JVC/Victor FX700 - The Successor (early Easter Bunny brought something very nice!)
Apr 7, 2011 at 11:40 AM Post #1,157 of 1,764

hi Daanish,
im using a pair of panny 900. is this fx700 a more than decent upgrade? fyi, i listen to much rock and metal.

You will notice the biggest upgrade in terms of soundstage and bass quality. The fx's also handle complex layered music better. Like I mentioned earlier, the panny's are the best I have heard for metal with the jvc's being on par by compensating in other areas. So unless the things I mentioned are very important to you, you might not notice a huge difference. However, for every single other genre, you will notice a huge difference with the fx700.
Again, this is testament to how good I think the panny's are for metal (after some eqing). 
Apr 7, 2011 at 4:46 PM Post #1,158 of 1,764
I listened to my FX700 again last night after taking a 2 day break due to tests and assignments and it didn't sound impressive to me for some reason. I used the same source and music that blew me away before, but yesterday it just didn't grab my attention in any way. I guess it way probably because I was pretty tired. I came home after a test and I didn't get much sleep that night. But still, it's strange. Wouldn't a great sounding headphone/speaker grab your attention even if you are tired provided that you are listening to your favorite music? I always thought that music was supposed to help lift one's mood, not the other way around. But for me, it seems the other way around - I need to be in a good mood, getting enough sleep and exercise to enjoy music, otherwise everything just sounds flat and uninvolving. I know that this is a topic for another thread probably in the sound science section of the forum.
Apr 7, 2011 at 5:04 PM Post #1,159 of 1,764

I listened to my FX700 again last night after taking a 2 day break due to tests and assignments and it didn't sound impressive to me for some reason. I used the same source and music that blew me away before, but yesterday it just didn't grab my attention in any way. I guess it way probably because I was pretty tired. I came home after a test and I didn't get much sleep that night. But still, it's strange. Wouldn't a great sounding headphone/speaker grab your attention even if you are tired provided that you are listening to your favorite music? I always thought that music was supposed to help lift one's mood, not the other way around. But for me, it seems the other way around - I need to be in a good mood, getting enough sleep and exercise to enjoy music, otherwise everything just sounds flat and uninvolving. I know that this is a topic for another thread probably in the sound science section of the forum.

I've noticed this as well (not with the JVC's though lol). With some of my other IEM's if I am dead tired everything just sounds off
Apr 7, 2011 at 5:11 PM Post #1,160 of 1,764
Yeah, I guess it's normal, but it drives me nuts. lol I mean one day I am blown away and the next I am already thinking of selling the headphone. Jesus.
Apr 7, 2011 at 8:50 PM Post #1,161 of 1,764
^ I think that it's normal, moods and different stimuli does affect any situation, including listening sessions. 
I also think that a lot of us Head-Fi'ers here have a small (to large) case of ADD, in the sense that a good portion of us get bored of things rather quickly depending on our frame of mind/mood/preferences/whatever, so we're always looking for the greener grass, even if our own lawns are already blindingly florescent green (we would then say, well I prefer a more natural tone of grass...then once we get that, say we want a little more brightness to it.. and so on and so on.)
Sure appreciating good sound and the audiophile aspect is a huge, huge component to this hobby, but I would be lying if the upgrad-itis or tinkering/switching of different equipment isn't part of its huge and addictive allure, as well.  (The one reason I'm so leery of getting customs, despite the temptation of 1964's HQ just 15-20 minutes away from my house!  I'd probably love them for 3-4 months saying they are best thing since free internet p0rnz, then then find myself eyeing some other set-up around months 5-6...)
Apr 7, 2011 at 10:43 PM Post #1,163 of 1,764
I was thinking of letting go of these because of the limited time I will be using them since they require a silent environment, but I've been able to use them more often than I once thought. Sound wise, they're sort of the end of the road for me since the first time I used them. They make my SM3s and DBA02s sound unrealistic in their note presentation, even though these BAs surpass them in some aspects. There are more detailed in-ears and some with better frequency responses (customs) but there aren't any that have the timbre or dynamic range of the JVCs and these are aspects I value very highly. The only thing that may let these go are the EX1000s. 
Oh and I actually use these to sleep, the housing doesn't bother me and with a really shallow insertion, I hardly feel them. Sound wise, they're the best I've heard at low volume levels, RE252/EQ5/CK10 included imo of course. 
Apr 7, 2011 at 11:12 PM Post #1,164 of 1,764
Oh and I actually use these to sleep, the housing doesn't bother me and with a really shallow insertion, I hardly feel them. Sound wise, they're the best I've heard at low volume levels, RE252/EQ5/CK10 included imo of course.

Agreed, the FX700 are great for listening at very low volume in bed. Theyr'e even quite comfy for lying on the side, much more so than the EX1000.
Apr 7, 2011 at 11:29 PM Post #1,165 of 1,764

Oh and I actually use these to sleep, the housing doesn't bother me and with a really shallow insertion, I hardly feel them. Sound wise, they're the best I've heard at low volume levels, RE252/EQ5/CK10 included imo of course. 

Yes but its actually impossible to sleep because the music sounds so good 

Apr 8, 2011 at 12:11 AM Post #1,167 of 1,764

Well, I listen to slow relaxing music in those times....and enjoy it in a more idle way. 

Hehe I think it's the initial excitement for me I keep going through every track to see how they sound. 
After further experimentation, I have settled on the white monster miles davis supertips. They make the sound clearer, crisper, allow me to hear the texture of the different frequencies and provide the biggest and most open soundstage.
Apr 8, 2011 at 12:25 AM Post #1,168 of 1,764
Funny you are getting a very clear sound with those, would have to give them a try. I've been prejudicial because those smaller output holes always tended to block out some high frequencies with nozzles of the same width. 
Apr 8, 2011 at 11:44 AM Post #1,169 of 1,764
That What did the sound go is normal it's just the "new" IEM feel wearing off.
When you purchase a IEM and then go flying around the forums talking about it's the best especially when you just had another IEM you just said was the best.
Saying the most powerful super hero is Superman is irreverent because he's just here to the next one comes. Same with IEMS.

Apr 8, 2011 at 11:59 AM Post #1,170 of 1,764

That What did the sound go is normal it's just the "new" IEM feel wearing off.
When you purchase a IEM and then go flying around the forums talking about it's the best especially when you just had another IEM you just said was the best.
Saying the most powerful super hero is Superman is irreverent because he's just here to the next one comes. Same with IEMS.

True, That reminds me of the glorious era where SE530 and TF10 were easily crowned the two kings, And look how the Shure has took and suffered blows from strong competitors omni-directionally? TF10 is barely hanging in there probably can still hold 1~2 waves of competing flagship IEM's evolution before it gets permanently de-crowned from the latest IEM Flagship Hall of Fame.

However i believe things can only get better for Audio technology, and worse for our wallets


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