Losing passion of this hobby?
Feb 10, 2007 at 9:53 AM Post #31 of 63
I suppose some people actually consider collecting, building, and tuning expensive sound equipment to be a hobby in and of itself. To me, it is simply a means to an end.

Listening to music, on the other hand, is a hobby that never gets old.
Feb 10, 2007 at 10:16 AM Post #32 of 63
It seems to me that at it's extremes that there are 2 types of people in this hobby as in most for that matter - those who want a really good sound and use this forum to give them a steer in the right direction -and then get on to listening to the music while at the other extreme there is the individual who must have the best latest Carlos Fandango accessory and perhaps spends their time listening to the equipment rather than simply the best music they can afford. Both are valid as is those of us in the middle - what ever makes you happy

In photography there are those of us with Darkroom equipment, 3/4 camera bodies umpteen lenses and filters but actually use a point and squirt digital to take most of our photos.

There are the rest of us with a garage full of not really used sports equipment - Mountain Bikes, Scuba gear, Fishing rods of all shapes and sizes -the list is endless.

Yet we never seem to sell it so is the hobby in fact the pleasure/agony of choosing and buying the equipment or using it? Do I see an Ebay splurge on the horizon?
Feb 10, 2007 at 10:24 AM Post #34 of 63

Originally Posted by goorackerelite /img/forum/go_quote.gif
photography and music is such a great combo

That reminds me of digitalmind's awesome picture:

Feb 10, 2007 at 10:25 AM Post #35 of 63

Originally Posted by smeggy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Like all hobbies there are times when it seems somewhat futile and unfulfilling. I got tired of it a while back but it was mostly external circumstances which have since been resolved. I really like my music and enjoy listening to it well so I enjoy my cans. Also, as long as you stay within your means and don't obsess it's a lot more fun. One evil aspect of this place is self induced peer pressure, thinking that everyone has better cans and always wishing for more.

That's a good point. I'm so jealous of other peoples setups it's not even funny..
Feb 10, 2007 at 10:26 AM Post #36 of 63

Originally Posted by Azure /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That reminds me of digitalmind's awesome picture:


Wow.. that is pretty awesome

(wouldn't wanna walk into you on the streets, we have the same jacket
Feb 10, 2007 at 11:56 AM Post #38 of 63
If you feel you have to change gear all the time you aren´t enjoying the music...

Some is happy with one good headphone. Maybe try some high end stuff and then be happy with it? They don´t all sudden start to sound bad
. You don´t need an amp/external dac etc to get 95 % out of them often.

As for HI FI costing money it don´t have to cost more then say gaming, photograph, overclocking whatever it depends on who you are.

For me gaming is way more expensive then my headphone collection (so far knock on wood but I have now bought my last pair). Ev trading next if I will do any changes.

Maybe bird spotting? One good binocular is all you need for that and warm cloths
Feb 10, 2007 at 11:56 AM Post #39 of 63

This must be a reflection off a mirror ?


To be honest, for me, headphones and amplification are just a means to an end: the enjoyment of music; I don't actually see it as a hobby. I like to brows the headphone/amp threads, in a similar sort of way to browsing through hi-fi mags (although I haven't done that for a while, since I'm happy with my speaker set-up).

My main hobby is definitely photography, mainly because it relaxes me. Photography is initially expensive, but once you have a collection of good lenses, they're an investment and if carefully looked after will last many years.
Feb 10, 2007 at 5:38 PM Post #40 of 63
Interesting thread.

I am in the camp that feels that my equipment is satisfying enough that upgrades are not necessary. Key here is that the enjoyment of music is not impaired by equipment limitations.

That said I'm not above flirting with adding new equipment. Recently I considered both vintage electrostatic cans as well as Ultrasones, but ultimately concluded that my venerable modified HD580s still floated my boat sufficiently that no action was warranted. Besides the vast majority of my listening is done with my main stereo speaker system.
Feb 10, 2007 at 5:54 PM Post #41 of 63
Rat race burn-out....hits again...Where along the line did it stop being a hobby?

Just fine what makes you smile and don't worry about anything else.

Settle on one or two headphones, a source and an amp and live happily ever after.
Feb 10, 2007 at 6:01 PM Post #42 of 63
Wait a minute, nsjong. I distinctly remember that last September, hold on... (searching) in this thread you announced that you were retiring from head-fi and would only pop in occasionally to say hi to the people who missed you. What was that, roughly a thousand posts ago, right? Tsk, tsk.
Feb 10, 2007 at 6:13 PM Post #43 of 63
Stereo equipment is really only about 25%, the recording itself has the biggest impact on the sound. A recording's mix and mastering make the biggest impact on the sound. If you are getting burnt out it is probably the quality of your recordings. Any new music (almost) from the last 10 years is of poor quality due to the loudness race. Try listening to pre '96 CD's.
Feb 10, 2007 at 6:27 PM Post #44 of 63

Originally Posted by nsjong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
LOL. Why? Because we find out that hydrocity's name is Lara?!!??!?!

there's a third name out there somewhere...

I love music and therefore I could never get tired of it (be it from headphones or [crappy] speakers).

i will find my ultimate combo (sooner than later actually) and that would hopefully mean no more huge spending.

this kinda sums it for me:

Originally Posted by krmathis
Not the slightest!
I enjoy music, and sound reproduction. So I am always looking for improvements...


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