Leaving portable hifi - it's too silly
Feb 3, 2009 at 3:42 AM Post #406 of 937
this is like arguing performance/price ratio of laptop vs desktop, at the widest sense.

i've never had a laptop and i'd love to stick to that for now. same for audio.
normal_smile .gif
Feb 3, 2009 at 6:58 AM Post #407 of 937

Originally Posted by brandnewgame /img/forum/go_quote.gif
The FiiOs just a bass boost. Get a good sounding DAP and some IEMs with enough bass already. FiiO is a last ditch attempt to save bassless phones.

I disagree.I think the Fiio E5 can make any IEM sound better than just using a DAP alone.It's a fantastic option for those who want a little better sound quality and volume and are on a strict budget.In fact i think the Fiio E5 sounds better then amps costing 2,3 or 4 times more.
Feb 3, 2009 at 7:08 AM Post #408 of 937

Originally Posted by Nirvana1000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I disagree.I think the Fiio E5 can make any IEM sound better than just using a DAP alone.It's a fantastic option for those who want a little better sound quality and volume and are on a strict budget.In fact i think the Fiio E5 sounds better then amps costing 2,3 or 4 times more.

Care to divulge what amps you are speaking of?
Feb 5, 2009 at 8:37 PM Post #409 of 937
This thread (and others like it) is why I keep coming back to Head-fi. Reasonable people with firmly held opinions who can discuss and disagree in a civilized manner. Not to mention a lot of great information.
Thanks guys.
Feb 6, 2009 at 4:25 AM Post #411 of 937

Originally Posted by smeggy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I just joined the porta-fi club, I run big-ass low impedance phones so I got a mini3.. now they rumble..

The average DAP struggles to drive most of my phones.

You should mention that your portables are heavily dampened orthodynamics. Not everyone in the portable thread knows who you are.
Feb 6, 2009 at 5:11 AM Post #412 of 937

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You should mention that your portables are heavily dampened orthodynamics. Not everyone in the portable thread knows who you are.

That's 'cos I are a super-secret porta-ninja

Yes, anyways... needs moar powah!!
Feb 6, 2009 at 2:47 PM Post #413 of 937

Originally Posted by smeggy /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That's 'cos I are a super-secret porta-ninja

Yes, anyways... needs moar powah!!

Smeggy is not one to fall for gimmicks the likes of th3 uninformed. He uses those custom modded orthos greatly suited for portability (in every way but fashion and size, though he fixes this with wood turning hax) both sensible in price and selection. If only he had electronics DIY skills.
Feb 6, 2009 at 9:12 PM Post #414 of 937

Originally Posted by manaox2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Smeggy is not one to fall for gimmicks the likes of th3 uninformed. He uses those custom modded orthos greatly suited for portability (in every way but fashion and size, though he fixes this with wood turning hax) both sensible in price and selection. If only he had electronics DIY skills.

My electronix skillz are so Ninja even I can't find them

To give some idea of just how unportable my portable headphones are, just the other day I walked into a cafe and one of the guys chortled that it looked like I had a pair of hamburgers on my head

Mmmm hamburger head with nice meaty sound! I tried using them without an amp but they suck all the life out of mp3 players... Still, as portable rigs go, it's awesome, if not particularly portable. It sounds too good to give up.
Mar 2, 2009 at 7:30 PM Post #415 of 937
This is a very interesting thread! I have only read about 3 pages, though.
I think the OP has some very interesting thoughts on this. But, there is a HUGE difference in sound quality when connecting a portable amp to your portable source, when using demanding headphones

This is probably the biggest reason why I just bought myself something better than the FiiO E5. I really want the mini^3 when trying out different 'phones. I think it will give me a much better idea of what a fullsized headphone could sound like if I bring the iPod with portable amp and LOD cable to different stores etc than just plugging demanding phones straight into the HP jack.
Also, having a portable amp is very versatile and not very costly because of that. In my world, I think the extra bulk at home, at work and on trips is definately worth it if I get nicer sounding music. Running around in town or taking the tram or buss, THEN you might as well skip all that and just go with a small player and some noise-blocking IEMs.

Simply put, I would think a portable amp is golden for all other occations than on-the-go or at home (alone), which are quite many!

I would recommend this forum to anyone who has this interest, but I think I will refer to this threads first post to what they should begin reading! It's that good!

May 7, 2009 at 1:33 AM Post #417 of 937

Originally Posted by Luminette /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I need to make a mention for PCDPs. There it is. Too many PCDPs, mostly older ones, outright destroy the audio quality of our PDAPs - whether by their headphone out or their line-out.


I thought the technology of DAC and OpAmp advanced significantly over the years.

If the problem is capacitor not large enough, would it be fixed by an external amp?

BTW, would good battery, with high current output and low internal resistance, be functionally equivalent to, and be able to replace, a large capacitor? NiCd and NiMH may be better than Li battery for high current and low resistance.
May 7, 2009 at 9:05 PM Post #418 of 937

Originally Posted by frozenice /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I had a 1981 BMW 320i that had manual steering and I doubt that you would want to be doing much parallel parking in a car any bigger than that with manual steering - that was plenty enough effort to me, but it was a great car on the highway and in the city. I also had a 1998 Honda Civic and I am pretty sure it had power assisted steering - it certainly was a lot easier to parallel park than the BMW, that's for sure. Also, they both had manual windows which was fine by me.

One thing that the BMW had was good airflow in the summer in that you could drive around with the rear windows opened up (they tilted out instead of going up and down), the sunroof open and the vents open and it was very comfortable whereas the Civic needed the A/C on on when it got above 70* F or so.

3-series is a pretty solid car (no matter what platform), as long as you're not a prick about it (haha BMW drivers, etc. etc.).

Anyway, concerning audio: I just got my cheap amp (E5) to go with my cheap headphones (HD555/KSC75) and cheap sources (Fuze/crappy laptop onboard sound) and it sounds beautiful to me. The only reason I would upgrade is to get a different type of headphone (closed or IEM, for example), or one with a way different sound signature (grado perhaps). I honestly don't feel like spending more than $100 for any component of a portable system.

The law of diminishing returns comes into effect bigtime with audio, and especially portable audio. Heck, for the price I paid for my rig so far ($100, minus the Fuze and laptop), I could get a used stereo receiver and some old speakers that would sound nearly as good (or at least good enough), which is just what I might do
May 8, 2009 at 12:52 AM Post #420 of 937

Originally Posted by Nirvana1000 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I disagree.I think the Fiio E5 can make any IEM sound better than just using a DAP alone.It's a fantastic option for those who want a little better sound quality and volume and are on a strict budget.In fact i think the Fiio E5 sounds better then amps costing 2,3 or 4 times more.

Inquiring minds would like to know how it does that???


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