JVC HA-FXT90 Thread
Nov 20, 2011 at 12:22 PM Post #616 of 2,211
Your getting the wrong impression, my friend, I assure you. The FXT90's don't have nearly as much emphasis on mid-bass, as they do sub-bass. I've A/B'ed them several times, and even when compared to the FX700, the FXT90 doesn't have a prominent mid-bass emphasis at all.
Nov 20, 2011 at 12:28 PM Post #617 of 2,211
Do the FX700s have even less mid-bass then?
Then I find it interesting that the FXT90s pretty much give me a headaches whenever there is literally any track that has mid-bass on it. (e.g. deadmau5, etc.)
Maybe I'm mistaking some other issue I'm having and blaming it on mid-bass.
Nov 20, 2011 at 12:32 PM Post #618 of 2,211
I've just listened to a few Deadmau5 tracks in FLAC and I understand where you're coming from, they're quite dominant in the tracks - But I would say they're naturally more forward anyway, even in my Miracles (most balanced IEM's I own) the mid-bass is humped on that genre more than anything else for sure -
It's very dominant in 'Strobe' after 5 minutes or so - And ever more in 'Moar Ghosts n Stuff' - I can't say it's head-achy though (and I get headaches a lot) - What source are you using?
Nov 20, 2011 at 12:36 PM Post #619 of 2,211
The FX700's have a good bit more weight on mid-bass than do the FXT90. The FX700's low end is slightly weightier altogether. I listen to Deadmau5 on a daily basis with them. In fact, my day starts and ends with one of my all time favorite tracks, 24 Hours.  In any case, I'd suggest the EX600 for a soundstage as pleasantly wide, and a tight, refined low end.
Nov 20, 2011 at 4:10 PM Post #620 of 2,211
Well, my JVC HA-FXT90L2 has finally arrived.
Straight out of the box I am enjoying them very much, and in comparison to the Clarity One and Yamaha EPH-100 I bought last week, I have to say I much prefer the bass on the JVC's.  Which is not to say that I don't like them, just that the JVC's seem to suit my tastes more.
The FXT90 seems more focused towards sub-bass and it seems this what my ears prefer.
My wallet sincerely hopes that I never get the chance to listen to the FX-700!, judging from the comments I have read in this and other threads they must be amazing.
The other conclusion I have come to is that I really do prefer dynamic drivers to Balanced Armatures, and Moving Armatures.
Pity I didn't find out before I shelled out so much for a bunch of top tier armature iems,  But I can't complain, the trip along the road to sonic bliss has been enlightening and so much fun!
Nov 20, 2011 at 5:07 PM Post #621 of 2,211

The other conclusion I have come to is that I really do prefer dynamic drivers to Balanced Armatures
Pity I didn't find out before I shelled out so much for a bunch of top tier armature iems,  But I can't complain, the trip along the road to sonic bliss has been enlightening and so much fun!

I feel the same way.
Nov 20, 2011 at 7:20 PM Post #622 of 2,211

Then I find it interesting that the FXT90s pretty much give me a headaches whenever there is literally any track that has mid-bass on it. (e.g. deadmau5, etc.)

you and I are opposite.  Deadmau5 and Skrillex are my current favs.
Nov 20, 2011 at 8:29 PM Post #624 of 2,211
Maybe I'm mistaking some other issue I'm having and blaming it on mid-bass.

I must be doing the same thing since I've noted some nastiness in the mid-bass area.

Although after some hours of use, I'm not certain it's still there. Hard to tell whether it changed to to mechanical break in or perhaps my brain is adjusting. Or I simply haven't been paying enough attention most recently.

Nov 20, 2011 at 10:26 PM Post #625 of 2,211
Just finished A/Bin the FXT90 against the 1964-Q. The custom quad is still the clear winner....But the FXT90 is still one heck of a universal...
Nov 20, 2011 at 10:34 PM Post #626 of 2,211

Just finished A/Bin the FXT90 against the 1964-Q. The custom quad is still the clear winner....But the FXT90 is still one heck of a universal...

what were the main differences if you dont mind me asking? 
Nov 20, 2011 at 10:38 PM Post #627 of 2,211
The vent is between the black rubber stem and pointy plastic casing (the side without the lettering). I finally found it. It's a pretty decent size vent to be hidden so well.
No, I don't think so unless it is severe and affects the sound like i2ehan described.  Other than that is just an annoyance.  If the annoyance is minor and you can live with it, it shouldn't be anything to be concerned about.  It occurs from pressure build up between your ear and the driver and usually vents let that pressure out.  If you can find other tips that sound just as good but don't aid the pressure build up, then you are good to go.

Thanks for the feedback Shotgunshane, appreciate that. There' another problem that I have encounter whereby I hear something like tuck, tuck, tuck when I'm turning my head in both direction. Sounds to me as if it is coming from the driver strain relieve but I'm not really sure because it sound perfectly ok otherwise.
Anyway, do you think is normal and could it have something to do with driver flexing?

Any feedback from any of you guys here would be greatly appreciated.
Nov 20, 2011 at 10:56 PM Post #628 of 2,211
There' another problem that I have encounter whereby I hear something like tuck, tuck, tuck when I'm turning my head in both direction. Sounds to me as if it is coming from the driver strain relieve but I'm not really sure because it sound perfectly ok otherwise.
Anyway, do you think is normal and could it have something to do with driver flexing?

I don't know. That's pretty strange and would be enough for me to want to replace them just for the annoyance factor. 
Nov 20, 2011 at 11:57 PM Post #630 of 2,211
I think that may be microphonics, otherwise known as cable noise. 

Hi inks, thanks for chipping in. Appreciate that. I do know about mircophonics from cable rubbing against something and wind noise. But you could be right about this as I can also hear bone conduction ( I have a bad neck) traveling into the phones.
I think I can accept some driver flexing in return for the exceptional sound it's producing.


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