Leaving portable hifi - it's too silly
Dec 18, 2008 at 6:13 AM Post #361 of 937

Originally Posted by roncruiser /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Well said.

As a newb to portable amplification, I almost fell to it's allure. Having done enough research, I concluded I can have excellent portable SQ without a "portable" amp. How'd I do that? I bought Shure SE530's to go along with my 2G Ipod Touch! Easy. Excellent IEM's to go with a solid PDAP. Based on the information gathered here at head-fi, it was an easy decision to make. Why pay (waste) my money for an extra device when I didn't have to.

It still all depends on what it is being used for. Is it as a true portable for walking around while listening wearing shorts and a t-shirt, or as a transportable and trying to bring better sound quality to your mobile or work location?

If a person has a 2G nano or older, or 1G Touch or old iPhone, or 5.5G iPod video or older but is already using very good quality IEM, then to get better sound out of them the choices are a new DAP/iPod or add an amp to the current DAP's line out. Assuming one wants to stay very portable with minimal clutter, I agree a newer/nicer DAP with nice IEM makes more sense in most cases. But, I do feel that a small amp with line out dock will sound better, and it wasn't that difficult to carry around my 8gb 2G Nano with Predator in my cargo shorts in summer or in my fleece vest during the winter. And there is no question vs the headphone out that the line out dock sounds cleaner and more spacious with an amp hooked up.

If a person is using full size headphones or harder to drive headphones, they are likely actually using it as a transportable at work or hotel room, and often an amp is just the ticket to make them perform better. I do feel there are many portable amps that can sound close to a desktop amp, while at the same time I agree one can spend less money on a desktop amp that sounds as good as a portable that costs twice as much. I am sure many $300-400 desktop amps (EF1, DV336i, NOVO, Caliente) will sound better than most portable amps, but can you easily take the desktop amp with you to use in the car, train or plane? No.

When I go on vacation next week I will have my iPhone and Westone 3 for the plane, plus Nuforce NE-7M for walking around and using the phone; but I will also be bringing my Macbook with Predator USB DAC amp and ATH-ESW10 for the hotel room. I may also use the Predator with iPhone and IEM on the plane, to help the iPhone battery last longer by having the headphone jack volume at zero. Yes, this leaves my iMod/portable Vcaps at home lonely, sitting next to my iRiver H140 optical out to Micro DAC/Amp, but those rigs might make a good "leave at work" portable rig for someone else and kick butt on the DAP/IEM. Is it really portable anymore when used that way? Not really, but to some it is and it is worth it to carry around in a camera bag, and I do believe it will sound better than the minimal rig. (So, in that sense I disagree with the OP).
Dec 18, 2008 at 6:27 AM Post #363 of 937
PS: My kids probably think I am bringing the macbook so they can surf myspace all day, but my wife says they'll have to do surf lessons at the beach instead... Since I'm disabled I get to surf the web while they surf the waves.
Dec 18, 2008 at 11:37 AM Post #365 of 937

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
PS: My kids probably think I am bringing the macbook so they can surf myspace all day, but my wife says they'll have to do surf lessons at the beach instead... Since I'm disabled I get to surf the web while they surf the waves.

Disabled? Why?
Dec 18, 2008 at 11:41 AM Post #366 of 937

Originally Posted by K.I. Unlimited /img/forum/go_quote.gif
That's totally out of point.

And besides, home audiophiles can spend thousands on cables. *And* they know what they're doing. Explain that.

The full cable debate probably stay in a different forum. That debate is a dragon compared to a torch in this case.

Glad many of you still enjoy your rigs in any case, that is still pretty good on the wallet.
normal_smile .gif
Dec 18, 2008 at 12:47 PM Post #368 of 937

Originally Posted by manaox2 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
While an Orpheus also seems like it would not be a value in itself for me and more like something a gadget person would want to collect, If an audiophile truly reached the best of the world in home audio for themselves, they fully deserve to spend the minuscule amount a portable rig would cost in comparison. I doubt they would be very satisfied with even the best portable rig equipment in existence.

I'm happy with my crappy car stereo, adding to that the engine and wind noise. Sometimes I find it more enjoyable to listen to than my expensive home rig. I think obsessiveness with perfection is being confused with listening enjoyment here.


While I would like to believe that most people with these rigs spend a ton of time commuting, I would have trouble believing that. Even if that is true, it does not make sense in my mind to spend $500 on an amp, $175 on cables and $150 on capacitors to patch up the downfalls of a $200 player being paired with $300 headphones. It will help to some effect, but it also effectively makes it more of a hassle to place in the cramped quarters and suspicious on a plane to say the least, although I am sure that does not bother all people.

