LCD-2 VS Grado RS1 for Rock
Aug 22, 2011 at 8:42 PM Post #31 of 230

I had an LCD2 for a few weeks and I did not like them for rock. The bass was very prominent and the mids felt recessed compared to my old RS2s. (and current HF2 and PS1000)
The LCD2 is very good but since it delivers so much bass, it can overwhelm the midrange. it's not bad, muddy bass, but there's just so much of it, it cant help but be the most prominent frequency that you hear.

I think you might not be used to what bass on your recordings is supposed to sound like. The FR graph is dead flat (i.e. not bumped up in any way) and the 30Hz square wave responses are well....square. Unlike any other headphone I've seen yet. So that would indicate that the drivers are reproducing the input square wave.
For fun, I suggest you have a look at the Grado FR graph and square wave responses. The drivers are clearly struggling to reproduce the input single. So the "too much" bass is actually closer to what's on the recording with the LCD-2s than the no-sub bass/mid bass hump Grados.
Aug 22, 2011 at 8:56 PM Post #32 of 230
Haha the 300hz square wave on the RS2 makes me think of the smile on this: 

Aug 22, 2011 at 10:09 PM Post #33 of 230
I’m aware the Grado isn’t the most neutral can, to say the least. but since this thread is about what we think sounds better for rock, I gave my opinion. 
The LCD2 made rock sound distant and less involving. I could try to logically tell myself I was listening to a more neutral sound, but that’s what I like about rocking out. It was like a more refined version of the D5000 but with a similar issue of the bass just dominating the sound, making the mids feel a little more distant. 
If I listened to more electronica, ambient or classical, I’d still have the LCD2.
Aug 22, 2011 at 10:19 PM Post #34 of 230

The LCD2 made rock sound distant and less involving. I could try to logically tell myself I was listening to a more neutral sound, but that’s what I like about rocking out. It was like a more refined version of the D5000 but with a similar issue of the bass just dominating the sound, making the mids feel a little more distant. 

I would agree with this - when it comes to fun factor the LCD-2 can be almost too refined, and pushes the guitars and cymbals a bit further back.  When it comes to drums this is a bit strange - the kickdrum is very close, but the cymbals are far away - sort of like you're lying on the floor, possibly passed out and being trampled by the mosh-pit
  For well produced metal, and with equipment that can actually reproduce a soundstage the LCD-2 though does present a much more refined and coherent tonality and soundstage, just maybe a little too refined.
Aug 22, 2011 at 10:22 PM Post #35 of 230
I personally like refined for rock.  Why would I want rock to sound unrefined?  I get it, it's a fun coloration.  But for me personally, that's not why I like good headphones.  When I want fun coloration I go paint or something. 

Aug 22, 2011 at 10:33 PM Post #36 of 230

I personally like refined for rock.  Why would I want rock to sound unrefined?  I get it, it's a fun coloration.  But for me personally, that's not why I like good headphones.  If I wanted fun coloration I'd go paint or something. 

I really enjoyed my RS1 and RS1i headphones with rock, but once I got my LCD-2s, I realized that I could happily live without them. I preferred to hear albums like Back In Black how AC/DC intended me to hear it as opposed to how John Grado wanted me to hear it.
Many are hooked by the Grado colouration, that's cool....but I guess I've moved on.
Aug 22, 2011 at 11:49 PM Post #37 of 230

Haha the 300hz square wave on the RS2 makes me think of the smile on this: 

do you know what headphone has a near perfect squarwave response graph?
The XB700, well at 50hz.
Aug 22, 2011 at 11:51 PM Post #38 of 230
No Grado require and amp except for the Symphone Magnum, HF2, GS1000, and PS1000. The RS1 does not really improve with an amp.
If you want a RA1, get the clone version. It's on eBay and uses even better parts than what Grado's amp uses and it sounds better. Believe it or not but Grado's RA1 amp is a Cmoy in disguise.
For rock I preferred the RS1 but the LCD is many many times better when it comes down to what the headphone can do. For the price of the RS1 they are pretty mid-fi or even on the upper end of low-fi.
You need to get a RA-1 amp to push the RS1 to the limit. No other amp pairs better.

