LH Labs Geek Out v2 Discussion Thread
Sep 23, 2015 at 4:43 PM Post #526 of 1,391
  A couple of members asked for a comparison between the Apogee Groove and GOV2. I have both right now, so here’s my little take for what it’s worth.
I purchased the Apogee Groove a couple of weeks ago for travel use. It looks great and build quality is first rate. Sound quality is really good too with both my HD650s and Ultrasone Edition 8s. It has a clear, detailed presentation and good separation.I don’t need to raise the volume above 20% for either headphone, which is impressive. In fact, I don’t have to alter the volume at all when switching between my headphones which is interesting considering they’re at opposite ends of the impedance spectrum. I assume this is due to the constant current drive technology in the amp. It does get hot, though.
Unfortunately, on certain recordings, there is some loss of detail and it can sound a little congested. This does not occur with the same recordings played through my desktop system - the Lavry DA11 DAC and DNA Sonett headphone amp.
So I decided to audition the Geek Out V2. The unit arrived yesterday.
Everything I have read about the GOV2 is true - it looks and feels cheap, the plastic is sticky to the touch, it seems easily breakable, it smells awful, and the LEDS are not all working. I can’t help but wonder if the unit will sooner or later blow up or melt onto my desk. The build quality does not inspire confidence and the unit looks more like a home electronics project.
It has one thing going for it - the sound quality. 
The GOV2 produces a lush, euphoric, almost tube-like sound, yet presents great detail and separation even with the most demanding recordings. The sound quality is so good it rivals my DA11/Sonett desktop system and has me constantly switching between the two to see which is better. I’m undecided.
With the sound quality factored in, this unit is quite a bargain.
The only criticism I could make about the GOV2’s sound signature is that it is sometimes too lush, and I start to miss the pristine clarity and somewhat dryer presentation of the Groove and DA11. However, this could be because my ears have grown accustomed to the more neutral “pro-audio” studio sound that both the Lavry and Apogee are designed for.
I have developed quite an affection for the Groove and was hoping it would win my shoot out. Alas, it’s going back. I just hope the GOV2 doesn’t crap out on me too quickly.


Nice comparison. I have both on hand as well, albeit the groove was a loaner. I personally found the Groove less detailed and warmer than the V2 and the V2 leaner and more detailed. Just goes to show how everyone hears differently 

Sep 23, 2015 at 6:40 PM Post #527 of 1,391
Thanks for your impressions @Jeremy and @RedJohn456 - I have 2 days to decide whether to keep the Groove or return it.  I've enjoyed it thus far, but I'm waiting my GOV2+ and was glad to hear your opinions - even if they don't quite match.  lol.  

Sep 23, 2015 at 9:04 PM Post #528 of 1,391
  Thanks for your impressions @Jeremy and @RedJohn456 - I have 2 days to decide whether to keep the Groove or return it.  I've enjoyed it thus far, but I'm waiting my GOV2+ and was glad to hear your opinions - even if they don't quite match.  lol.  


Welcome to head-fi where your orange is my blue :wink:
Here is the thing.The Groove has a constant current amplifier. In short, high impedance gear will sound pretty nice whereas low impedance headphones not so much, even more so for balanced armature iems.
Groove would be ideal with someone with lots of hard to drive gear, hence why they use the HD800 in their marketing images. But if your gear consists of hybrid iems, balanced armature iems and low impedance gear, they won't sound right.
Apogee even has it on their site: http://www.apogeedigital.com/knowledgebase/groove/multi-driver-balanced-armature-iems-with-groove/
Quote: Apogee
 Apogee does not recommend the Apogee Groove for use with multi-driver balanced armature in-ear monitors. Due to the design of the balanced armature drivers and crossover networks used in this type of headphone, the Groove’s Constant Current Drive amplifier technology may result in uneven frequency response when used with certain models.