For me personally, it might be something I'd do if I wanted a rig that was both portable and for home or office use (if I had an office) and wanted to get the most out of it possible. It's still cheaper than what some people, including myself, spend on home rigs. I agree with how silly all those costs look though.

I gather the iMod will not go beyond the 5th gen iPods, so some of the ridiculousness will eventually fade away.
Dec 18, 2008 at 12:59 PM Post #369 of 937

Originally Posted by Currawong /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm happy with my crappy car stereo, adding to that the engine and wind noise. Sometimes I find it more enjoyable to listen to than my expensive home rig. I think obsessiveness with perfection is being confused with listening enjoyment here.

Thank goodness for the light. I was also looking for this, but forgot how to put the idea into words - your last sentence.

I recently found a song I've been looking for, for 8 years, on-off. When I finally bought the single through some Altec Lansing computer speakers, the sentimentality and effect wasn't there. Then I remembered - I was enjoying the music, and playing it again and again - for well over 15-30 times when I first heard it through 'crappy AIWA earbuds' and a PCDP.

So, I tried hearing the song with my iBud - and finally remembered how I felt back then.

I apologise for going off-topic yet again (I know some of you have seen me doing that plenty of times), but please, if you have time, hear this (the song I finally found today thanks to forumers from a local forum)out - YouTube - Namie Amuro - Never End (Live from Okinawa) [namie cries]

You may not make it, or the singer, your next favourite, but hope it brings something nice to your life.
Dec 18, 2008 at 3:45 PM Post #370 of 937
Wow, I'm late to this great thread. When I started, price was the primary factor. The gift of an iPod allowed me to rediscover the joy of listening to music and my languishing CD collection. Starting my own business and two small children meant that a full-sized home stereo was out of the question. But add $70 for a pair of SR60s and I was gone. After that, being able to make small steps to improve sound (LOD and portable amp) made sense, which led to the ALO dock and PA2v2. This was relatively cheap, and it improved the sound quality, right? At least it made it louder.

After this, the first full size cans (990s) inspired the purchase of the Hornet. Then came my first meets. Listening to a variety of cans on full size home amps, both SS and tube (and especially DIY) blew my mind. I also realized the limitations of the iPod (and iMod) as a source.

So I "downsized" - sold the ALO dock and the Hornet, and got another portable (w/ USB DAC) and LOD for $0 extra. No diss to any piece of equipment, but I don't feel I lost anything in quality. Even this basic DAC outshines the iPod, so no more lossless tracks on the iPod, and "serious" listening is limited to the laptop.

Due to (long story omitted), a DIY tube amp fell into my lap. Now, my LOD is getting almost no use, and my Leckerton is used mostly as a DAC. The iPod is mostly used with my PortaPros or the wife's PX100s. The Grados and the Beyers get some tube love, and I get to spend a lot of time with the PortaPros, the world's finest cheap headphone (you heard that right PX100 lovers
). This makes me happy. That is all.
Dec 19, 2008 at 5:13 AM Post #371 of 937

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Is it as a true portable for walking around while listening wearing shorts and a t-shirt, or as a transportable and trying to bring better sound quality to your mobile or work location?

Yes, it is a "true" portable for out and about listening, and ,yes, I'm bringing better sound quality to my work location. Why spend my money on extraneous devices when I don't have to. I would if had to, but I don't have to. My "portable" SQ is excellent, and excellent is good enough. To each his own. I'm enjoying my music.
Dec 21, 2008 at 4:15 AM Post #373 of 937
Thank you for one of the best post Head-fi has ever registered!

I've always wondered about the ever growing business of "budget" portable amp and the demographic this segment targets at (at least this is observed where I'm staying)

An excellent post! Thanks again.
Dec 21, 2008 at 4:38 AM Post #374 of 937
Good points to the original poster but IMO, hi fi portable is great as long as it is within reason. I think spending over $1000 for a hi-fi portable system is really a waste of money unless if you enjoy it and can afford it. If money is not an issue, why not? A more refined sound is always welcome. In this regard, I don't see a problem.

You are right in many ways. In most cases, a good modest headphone upgrade is all you need. For me however, I like to splurge a little and tweak it with a Ray Samuels amp. It's a nice portable tweak which does not incovenience me.
Dec 21, 2008 at 5:07 PM Post #375 of 937
Lately I am using on rotation amps like the SR71, Reference, MiniBox-E+, D3, etc. I have an office and I carry w/ me the iPod Classic w/ an ALO line out, one of the amps listed above and an Ultrasone PROline 2500 or a Yuin OK1.

Since I do not have much noise in the environment (except when the phone rings or a visitor/employee comes in) I enjoy my "transportable" setup immensely and to me it is worth all the money ($1,200+) I have in it.

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