Leaving portable hifi - it's too silly
Oct 25, 2008 at 5:11 AM Post #211 of 937
It's possible to enjoy headfi on different levels. As in home audio circles, there can be a little snob factor going on. For me, a portable amp isn't in the cards, as my iPod is on the verge of too big as it is. I do enjoy reading about them. I believ 90% of the desired SQ can be achieved with the right phones.

As to home amps, I need some convincing that a dedicated headphone amp is any better than a decent home reciever. Even some tape decks have good headphone amps. My Onkyo TX 2060 seems made for my Denon headphones. Can I be convinced otherwise? Probably, but only if the SQ is there to back it up. The big hurdle is that there's really no place to do comparisons.
Oct 25, 2008 at 5:57 AM Post #212 of 937

Originally Posted by Sherwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Justin from Headamp is a really talented builder. He's the only builder I can think of who has subjected himself to the physical and mental torture that is churning out BHSE units for anyone who wants to buy one. I'm reading this as your saying that if Justin can do it, anyone can. In my experience that is hardly true.

My view would be... If a one-man company can think of something as good as the Pico, then I don't see why companies with more than a one-man team can't do as well or design something better?
Oct 25, 2008 at 5:58 AM Post #213 of 937
sorry for the OT guys just one more and i'm done; I will go back to discussing the matter at hand. please feel free to ignore this post i'm not dsaying anything new on the subject at hand.


Originally Posted by Sherwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Do you read what I write? It loses most of its meaning without the italicization, I think.

when did I profess to have a perfect train of thought and reasoning? you are the only one seeming to do that. I admit that my use of the word literally was incorrect, but why did you feel the need to point it out? does that give you some strange satisfaction to be giving me english lessons? your obsession with semantics confuses me.


I never once assaulted your right to own a portable amp, or your reasons for doing so. Despite that, you keep defending your choice to me. I don't care what you do. Do whatever you like.

how was me explaining my viewpoint regarding the OP's stance me trying to justify it to YOU? and thankyou I will.


I disagreed with your stance on there being no objective opinions, and I voiced that in what I thought was a civil way. I later disagreed with your usage of the word "literally" when you meant exactly the opposite. I admit I was less civil then.

we wont go into that but suffice to say IMO the use of the word objective only works on paper. there is no way anyone can think about something in a way that isn't coloured by their own thought process and feelings; thus making it subjective


Your every response to me contains either personal vitriol or some windy defense of your reasoning behind owning a portable amp. Again, I don't care. There's no real need for me to continue being so untoward, however, so I'm perfectly happy to continue henceforth debating whether or not everyone who spends money on something other people don't like is, in fact, dumb.

your own motives in your own words were to point out my, in your opinion inappropriate and DUMB linguistic errors and have a bit of fun at my expense. that to me is counter productive; especially when I was already clearly a bit worked up. How was I meant to react and what did you hope to achieve?


As we were.

cool with me; I dont even know you so I dont have an issue with you; only your behavior towards me. i'm happy to get back to trying to find a solution to this problem. I dont wish to fight anymore; can we just move on?
Oct 25, 2008 at 6:04 AM Post #214 of 937

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
when did I profess to have a perfect train of thought and reasoning? you are the only one seeming to do that. I admit that my use of the word literally was incorrect, but why did you feel the need to point it out? does that give you some strange satisfaction to be giving me english lessons? your obsession with semantics confuses me.

Sherwood just spent the last year teaching english in Turkey, that's why!
Oct 25, 2008 at 7:22 AM Post #215 of 937
I knew this would happen, in fact i said so to lum when he first posted this thread- it will all end in farce. qusp, let it drop mate, from what i can be bothered to read sherwood has you over a barrel and is playing you like a puppet.

As to the op- i agree partially, but just every now and then, when components just come together well, mediocre musical playback can be made to sound just that little bit more enjoyable.
Oct 25, 2008 at 7:49 AM Post #216 of 937

Originally Posted by nickyboyo /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I knew this would happen, in fact i said so to lum when he first posted this thread- it will all end in farce. qusp, let it drop mate, from what i can be bothered to read sherwood has you over a barrel and is playing you like a puppet.

I know he was but its not like I was blind to it; I just wanted him to stop his puerile jabs and get on with it; but then I got caught up in the whole thing. i am done with it now; I hope he is; I hate game players
Oct 25, 2008 at 9:04 AM Post #217 of 937
Personally, I use an amp as a buffer for my IEMs . . . that's because the 120GB Zune apparently hates low impedance loads though. Beyond a Mini^3 it's not worth it.

