JVC/Victor FX700 - The Successor (early Easter Bunny brought something very nice!)
Apr 27, 2011 at 11:59 PM Post #1,336 of 1,764
x-post.  but those that are using Sony hybrid tips with these, how'd you get them to fit?  was told that they supposedly fit right on, but I guess i'm missing them, since they seem way to small for the JVC's nozzle.
...eh i only seem to be more damage than good to the JVC's when trying to put these tips on :frowning2:
Apr 28, 2011 at 1:54 AM Post #1,337 of 1,764

x-post.  but those that are using Sony hybrid tips with these, how'd you get them to fit?  was told that they supposedly fit right on, but I guess i'm missing them, since they seem way to small for the JVC's nozzle.
...eh i only seem to be more damage than good to the JVC's when trying to put these tips on :frowning2:

firstly, flip them upside down, then press down the cap leaving the stem protruding out, then direct the bore of the stem 45 degree insertion into the JVC nozzle then slowly insert and tilt the tip back up-right =)
Apr 28, 2011 at 3:44 AM Post #1,338 of 1,764
firstly, flip them upside down, then press down the cap leaving the stem protruding out, then direct the bore of the stem 45 degree insertion into the JVC nozzle then slowly insert and tilt the tip back up-right =)

Damn. This is pretty simple and genius, never thought about or placed tips on like that before (duuhh moi).
Nifty technique cut down the tip exchange/fitting process 200% faster for me... thanks + cheers!

Post Hybrid Experiment Edit:  Not sure if it's the placebo or not, but was a bit skeptical trying the SS tips...not sure if it was better than the stock JVC small tips, maybe even worse...darker/veiled.  Popped in the S hybrids and was like wow...everything sounded better than the SS...elevated/amplified maybe?  Could have been that it was a more tighter seal too, sound was still a little mid-bass heavy for my tastes...loosened up the seal and was better, was semi-satisfied overall and was going to keep them on for now, but decided to try the M hybrids for kicks, even though I was positive that they were going to be too big. 
Well...not quite the 'wow' effect from the SS to S, but damn, I must say any "veil" or anything remotely related to a "dark" element of the sound was lifted...mainly b/c these M tips seem to have lifted the amount of mid-bass that was sometimes annoying on some songs and by doing so, at the same time seemed to clean up the mids and high frequencies. 
Now, I know the S could get a similar effect after fiddling with the fit once inserted, but the M, since they were a little bigger, they don't seal as tight and I suppose automatically gives me the dare I say, "balanced" sound right from the get-go after insertion.  These actually feel a bit more like earbuds more than IEM's right now, meaning tres comfortable for myself.  Sound stage also seems to be a little wider by a hair.  Maybe not wider, but slightly higher in height, though just slightly.  They are in fact however, quite noticeably "airier" then any of the other hybrid tips and the stock S and M tips from memory.  The additional airiness, however, does ironically decrease some of "big" feeling out of the aural experience, but the sound to my ears is so much leaner and cleaner, a far trade-off for me.  Overall, the additional airiness, "cleaned" up mid-bass, and smoothing of balance between bass, mid, and high regions with the bonus of earbud like comfort, make these nearly the "perfect" IEM mate for me (for now).
Was skeptical about the hoo hah over tips, but what can I say, I think it does make a discernible difference in the sound, overall in the positive direction.  Of course, this could all be psychological and placebo, but even if a larger portion of it is, there's definitely still at least some physical and aural truth in the results, I'd like to believe.  If you have these JVC's, for 8-10 bucks go grab some hybrids or other tips and experiment, you might find that secret variable to your desired sound!
Apr 28, 2011 at 4:49 AM Post #1,339 of 1,764

Damn. This is pretty simple and genius, never thought about or placed tips on like that before (duuhh moi).
Nifty technique cut down the tip exchange/fitting process 200% faster for me... thanks + cheers!

