"Mad Dog" by MrSpeakers, modified Fostex T50RP review
Aug 30, 2012 at 8:13 PM Post #886 of 6,388
Then don't burn them in like I did, which was 30 minutes at a time. Burn them in continuously overnight or for several days. They will be ready much quicker!!
Aug 31, 2012 at 1:02 AM Post #889 of 6,388
That's a difficult choice...  I love both! Both are easily driven by my portable amps (JDSLabs c421 and Leckerton UHA 6SMKII), both are great sounding, both isolate and prevent sound leakage... the Mad Dogs have the Ultrasone beat in comfort, the Ultrasones have better extended bass and more sub-bass and warm tilt so if you prefer that, then the Sig Pros might be more for you... Both are fairly neutral with their mids and highs.
So, if you value comfort, can live without killer sub-bass (present but not their strong suit), and want to save a couple of $, then the Mad Dogs are definitely a great choice!!!
If you prefer more of a warm tilt, great sub-bass and bass reproduction, great passive isolation and want something built to take some abuse, the Sig Pros might be your cans!
Good luck!
Aug 31, 2012 at 1:14 AM Post #890 of 6,388
That's a difficult choice...  I love both! Both are easily driven by my portable amps (JDSLabs c421 and Leckerton UHA 6SMKII), both are great sounding, both isolate and prevent sound leakage... the Mad Dogs have the Ultrasone beat in comfort, the Ultrasones have better extended bass and more sub-bass and warm tilt so if you prefer that, then the Sig Pros might be more for you... Both are fairly neutral with their mids and highs.
So, if you value comfort, can live without killer sub-bass (present but not their strong suit), and want to save a couple of $, then the Mad Dogs are definitely a great choice!!!
If you prefer more of a warm tilt, great sub-bass and bass reproduction, great passive isolation and want something built to take some abuse, the Sig Pros might be your cans!
Good luck!

Thanks gelocks! I've read your other comparisons on this thread. Very helpful. Just wondering which cans have the faster transient speed? And also resolution/transperancy? Which one has more up front vocals (mids)? I'm guessing the MD are less fatiguing? Is this true as well?
Aug 31, 2012 at 10:23 AM Post #891 of 6,388
Both cans feature great resolution and speed, though the MDs are more up-front (to my ears it is still more of a 'mid-centric' headphone) and actually the MDs CAN be more 'fatiguing' than the Sig Pros BUT it only has happened with poorly recorded/mastered music. For example, listening to Operation Ivy old recordings, the MDs sometimes can be a bit too much while the warm tilt of the Sig Pros calm things down a bit. But really, I'm not sure if I'd ever let go of either of these 2! They're that good! (to my ears!)
Sep 2, 2012 at 5:33 PM Post #897 of 6,388
Everyone needs to chill out lol
I'm sure Dan will let us know on the 4th (in two days...two days!) when he will be shipping our stuff.

PITA's will wait until October. 


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