JVC HA-SZ2000/1000 Impressions Thread
May 13, 2015 at 4:46 AM Post #2,106 of 4,826
Recently, you seem to have begun posting in lots of the threads I do/did.

I think that this is pure coincidence.
The more my project advances, the more data i have to know about different headphones / people's prefferences / designs. 
Practically i am following actively every thread that i consider interesting, as my time permits. 
I am also working heavily, so i do not have enough time to read and follow and post every single interesting thread, but i am trying to cover as much as i can.
Also, i must consider buying a wide range of headphones at some point, to be able to test how my project sounds with them, not only flagships. 
JVC ha-sz2000 seems like one of the few different headphones with the technology it sports, so i became interested in it.
May 13, 2015 at 10:44 AM Post #2,109 of 4,826
What are the "thick" pads called?

Here you go:
You will need to buy two.
I believe they are just a few mm's thicker than the others but they are perfect for me.
Be carful with the hinges. I have never had a problem, but some people claim to have snapped the hinges due to the extra width that the pads force the ear cups apart.
May 13, 2015 at 10:48 AM Post #2,110 of 4,826
A philosophical quandary: what is the difference between slam, punch, and impact?
  Here you go:
You will need to buy two.
I believe they are just a few mm's thicker than the others but they are perfect for me.
Be carful with the hinges. I have never had a problem, but some people claim to have snapped the hinges due to the extra width that the pads force the ear cups apart.

Looking on Amazon, there seem to be only two HM5 pads: the memory foam and velour ones. The memory foam and pleather pads appear to be the same thing.
May 13, 2015 at 11:14 AM Post #2,111 of 4,826
  A philosophical quandary: what is the difference between slam, punch, and impact?
Looking on Amazon, there seem to be only two HM5 pads: the memory foam and velour ones. The memory foam and pleather pads appear to be the same thing.

Amazon only started selling the HM5 pads from MP4Nation recently. I am not sure why but the thicker pads are still only available directly from the link above. MP4Nation were really quick though.
The 55x pads are the ones you want if skull cracking bass is what you are after.
The HM5 pads still offer a lot of the impact, but provide more comfort, isolation and less leakage. Those are the elements I value.
All velour pads leak like crazy. I would not recommend those. Although, the HIfiMan velours offer more slam than the HM5 velours.
It starts to get complicated.
The difference between the normal HM5 and the thick HM5 is probably very minimal.
Slightly more slam on the normal.
Slightly better comfort with the thick.
May 13, 2015 at 11:27 AM Post #2,112 of 4,826
  I am not sure why but the thicker pads are still only available directly from the link above.

Are you sure?
The same picture is used on both of those links.
May 13, 2015 at 11:43 AM Post #2,115 of 4,826
Nice! Very helpful. I always thought of slam and impact as the same thing, though...

 It is...I added kick from my brain.....


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