Aug 22, 2011 at 11:57 PM Post #39 of 230

Haha the 300hz square wave on the RS2 makes me think of the smile on this: 

Whoever accused Grado of being natural and uncolored*c-net* was high as a kite and wearing something like the HD7509's or HD800's. The reason why I leave the LCD'2 off is that they have a smidgen more bass than the HD800's however I would be the happyiest man alive to own one or the other hahaha.
Aug 23, 2011 at 10:39 AM Post #40 of 230
I think the LCD-2 has a slightly recessed midbass and slightly recessed upper midrange.  I think the LCD-2 would be a better Rock headphone if not for this weakness.  I think a slightly raised midbass and slightly raised upper midrange is what makes a headphone a Rock headphone and while Grados tend to over do it, it's what makes Grados a Rock headphone. I tried EQing as lunatic recommends and giving it slight midbass raise, and it does give it that groove and bass punch and a slight raise in the upper midrange does give it that edge for the guitars to shine.   


LCD-2 - I don't normally EQ the LCD-2 for casual gaming or movie watching, but if I'm being a bit more critical, like for leisure listening or audio production, I would use this EQ curve:

This curve fills in the recess in the mids of the LCD-2 (for exmaple, it lacks the proper bite on musical materials with distorted guitars, brass sections), adds a little bit more definition in the treble, and makes the bass a bit more visceral (so that it "feels" more like speakers when I activate Isone Pro). The bass is not necessary, and you can choose to touch the bass if you prefer a more neutral sound. If I'm doing critical audio work, I would also leave the bass alone and just have the mids and the trebles activated. Essentially, this curve addresses the issue of the LCD-2 being a bit dark in some people's opinion. While it adds some brightness and clarity, it absolutely does not make it fatiguing or excessively bright in any way (which is big pet peeve of mine. I hate ear-bleeding brightness), and IMO, strikes the perfect balance for my ideal sonic signature.


Aug 23, 2011 at 1:24 PM Post #41 of 230

Wow sling5s...your EQ solved all problems i had with my lcd2!!! Thanks heaps, now my lcd2rev2 is perfect!!!
I think the LCD-2 has a slightly recessed midbass and slightly recessed upper midrange.  I think the LCD-2 would be a better Rock headphone if not for this weakness.  I think a slightly raised midbass and slightly raised upper midrange is what makes a headphone a Rock headphone and while Grados tend to over do it, it's what makes Grados a Rock headphone. I tried EQing as lunatic recommends and giving it slight midbass raise, and it does give it that groove and bass punch and a slight raise in the upper midrange does give it that edge for the guitars to shine.   


LCD-2 - I don't normally EQ the LCD-2 for casual gaming or movie watching, but if I'm being a bit more critical, like for leisure listening or audio production, I would use this EQ curve:

This curve fills in the recess in the mids of the LCD-2 (for exmaple, it lacks the proper bite on musical materials with distorted guitars, brass sections), adds a little bit more definition in the treble, and makes the bass a bit more visceral (so that it "feels" more like speakers when I activate Isone Pro). The bass is not necessary, and you can choose to touch the bass if you prefer a more neutral sound. If I'm doing critical audio work, I would also leave the bass alone and just have the mids and the trebles activated. Essentially, this curve addresses the issue of the LCD-2 being a bit dark in some people's opinion. While it adds some brightness and clarity, it absolutely does not make it fatiguing or excessively bright in any way (which is big pet peeve of mine. I hate ear-bleeding brightness), and IMO, strikes the perfect balance for my ideal sonic signature.


Aug 23, 2011 at 8:42 PM Post #44 of 230

The lack of upper midrange peak is one of the best things about the LCD-2 IMO.  It's one of the few that doesn't. 

Agreed. This is one of the things that makes it so magical for me. When listening to a muted trumpet, all my other headphones make me cringe a bit with the higher notes. I've played the trumpet for 32+ years and I've never cringed when I or others played with a straight mute. The LCD-2s are the only headphones that can portray this treble properly to my ears. As well, I think Headroom kinda says it all here:
"Headphones also need to be rolled-off in the highs to compensate for the drivers being so close to the ear; a gently sloping flat line from 1kHz to about 8-10dB down at 20kHz is about right. You'll notice all headphone measurements have a lot of jagged ups & downs (peaks & valleys) in the high frequencies; this is normal and mostly due to reflection cancellations in the folds and ridges in the outer part of the ear. Ideally however, the ups and downs of the frequency response should be fairly small and average out to a flat line. Large peaks or valleys over 3kHz in width usually indicate poor headphone response, and should be viewed as a coloring of the sound. Some small dips in the highs may actually be desirable and should exist in the 2kHz to 8kHz region."
Aug 24, 2011 at 12:16 AM Post #45 of 230
Just gonna chime in on this RA-1 thing here. 
It's a fine amp for the RS1, but if you really want to take an RS1 as far as you can you'll want to get a Melos SHA-1 or SHA-Gold. I hear the MAD Ear + and its relations are fantastic matches too. 

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