Knowledge Zenith (KZ) impressions thread
Jul 2, 2019 at 7:48 PM Post #45,526 of 65,398
It reminds me of ED9 that I got recently out of curiousity.
I would take "copper" cable of ZS10 etc. any time. I am of a minority that is perfectly fine with the memory wire. (I did grow to appreciate the fit, feel and aesthetics of 8- and 16-core cables, but no sound difference for me).

lol, that is the ED9's cable. I don't think it's the best, but I do like it. I personally think KZ's current braided cable is tops. They incorporated user feedback and gave us what we asked for. Now they just need to refine it with a chin cinch and a shorter run between the y-split and earphones to avoid tangling. Maybe beef up strain relief too. The VSonic rip off jack and y-split are lacking in that regard.
Jul 2, 2019 at 7:55 PM Post #45,527 of 65,398
lol, that is the ED9's cable. I don't think it's the best, but I do like it. I personally think KZ's current braided cable is tops. They incorporated user feedback and gave us what we asked for. Now they just need to refine it with a chin cinch and a shorter run between the y-split and earphones to avoid tangling. Maybe beef up strain relief too. The VSonic rip off jack and y-split are lacking in that regard.

I agree.
The braided KZ cables are really nice. For my little DAP the straight large connectors are the killers. I just wish they would made angled (L-shaped) ones, that would be the end game for me.
Jul 2, 2019 at 8:41 PM Post #45,530 of 65,398


The ZS1 v1 cable is one of my favorites of the classic KZs. The way they integrated the memory wire was awesome. If I remember it correctly, I also liked the ATE-S cable setup.
Jul 2, 2019 at 9:12 PM Post #45,531 of 65,398

The ZS1 v1 cable is one of my favorites of the classic KZs. The way they integrated the memory wire was awesome. If I remember it correctly, I also liked the ATE-S cable setup.

I LOVE the original ZS1's memory wire. Still the best I've come across to date.
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Jul 2, 2019 at 9:27 PM Post #45,532 of 65,398
I LOVE the original ZS1's memory wire. Still the best I've come across to this date.

I also love love love the UiiSii CM5 preformed ear guides. They are thinner, softer, and more flexible/comfortable than any other ChiFi preformed ear guides I’ve seen (on any OEM cable or 3rd party cable). I WISH whatever method or material UiiSii used would be replicated by others.
Jul 2, 2019 at 9:34 PM Post #45,533 of 65,398
I also love love love the UiiSii CM5 preformed ear guides. They are thinner, softer, and more flexible/comfortable than any other ChiFi preformed ear guides I’ve seen (on any OEM cable or 3rd party cable). I WISH whatever method or material UiiSii used would be replicated by others.

Yeah man. UiiSii is under rated/under appreciated. They have some slappers in their lineup.
Jul 2, 2019 at 11:08 PM Post #45,534 of 65,398
I always get weirdo 20 somethins asking me if "those are hearing aids"?
Ha ha! Too bad they are so ignorant and ill informed. These people need to experience good audio...something that that doesn't come with the smartphone they are attached to.
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Jul 3, 2019 at 12:20 AM Post #45,535 of 65,398
Jul 3, 2019 at 3:03 AM Post #45,536 of 65,398
Hello folks,
I bought a new zs10 (blue one looks better with a silver cable) and find out, that there are two visible differences compared to the old one.
- different look of bass driver
- different placement of ba drivers and two of them are placed closer to the nozzle.



There can be more differences, this is my quick comparrison against web photos - I don't have the old zs10 for couple of weeks...
And I have a feeling, that the new one sounds more balanced. Treble peak is in a better place and the bass is better quality.

ZS10 v2
After some more time with them and comparison against my old zs10, I can say the new one sounds better (more detailed and well balanced) and becomes my most favourite KZ iem for now. (I'm still waiting for zs7, as10 and 12.). There is no more higher-mid peak to talk about. Character is gentle V-shape.

I agree. Copper color is too obscene to wear on public. lol
Hmm, when I look closer, the color of insulation of the new KZ (zs10 pro) cable is realy ugly. It could be more transparent or different color. Otherwise I like looking at a nice copper cable.
Jul 3, 2019 at 3:42 AM Post #45,538 of 65,398
ZS10 v2
After some more time with them and comparison against my old zs10, I can say the new one sounds better (more detailed and well balanced) and becomes my most favourite KZ iem for now. (I'm still waiting for zs7, as10 and 12.). There is no more higher-mid peak to talk about. Character is gentle V-shape.

Hmm, when I look closer, the color of insulation of the new KZ (zs10 pro) cable is realy ugly. It could be more transparent or different color. Otherwise I like looking at a nice copper cable.

I looks like snobby audiophile looking for attention when wearing copper cable. otherwise I actually like the color when not wearing them.
Jul 3, 2019 at 8:14 AM Post #45,539 of 65,398
ZS10 v2
After some more time with them and comparison against my old zs10, I can say the new one sounds better (more detailed and well balanced) and becomes my most favourite KZ iem for now. (I'm still waiting for zs7, as10 and 12.). There is no more higher-mid peak to talk about. Character is gentle V-shape.

Hmm, when I look closer, the color of insulation of the new KZ (zs10 pro) cable is realy ugly. It could be more transparent or different color. Otherwise I like looking at a nice copper cable.
I'd bet that moving the drivers closer shifted a resonance peak closer to one of the BA's natural dips. Whats the millimeter gap from the BA nozzle to the edge of an installed eartip?
Jul 3, 2019 at 9:12 AM Post #45,540 of 65,398
I'd bet that moving the drivers closer shifted a resonance peak closer to one of the BA's natural dips. Whats the millimeter gap from the BA nozzle to the edge of an installed eartip?
When you take a closer look at the second picture and compare it with photos on the internet, you realize, that KZ moves all four BA drivers closer to the nozzle. Two of them by 1 mm or so, and other two by 3 or 4 mm.

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