I'd dare say though, it's not worth it at home either since all I have is low impedance phones. I can imagine a transistor amp would sound slightly better (more texture usually) . . . but as I'm already good to go in my HT setup . . . eh.

For those making a home system though, the priorities should be completely different from a portable setup. Unfortunately, I have to use my portable later at night for obvious reasons . . .
Oct 25, 2008 at 2:33 PM Post #218 of 937
There are many small portable amps of small size. For example:

1. MiniBox-E+: this unit also allows op-amp rolling, with a pair of AD797 being an excellent choice.
2. iBasso P2, P3, D2, or D3. All excellent plus the P3 and D2 allow op-amp rolling.
3. Xin's Supermicro, Supermini, Reference or Supermacro. The last three allow op-amp rolling.
4. RSA Tomahawk, P51, etc.
5. Pico

FWIW, I have heard all of the above except the P51 and they are all excellent sounding if the source is up to the task. Like an iModded iPod w/ Lossless files.

So can a portable be hi-fi. HELL YES! Unless you are an elitist snob!
Oct 25, 2008 at 3:24 PM Post #219 of 937

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Sherwood just spent the last year teaching english in Turkey, that's why!

WOW i never would've guessed; I bet his pupils really love him; I feel so enriched for the experience
Oct 25, 2008 at 11:29 PM Post #220 of 937

Originally Posted by qusp /img/forum/go_quote.gif
WOW i never would've guessed; I bet his pupils really love him; I feel so enriched for the experience

Well, the first one's free, but after that I'm going to start charging

All that aside, I acted out of character. It's been a stressful few days, and I obviously took it out on someone who was not the problem. That is, unless you're actually a television hypnotist from California, Qusp. If you aren't, my sincere apologies for my uncivility. It doesn't suit me.

Hopefully I've not derailed this useful thread too much. Sorry all.
Oct 25, 2008 at 11:56 PM Post #221 of 937
I just don't understand the entire amp thing. Let me preface by saying that I don't begrudge anyone who uses an amp or indicates that they notice an increase in sq by using one. I just don't. I have tried 3, and did not notice anything special. The most recent was the tomahawk. Oh I could tell a slight increase in sq when I was sitting alone in my home with nothing else going on. But an Ipod or any other mp3 type player were designed for portability and style. Even the thickness of the tomahawk, despite it's small size, made my ipod the thickness of a brick. I don't know what type of clothes the rest of you wear, but it certainly does not fit comfortably in my pocket. And as far as style, the banding together of the 2 and the coiled snake coming out of the bottom certainly is not stylish. Not worth the cost or the bulk in my opinion. If I am at home, I would rather stick my phones in my reciever than use an ipod and an amp.
Oct 26, 2008 at 12:19 AM Post #222 of 937
I am a teenager from the early nineties, and as such my pockets have plenty of room for most portable amps/docks/DAPs/etc.
Oct 26, 2008 at 12:36 AM Post #223 of 937

Originally Posted by Sherwood /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I am a teenager from the early nineties, and as such my pockets have plenty of room for most portable amps/docks/DAPs/etc.

You mean you "were a teenager in the 90's" and not that you are a "teenager born in the 90's"...

Get your engrish right buddy!

(I almost typed teenanger)
Oct 26, 2008 at 12:56 AM Post #224 of 937

Originally Posted by HeadphoneAddict /img/forum/go_quote.gif
You mean you "were a teenager in the 90's" and not that you are a "teenager born in the 90's"...

Not quite -- by a miracle of modern science I have preserved as a teenager from 1994. As such, the only pants I may wear (legally and morally) are these:
Oct 26, 2008 at 12:59 AM Post #225 of 937

Originally Posted by Little Bob /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I'm off to walk the dog now - and I'll be taking my music with me.

Little Bob has it perfect, and I relate 110% to his comments. Why? Because my portable rig gets used mostly when I'm walking the dog! I stick the rig into the handwarmer pocket of a sweatshirt, clamp on the SR60s, and listen to tunes while I kick a tennis ball around the yard for the puppy to chase.

My 160G Classic has more than enough room for every piece of music I own. I run the iPod through a bass-boost cMoy and I like what I hear in the Grados. The whole thing makes me happy and relaxes me. Isn't that all that matters?

I kind of feel sorry for the OP, who dropped a whole bunch of coin on his rig and isn't happy with it. He either a) listens too critically and expects too much or b) doesn't listen critically enough before parting with his money. Not sure which; that's for him to deal with.

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