KOSS ESP-950 Thread
Mar 1, 2017 at 5:40 PM Post #2,566 of 4,064
I highly recommend Darin's pads. I've been wanting something like this for years. They are very comfortable and address my biggest gripe about the Koss: the sticky, sweaty Koss pads that wear out too fast. I detect no deleterious effects on the sound.
Mar 1, 2017 at 6:24 PM Post #2,567 of 4,064
  I highly recommend Darin's pads. I've been wanting something like this for years. They are very comfortable and address my biggest gripe about the Koss: the sticky, sweaty Koss pads that wear out too fast. I detect no deleterious effects on the sound.

Hi @deharrison ,
Thanks for posting. I just wanted to make sure people know that we are selling the Vesper Audio pads made in Ukraine. They are not our pads. The only difference is that for a few dollars more, we can ship them out the same day and have them in a few days instead of ordering them direct from the Ukraine and wait for international postage.
We only have a few pairs left in stock, but once the initial demand dies down, we hope to have them in stock all the time.
Mar 5, 2017 at 11:18 PM Post #2,568 of 4,064
I just picked up my first electrostatics today! Amazon had the ESP-950 on sale for $650 prime shipped, and sold by Amazon so I trusted it enough to hit buy unlike some of the other vendors (too many scammers)
I love them. I need about 5db of bass boost to be truly satisfied, but damn do they sound great with it. Move over HD800 and T1, you have a new master.
Mar 6, 2017 at 5:16 AM Post #2,569 of 4,064
  I just picked up my first electrostatics today! Amazon had the ESP-950 on sale for $560 prime shipped, and sold by Amazon so I trusted it enough to hit buy unlike some of the other vendors (too many scammers)
I love them. I need about 5db of bass boost to be truly satisfied, but damn do they sound great with it. Move over HD800 and T1, you have a new master.

er, i've been watching them daily, i've seen $650 plus tax (my state; boo-hoo) recently, and a one day for $600. fingers cross, or real? yeah, considered tesla, planars, glad i didn't, i'd have been kicking myself still...
Mar 6, 2017 at 11:27 AM Post #2,570 of 4,064
er, i've been watching them daily, i've seen $650 plus tax (my state; boo-hoo) recently, and a one day for $600. fingers cross, or real? yeah, considered tesla, planars, glad i didn't, i'd have been kicking myself still...

I bought mine here for $440
Mar 6, 2017 at 12:33 PM Post #2,571 of 4,064
I just picked up my first electrostatics today! Amazon had the ESP-950 on sale for $560 prime shipped, and sold by Amazon so I trusted it enough to hit buy unlike some of the other vendors (too many scammers)

I love them. I need about 5db of bass boost to be truly satisfied, but damn do they sound great with it. Move over HD800 and T1, you have a new master.

Got this deal as well...nice cans; especially for the $$$
Mar 6, 2017 at 1:23 PM Post #2,572 of 4,064
If this were any other headphone, I would lament not having gotten a new unit for $560, but given the lifetime warranty and more importantly Koss's no-questions-asked implementation of it, I don't feel the same trepidation buying on the used market.
$560 is a fawesome price for new. Occasionally you'll find used as low as the mid-$300s (I paid $343 and I seem to recall someone reporting a purchase at $300) but for the most part used units are still $400++.
Mar 6, 2017 at 6:41 PM Post #2,574 of 4,064
Got this deal as well...nice cans; especially for the $$$

The Amazon ad is stuck daily on the right side of this page for me, so I'm a little surprised I missed it. Very happy for y'all, though, if slightly envious. Second hand would be ok if I were buying again, but the option of returning them to Amazon - if either I or my wife didn't like them enough - was too big a factor at the time I bought them. And, I do prefer new. Still, 'only' 90 usd more paid. For that, I've had months of gorgeous listening time, and the fun of teasing my friends with short loans. "Yes, you have to give them back..." :wink: Now I'm looking forward to some custom red and black Vesper pads, hand made by nimble-fingered Minsk minks, to further enhance and adorn this covering of the cartilaginous exteriors of my cranium's auditory canals. Oh, I shiver in anticipation...
Mar 6, 2017 at 6:44 PM Post #2,575 of 4,064
The Amazon ad is stuck daily on the right side of this page for me, so I'm a little surprised I missed it. Very happy for y'all, though, if slightly envious. Second hand would be ok if I were buying again, but the option of returning them to Amazon - if either I or my wife didn't like them enough - was too big a factor at the time I bought them. And, I do prefer new. Still, 'only' 90 usd more paid. For that, I've had months of gorgeous listening time, and the fun of teasing my friends with short loans. "Yes, you have to give them back..." :wink: Now I'm looking forward to some custom red and black Vesper pads, hand made by nimble-fingered Minsk minks, to further enhance and adorn this covering of the cartilaginous exteriors of my cranium's auditory canals.Oh, I shiver in anticipation...
Well aren't we the wordsmith ; )
Mar 7, 2017 at 7:29 PM Post #2,577 of 4,064
  I think I fat fingered the price, it was 650 not 560. Still totally worth it considering I paid $999 for my HD800. 

And, don't neglect to count how much you may have put out before you found [if you even did...] a really satisfactory amp to run those Sennies. Well, I might end up going down that road someday too, looking to amp up the ESPs. They start out so nice, though, it will be a while before I worry about something with a better slew rate to replace the E-90. Comfort first, I think, then maybe an Out of Your Head experience compliments of 'The Fong'. That last is a bit tricky - a lot depends on the miking of the recording, as to which setup sounds natural, and which not so much. Well, it'll be a while before that is really an issue here. Well, unless someone nice buys me a winning lottery ticket...
Mar 7, 2017 at 7:33 PM Post #2,578 of 4,064
The 800 has no pairing yet in my equipment. I think what it needs is euphoric tubey goodness, but I don't have any amps like that and I don't think I can make my Lyr sound that way even rolling. I just use sonarworks and whatever amp is closest for the 800, lately it's been my asus Essence STX, although I'm thinking I might ditch that because an A/B test the other day revealed noise compared to the other two DAC's in my listening station. I guess they can shield it all they want but it's still inside my pc where the noise roams free. 
Mar 8, 2017 at 2:28 AM Post #2,579 of 4,064
I made an important discovery tonight for those of you who get spurious noises and coil whine that comes and goes on the ESP 950. The headphone is VERY sensitive to capacitance. I found this out when I plugged a vape pen into USB to charge and had the headphones on, and every time I touched the metal of the pen, I heard ground hum in the headphones even though no metal part of the headphone was touching me. The only way that me touching a powered on USB device could cause noise in the headphones, which were not even on the same ground, and in fact are on a filtered UPS battery, is for EMI. Touching the casing changed the capacitance of my body, and the headphones immediately picked that up as noise.
So what I'm suggesting is that if you are holding your cell phone, touch anything grounded or metal, build up a static charge like petting your cat, scratching your back with a shirt on, etc, that it can introduce noise in some situations.
Mar 8, 2017 at 7:08 AM Post #2,580 of 4,064
I think I fat fingered the price, it was 650 not 560. Still totally worth it considering I paid $999 for my HD800. 
Went back and checked my price. Knew it was less than $600...not much though. It was $594.99 direct from Amazon in late January.

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