The groove sounded great for my Venture Electronics Zen (a 320 ohm earbud) and the AKG K612 Pro open back headphones (150 ohms). But when it came to using my hybrid Sony XBA Z5 iem, it sounded tonally unbalanced with rolled off treble due to the really high output impedance associated with the constant current amplifier.
So, whether the groove is good for you ultimately depends on what you listen with. For me, I have a wide variety of gear and the inconsistent performance was concerning for me. Don't get me wrong, the Groove is a fantastic piece of kit, its beautifully designed with robust build quality and construction, with sturdy tactile volume buttons.
Putting aside the inconsistent performance, the Apogee Groove DAC can be summed as the following, in comparison to the V2
Apogee Groove DAC (assessed using line out with max source volume to Venture Electronics RunABOUT Portable Amplifier)
- Less detailed, feels veiled in comparison
- Warmer sound with a lush mid range
- Soundstage isn't as defined nor solid
V2 DAC (assessed using line out with max source volume to Venture Electronics RunABOUT Portable Amplifier)
- more detailed/analytical in comparison
- more detailed soundstage
- presents all those details in such a way that is not fatiguing and is pleasant to listen to. 
I have had both for several weeks and after a lot of comparing back and forth, I would have to give the dac performance to the V2. The V2 chassis looks fragile in comparison, is ugly as sin and comes with no accessories, whereas the Groove at least comes with a pouch, but the V2 sounds GOD TIER. Its being compared not to fellow small footprint amp/dacs but to DESKTOP set ups. It has a monster of a DAC and a Class A amplifier. 
Good luck with whichever you choose, and as always with anything on head-fi, YMMV. Welcome to head-fi and sorry for your wallet!
Oct 1, 2015 at 7:05 PM Post #531 of 1,391
Cross-post from the V2+ thread:

I tried a USB OTG Y-cable last night, UAPP cannot initialise the DAC when the power is already connected to the Y-cable (Galaxy Note 4). Connecting DAC to the phone first, initialising the DAC in UAPP, and then connecting the power works, however in this scenario the phone is still drained by the GOV2 (checked several times with Ampere, it does reduce drain a bit, but you're still talking ~2-3x the phones usual consumption, if power already connected to the Y-cable then there is no drain on the phone). Bit disappointing, I think I'd have not waited for the V2+ if a Y-cable had worked to ameliorate the battery drain.

Also got my own TRRS to 4-pin XLR cable from lunashops.com yesterday, arrived much (much) earlier than their shipping estimate. I'm the second or third Head-Fier to get one from them, if people are looking for adapters.
Oct 1, 2015 at 9:44 PM Post #532 of 1,391
Cross-post from the V2+ thread:

I tried a USB OTG Y-cable last night, UAPP cannot initialise the DAC when the power is already connected to the Y-cable (Galaxy Note 4). Connecting DAC to the phone first, initialising the DAC in UAPP, and then connecting the power works, however in this scenario the phone is still drained by the GOV2 (checked several times with Ampere, it does reduce drain a bit, but you're still talking ~2-3x the phones usual consumption, if power already connected to the Y-cable then there is no drain on the phone). Bit disappointing, I think I'd have not waited for the V2+ if a Y-cable had worked to ameliorate the battery drain.

Also got my own TRRS to 4-pin XLR cable from lunashops.com yesterday, arrived much (much) earlier than their shipping estimate. I'm the second or third Head-Fier to get one from them, if people are looking for adapters.

Do you notice an improvement running through the balanced output?
Oct 1, 2015 at 10:30 PM Post #533 of 1,391
Do you notice an improvement running through the balanced output?

I've not tried to do a careful comparison as yet, certainly I think the balanced output is better for slightly more difficult to power cans (the Ether sounds really nice with the GOV2).
Oct 2, 2015 at 8:02 PM Post #534 of 1,391
Pleasant trip to the cafe today, music controls via Pebble Time Steel:

Oct 3, 2015 at 6:24 AM Post #535 of 1,391
Also got my own TRRS to 4-pin XLR cable from lunashops.com yesterday, arrived much (much) earlier than their shipping estimate. I'm the second or third Head-Fier to get one from them, if people are looking for adapters.

Do you have a direct link to this device in lunashops.com?
Oct 3, 2015 at 2:52 PM Post #536 of 1,391
Oct 6, 2015 at 5:55 AM Post #538 of 1,391
Does anyone know when the V2 is coming back in stock? I would like to buy one.

Amazon has stock (or did have as recently as yesterday).
Oct 6, 2015 at 8:50 PM Post #540 of 1,391
^^its my favorite for driving my old q701s. No problem with any 7 series I would imagine .

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