Just listened to some Fostex T50RPs today... WOW!
Feb 15, 2012 at 7:01 PM Post #6,451 of 11,346
They know what's going on but don't care.

They care enough about audiophools to have put the DAC LPF opamp of this thing onto a swappable socket: http://www.headfonia.com/fostex-hp-a3/ 
TE7022L/AK4390/TPA6120/swappable opamp, they know what they are doing far more than they are willing to show 

Feb 15, 2012 at 7:01 PM Post #6,452 of 11,346
tsunami has had long term lasting effects, there, that's a speculation.
question for the 840 pad users. does anyone remove the dust cover or cut a hole so there's only one layer of dust cover? I was thinking of taking a round cookie cutter to the 840 pad. removing the dust cover from the driver looks like a lot of work.
Feb 15, 2012 at 7:07 PM Post #6,453 of 11,346

tsunami has had long term lasting effects, there, that's a speculation.
question for the 840 pad users. does anyone remove the dust cover or cut a hole so there's only one layer of dust cover? I was thinking of taking a round cookie cutter to the 840 pad. removing the dust cover from the driver looks like a lot of work.

I've heard it makes no difference...honestly though, the dust cover on the 840 pads feel nicer on your ears than the ones on the stock T50rps, but it's also apparently a bitch to get the stock dust cover off.
Feb 15, 2012 at 7:16 PM Post #6,454 of 11,346

I dunno, I was talking to someone at an e-retailer who said their last order was completely bought up by someone in one order. It was something like 20 T50's.

Could be a studio?  Or a speculator...
Feb 15, 2012 at 7:27 PM Post #6,455 of 11,346
Since I have a stock pair of T50RPs and some HM5/FA-003 pads sitting around (still waiting to use them for another purpose), I decided to try something with them. I took the stock earpads off, filled each of the cups with 6 teased regular sized cotton balls, and placed the HM5 earpads on. Everything else was completely stock. That's all I did, and they actually sounded pretty good. Granted, I didn't actually attach the HM5 pads at all. They simply rested on the baffle. I had to apply some pressure on the headphones while listening to get a proper seal (around my ears and on the baffle itself).
One thing I noticed is the bass. Wow. These make my modded T50RPs sound a bit thin in the lower registers. However, my modded T50RPs sound cleaner and more even everywhere else in the sound. Interesting, given the lack of mods on the T50RPs using the HM5 pads. I wonder how much I could improve upon them with other mods! (Oh wait, LFF already did that...lol)
I still have no idea how the HM5/FA-003 pads can possibly fit on the T50RP, and as such my methods of testing aren't quite what they could be if I knew how to get the pads on. I do think people should more actively seek out these pads and try to base some mods around them. They simply sound like they have more potential than the 840 pads, especially when it comes to bass. It seems like getting good bass is one of the trickier aspects of modding the T50RP. Getting good mids and treble seems to be less of an issue.
Feb 15, 2012 at 7:35 PM Post #6,456 of 11,346
The pads makes a huge difference. No wonder if you feel the Fostex are no match for your HE.  Really the pads make a huge difference.  Also, Try at least closing two of the vents for more control in the bass.  Three is preferred.  This too makes a world difference. 
1) Stock felt is in place over the bass vents.
2) None of the vents are closed off, yet.
3) Stock pads, for now.  However, for my head / ears, the stock pad has a very good fit.  I find it adapts quite well in my situation.  Though, I'm not opposed to trying alternatives, that could be better.  
I'm at least trying to best my HE-400 and finally my HE-5LE to convince myself that these can be modified to those levels.

Feb 15, 2012 at 7:53 PM Post #6,458 of 11,346
I also just tried my HM5 pads on my fully modded T50RPs, which I have posted about before. While the mods weren't meant for the HM5 pads, I have to admit that the 840 pads make me a bit sad now. :frowning2:
Feb 15, 2012 at 8:05 PM Post #6,459 of 11,346
Feb 15, 2012 at 8:35 PM Post #6,460 of 11,346

They were bloody impossible to find online, it's amazing! I finally was able to find one on some random guitar shop in Delaware's website. :p
But everywhere else was backordered until march, I'm guessing Fostex never expected these to become this popular.

I posted earlier that the U.S. distributor of these (located in California) indicated that it would be April before sufficient stock finally started to get flowing again.  This interruption was related to the Japanese earthquake and it has taken them this long to get their factory rebuilt and production restored.  The distributor would have issued my an RMA, but indicated it would be a long wait.  This is what led me back to the retailer so I could process the RMA through them and get a refund.  As the stock thins a bit more, I'm sure we'll see some price hikes when those who were hoarding them will release a few into the market.  However, if you can wait it out, please do so.  Your wallet will thank you.
Feb 15, 2012 at 8:47 PM Post #6,461 of 11,346
tsunami has had long term lasting effects, there, that's a speculation.

question for the 840 pad users. does anyone remove the dust cover or cut a hole so there's only one layer of dust cover? I was thinking of taking a round cookie cutter to the 840 pad. removing the dust cover from the driver looks like a lot of work.

It makes no difference, and the 840 foam is so comfy, just leave it on.
Feb 15, 2012 at 10:13 PM Post #6,463 of 11,346
the earside felt is actually pretty easy to remove if all you care about it revealing the driver.  Use a razor and trace out the plastic square just around the driver and the felt'll peel right away with minimal fuss.  I don't really see a point to scraping off all the rest of it.  If anything it makes removal of the acoustic foam I have on top easier if I ever decide to, since the foam peels right off the felt where it otherwise would probably fuse to the plastic like it did on the inside of my cups.
Feb 16, 2012 at 12:43 AM Post #6,464 of 11,346
I ended up switching back to the RP2 840 configuration. While I really liked the mids and treble on my particular mod (so, so clear and smooth sounding), I didn't realize how much bass I had lost until I started messing around with the HM5/FA-003 pads today. It's funny how your ears get used to a particular sound. I'm sure I could tweak the felt behind the driver or the amount of dampening I used in the cups to get the sound how I really want it, but I'm admittedly a bit lazy and know the RP2 840 mod sounds great.
I still think that anyone who is looking for a solid, simple mod configuration and is ready to try some irreversible mods should go for this particular configuration.
Feb 16, 2012 at 2:18 AM Post #6,465 of 11,346

About the dual mono thing - I've been using isone pro in conjunction with these phones from the beginning, so I don't believe it's that.  I'm interested in trying something more substantial over the earside driver like some 2mm craft felt to see how that deals with it.  I can happily say that a reverse reflex dot on the center square of the driver earside definitely kills the head-ringey issue... at the small cost of also killing everything above 6khz.
Reflex dots in their traditional configuration are probably the least successful of the mods I've tried so far.  The way they choked the sound up actually led me to try refitting the melamine/cotton fill I've got in there as a donut lining the cup edges rather than a disk covering the center peg.  Keeping the fiber fill far away from the driver itself seems to help "unstuff" the sound and improved bass impact a bit.

Yesterday I had no problems with ears - just pushed the phones a little further to the front, and did not try to press the cups upon my head. Though probably my issue isn't the same as yours.
Your thoughts about reflex dot made me think about what effect  my luffa sponge square actually has on sound, it's only about 40% open. I'm not really ready to open them to test the sound without it. Plus the cotton/fiberfill vaiable, makes 4 variants to try.

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