Post Hybrid Experiment Edit:  Not sure if it's the placebo or not, but was a bit skeptical trying the SS tips...not sure if it was better than the stock JVC small tips, maybe even worse...darker/veiled.  Popped in the S hybrids and was like wow...everything sounded better than the SS...elevated/amplified maybe?  Could have been that it was a more tighter seal too, sound was still a little mid-bass heavy for my tastes...loosened up the seal and was better, was semi-satisfied overall and was going to keep them on for now, but decided to try the M hybrids for kicks, even though I was positive that they were going to be too big. 
Well...not quite the 'wow' effect from the SS to S, but damn, I must say any "veil" or anything remotely related to a "dark" element of the sound was lifted...mainly b/c these M tips seem to have lifted the amount of mid-bass that was sometimes annoying on some songs and by doing so, at the same time seemed to clean up the mids and high frequencies. 
Now, I know the S could get a similar effect after fiddling with the fit once inserted, but the M, since they were a little bigger, they don't seal as tight and I suppose automatically gives me the dare I say, "balanced" sound right from the get-go after insertion.  These actually feel a bit more like earbuds more than IEM's right now, meaning tres comfortable for myself.  Sound stage also seems to be a little wider by a hair.  Maybe not wider, but slightly higher in height, though just slightly.  They are in fact however, quite noticeably "airier" then any of the other hybrid tips and the stock S and M tips from memory.  The additional airiness, however, does ironically decrease some of "big" feeling out of the aural experience, but the sound to my ears is so much leaner and cleaner, a far trade-off for me.  Overall, the additional airiness, "cleaned" up mid-bass, and smoothing of balance between bass, mid, and high regions with the bonus of earbud like comfort, make these nearly the "perfect" IEM mate for me (for now).
Was skeptical about the hoo hah over tips, but what can I say, I think it does make a discernible difference in the sound, overall in the positive direction.  Of course, this could all be psychological and placebo, but even if a larger portion of it is, there's definitely still at least some physical and aural truth in the results, I'd like to believe.  If you have these JVC's, for 8-10 bucks go grab some hybrids or other tips and experiment, you might find that secret variable to your desired sound!

Cheers for the Sony Hybrids~ I settled on the Light blue Sony Hybrids, i think its large. I am surprised at my preference myself, Soundstage seems largest among all the size, Listening to it on Alicia Key's Unplugged LIVE album of "If i ain't got you" is just mind-blowing atmospherical and grand.

Cheers once again~!

Apr 29, 2011 at 5:49 AM Post #1,340 of 1,764
Okies, my insignificant review of FX-700 on its head-fi product page revamped! =))  Will add-on practical song-impressions ASAP.
May 6, 2011 at 6:09 PM Post #1,341 of 1,764
I just got a nice Mogami/Neutrik extension made for my Fx700 from Event Horizon, it's very nicely done and reasonably priced. It's a good bit thicker than the stock cable(s) but very supple. Mine is 30" long with a straight plug but they will make it whatever length you like, and offer a right angle plug as well. In my case I will also use it as an extension for my Vcap dock's built-in line out.

May 6, 2011 at 9:23 PM Post #1,342 of 1,764
^ Nice, that is past nice I might have to get me one as well. Their cables looks to be of high quality.
May 9, 2011 at 7:55 PM Post #1,348 of 1,764
May 10, 2011 at 8:12 PM Post #1,350 of 1,764

I just got a nice Mogami/Neutrik extension made for my Fx700 from Event Horizon, it's very nicely done and reasonably priced. It's a good bit thicker than the stock cable(s) but very supple. Mine is 30" long with a straight plug but they will make it whatever length you like, and offer a right angle plug as well. In my case I will also use it as an extension for my Vcap dock's built-in line out.

Grokit, how does the size of the male connector compare to the stock JVC connector?  I'm hoping it is the same size as the JVC will fit through an iPhone bumper.  I'm thinking of placing an order for a 1ft extension, which should be a lot better for mobile than the 2.5ft stock extension.

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