generation (CD3000 and, above all else, the mighty R10).

I finally got my hands on the HD650 -- at previous meets, I always wound up with the 580 and 600, which I just can't bring myself to like. They always sound to me like the music's being played half a block away, and sometime in the middle of last week. The 650 still has some of that quality, but I found that the music was a lot more "present" for me, and I actually liked the sound a lot more than I expected, especially out of the Xiang Sheng and the Radii HAP-03 II. Still not worth their cost for me, but it's nice to finally understand something of what other people like about the Sennheisers.

The mystery phones: Wow. I love the sound, about which others can comment more expertly than I, but ... but ... but ... why couldn't they look more like Audio-Technicas? It's the second coming of the Jecklin Float. (Literally, according to Hirsch.) If you always wanted great-sounding headphones, but were afraid that they might make you look too sexy and/or stylish: this is the headphone for you.

(On the other hand, I really want to see what Headphile can do with the Ergos. I can imagine no greater challenge for Larry's woodworking skills.

Ah well. That was a pretty long ramble for someone who didn't spend much time listening.

On the human side, it was great to meet Mikhail and see some of his new gear. Guru, sorry I didn't get more of a chance to chat, but it looks like it's a good thing you got out the door when you did -- the rain was bad enough on the DC Beltway going home, but I didn't realize it was turning into snow farther north. dviswa, johnmatrix, CD44hi, MarkMaxx, and all the other folks hanging around the portable table chatting (afraid I didn't keep track of everyone's names properly) -- it was great to meet you guys and I hope to see you at future meets! Thanks to Hirsch for bringing all his goodies, new and old, for us to play with.

And of course, profound thanks to Thrice and his lovely wife for opening their home to us!
Apr 4, 2005 at 6:19 PM Post #62 of 141
how was the GS-1 compared to the (Veda Audio) dynahi? they are similar in price, but what about their performance?
Apr 4, 2005 at 6:23 PM Post #63 of 141
The GS-1 is a nice little amp but it falls short of the Dynahi in extension, speed, clarity and power. Comparing the GS-1 to a Dynahi-SA that's very similar to my own it sounded a little congested in comparison. The Dynahi just has a sense of speed and clarity that the GS-1 just can't keep up with.
Apr 4, 2005 at 8:30 PM Post #64 of 141
I had the opposite reaction to the Dynahi/GS-1 comparison. I thought that the GS-1 was cleaner and more extended than either of the Dynahis. I think headamp has a real winner with the GS-1. It was open and powerful, and a step up from the other amps from headamp.

Also, Justin had his new portable prototype there. All I will say is that if you are looking for a portable like a sr-71 or super-whatever, you should add this amp to your list for consideration. It has a Lithium Ion battery for 150 hours of play time, and sounded great. It seems like a breakthrough product to me.

The Slam was great. I happen to be a sucker for the Singlepower sound and was very impressed with the Slam. Also Canman’s Maestro was a standout for me.

Thrice has also got some new products which are worth considering for a great solid state amp. Both of the M3 amps were powerful and smooth.

It was great seeing the usual suspects from DC and all the travelers. It was nice meeting Mikhail and Guru for the first time and thought it was great that they ere there. Thanks again to Thrice for hosting.
Apr 4, 2005 at 9:36 PM Post #67 of 141
Rain, rain go away...please don't follow me to another state. Damn that was some long hard rain, in both directions. Added 2 hours each way to the trip.

But...alas, it was worth it. Thanks to Thrice and his family (including wife, cats and dog). I shouldn't have sat on the couch, but that explains why all the dogs were lifting there legs on me in Bethesda, that night.

Thanks to Canman for the Philadelphia freedom, of only having to drive half the distance, and thanks to Stevieo, to opening up his house to me and his Sudafed (damn allergies), and for taking Canman and I to a great Louisianna diner for some "po' man's breakfast".

I truly enjoyed myself (no, not that way)...and it was great to see some old friends, and make some new ones. I was impressed with the way that Thrice's M³ sounded, especially with the SA5000's. I can't say which one I liked better (internal or external ps). I listened to lan's 5000's in NY and didn't like them, but I think that I didn't give them a fair evaluation. I used them with the M³, the Hap 03, the LMNOP-3 and the GS-1, using all genres of music, and I have a different respect for them.
I was glad to finally meet Justin, and I also used his amp with the RS-1's (which I don't really care for...I'm just not a Grado guy), listening to some Dream Theater, and it was tight, fast, and potent.
I enjoyed Hirsch's (or was it Stevieos' RKV), with the Qualia 010's. Speaking of that, if there was one thing that this meet will make me open my wallet for, it was the Black Dragon cable upgrade for the 010's. Took the edge off the highs, and took the bass (which to me is the truest reproduction of bass, of any headphone) to the next level. The price of the cable is the price of a pair of HD600's, but if it makes it sound better, then it is justified (only by insane Head-Fiers).
I'm sorry I didn't get to spend anytime with GSFerrari's Dynahi, but I came late, and he left early (snowstorms, and rainforest rainstorms will do that to you). I was glad to meet GS...I wanted to meet the man behind the legend.

Every meet, I say I'm going to make name tags for everyone, because it is a struggle to say "who are you again?", and I like to see a face in my mind when I am corresponding with someone....but every meet I don't. It should definitely be a part of the meet agenda for future meets.

Thanks to all Head-Fiers, as you have given my life more worth (and my credit cards less worth), and especially thanks to those who host and attend meets, because that, is half the fun.

BTW - Did any see Mikhail's new line of cables. His powercord was of exceptionally high build quality, and I could have sworn I saw some of them, on the way home, holding up the Brooklyn Bridge. He also had some silver copper silver IC's. He is so diverse. I wish I had half of his creative drive.
On that note, I wish I had 1/4 of Larry's (Xanadu777) creativity. His woodworking skills are astonishing
Apr 4, 2005 at 9:58 PM Post #68 of 141

Originally Posted by immtbiker
BTW - Did any see Mikhail's new line of cables. His powercord was of exceptionally high build quality, and I could have sworn I saw some of them, on the way home, holding up the Brooklyn Bridge. He also had some silver copper silver IC's. He is so diverse. I wish I had half of his creative drive.
On that note, I wish I had 1/4 of Larry's (Xanadu777) creativity. His woodworking skills are astonishing

Mikhail is going to be offering cables for sale? Or was it just his personal stock?

Apr 4, 2005 at 10:39 PM Post #71 of 141
I'm still exhausted, but will sift through about 60 meg of photos and post some in the next day or two, or three
In the future, I'm only going to bring one source, one amp, and one set of cans to meets (yeah, right). OK, maybe two of each.

Thanks to thrice for hosting this one (and his wife for letting him do it).
Apr 4, 2005 at 10:46 PM Post #72 of 141

Originally Posted by Hirsch
I'm still exhausted, but will sift through about 60 meg of photos and post some in the next day or two, or three
In the future, I'm only going to bring one source, one amp, and one set of cans to meets (yeah, right). OK, maybe two of each.

Thanks to thrice for hosting this one (and his wife for letting him do it).

The meet wouldn't have been the same without the Hirsch table. Thanks again Thrice for having us, I had a blast, but I fear for my pocket.
Apr 4, 2005 at 11:59 PM Post #74 of 141

Originally Posted by immtbiker
Thanks to all Head-Fiers, as you have given my life more worth...

Aaron, check my new signature!

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