JH Audio JH-3A
Mar 4, 2011 at 7:58 PM Post #2,461 of 2,681
Aka mini-mini. ._. no point in getting a coaxial spdif cable then ? :| Or the above picture, which is spdif to mini o.O 
girls generation, according to what people have been posting in this thread, the 3A is not coming with a coax digital input anymore. it is only going to have an optical digital input and the USB digital input. This means that the only way to use the Solo with the 3A is to use analog audio. im not confirming the fact that it doesnt have coax anymore, just stating the facts if that is to be the case.

Mar 4, 2011 at 8:04 PM Post #2,462 of 2,681
I'm not confident yet that we really know whether JHA is going with the optical or delaying for coax.
Mar 4, 2011 at 8:34 PM Post #2,463 of 2,681

If its delayed past March, I'm out.  Personal issues.

Oh man.
There WILL, however, be further vague statements about how it come out, "Real Soon Now".
Whether or not you believe these statements given the history is up to you.
I wish you well, whatever it may be that you're dealing with.
Mar 4, 2011 at 8:38 PM Post #2,464 of 2,681

I'm not confident yet that we really know whether JHA is going with the optical or delaying for coax.

Your post was better in its original form.
Mar 4, 2011 at 9:46 PM Post #2,465 of 2,681
Your post was better in its original form.

lol I'm trying not to be hot-headed here, but I am obviously pretty peeved about everything at this point.
Mar 4, 2011 at 10:06 PM Post #2,466 of 2,681


lol I'm trying not to be hot-headed here, but I am obviously pretty peeved about everything at this point.

JHA has really mistreated its customers, taking their money apparently to finance a product and then intentionally misleading them about the status of that product.
If they were honest, they wouldn't have said it would be out in November, they wouldn't have said it would be out for the holidays, they wouldn't have said it would be out in January, they wouldn't have said it would be out in February, they wouldn't be telling people it will be out real soon. No one should defend this behavior. It is indefensible. A company should not mislead people into paying for something that it knows will not be available anywhere near the time it is promising. I am referring to anyone who put down money in October, November, December and so on until now on the basis of knowingly false statements. Naturally, it is bad enough for those who paid in August.
You should be upset. This is an upsetting situation. There should be more said about this, not less. There should be fewer apologists for this behavior. Putting out a quality product will not excuse this and the people who have posted about how eager they are to write glowing reviews without ever having heard it should be ashamed. Mistreating customers is wrong and savvy audiophiles should take note and take their business elsewhere, regardless of the product's final outcome, whenever that ends up being.
Mar 4, 2011 at 10:21 PM Post #2,467 of 2,681
Kunlun, thank you for saying these things. JHA's execution has been no doubt extremely poor here. You're absolutely right that putting out a quality product will not excuse this. Any review I would ever write would include a section highlighting this part of the process, and that's too bad for JHA. That is if I don't actually decide to just get off this ship.
Mar 4, 2011 at 10:32 PM Post #2,468 of 2,681
Totally agree with you Kunlun.  I used to have more patience and would give JHA the benefit of the doubt but it's even starting to be a little ridiculous by my book.  Part of me is really close to cancelling my order but then I keep thinking about how good the system sounded at Canjam.
From a moral standpoint, I too cannot stand behind this product no matter what the outcome is...  I don't give a crap if the people at JHA are as frustrated as we buyers are...it's their fault for taking our full payments upfront for something that obviously wasn't ready instead of going the regular pre-order route of having a 10%-25% downpayment until the product is released.
All in all though, I must say that in my 6+ years of being on head-fi, this is the first time that such a large and reputable vendor has taken everyone's money in such a mass amount (100-200+ preorders?) and delaying a product indefinitely.  If it were any other vendor, I feel that this would have been shot down a long time ago and people wouldn't have been ok with it.
Mar 4, 2011 at 10:36 PM Post #2,469 of 2,681
I think JHA has had enough bashing now; it really doesn't lead to anything good/beneficial. I think now we should just wait, like what we have been doing, and see what JHA has to say about this problem, and what they can/will do to make up for the crap that was given. I'm, especially, wanting to hear what the final result will be, optical or coaxial, so I know if the Solo will be good enough with analog for the 3A or if it will be a complete waste.
Mar 4, 2011 at 10:42 PM Post #2,470 of 2,681
I think JHA has had enough bashing now. I think now we should just wait, like what we have been doing, and see what JHA has to say about this problem, and what they can/will do to make up for the crap that was given. I'm especially wanting to hear from them what the result will be, optical or coaxial, so I can know if the Solo will be good enough with analog input for the 3A or if it will be a complete waste.

No. This has been going on since last August. JHA has been talking about various "problems" and promising things would be ready "real soon now" since September. They promised it would be six weeks away since last September.  If you really want to ignore the history, that's up to you.
However, you don't get to decide when people stop talking about this. It's important that it not stop. It is not "bashing" and it leads to something very, very important and good. It can lead to people not being taken advantage of by a manufacturer.
Mar 4, 2011 at 11:07 PM Post #2,471 of 2,681
I mean, have you had a good long chat with one of the JHA reps about this whole situation, their stating that all the claims that have been made against JHA are true and that they've been delaying the release of the 3As on purpose and knowingly, even when they were fully aware beforehand that there were issues but have been giving us false dates just to calm us down temporarily and have been repeating this process up until now?
If that's so, I have nothing more to say

I've never tried to decide on behalf of others in this matter; I was suggesting, hence the words think and should
I know how you guys feel, but being blind by anger and frustration and continuing to bash will result in nothing good to you nor the company whom you've purchased from. 
Come on, it's JH Audio, they've always had exceptional customer service; I'm pretty positive they're just as, or even more, frustrated than us with this matter.
No. This has been going on since last August. JHA has been talking about various "problems" and promising things would be ready "real soon now" since September. They promised it would be six weeks away since last September.  If you really want to ignore the history, that's up to you.
However, you don't get to decide when people stop talking about this. It's important that it not stop. It is not "bashing" and it leads to something very, very important and good. It can lead to people not being taken advantage of by a manufacturer.

Mar 4, 2011 at 11:36 PM Post #2,472 of 2,681


I'm not sure if you have read this whole thread or not.  Doesn't seem so, perhaps I'm mistaken.  The people you claim are 'bashing' are the same ones that were defending JHA just like you 2-3 months ago.  Others already had enough at that point and opted out expressing their dismay while other potential customers like myself watched from the sideline also expressed the same concerns at JHAs operating practices.  When you add up all the excuses and inaccuracies, straight from the horses mouth, over a period of more than half a year it looks really bad.  It's simply a matter of personal choice.  Some just care about the gear and nothing else.  If they get it, that's all that matters.  Others care about principles of business practice and respect for its customers as much as the product or more so.  Everyone has their breaking point and some are have just reached it.  I personally feel how JHA continues to respond to and treats its customers is equally as topical and relevant as whether the 3A is optical or coax.  You can make an amp that turns water into wine but if you disrespect me and insult my intelligence as a paying customer I'm out.  It's simple, this is about RESPECT.  Customers have shown much faith and patience and that has not been reciprocated in kind.     
Mar 4, 2011 at 11:37 PM Post #2,473 of 2,681
In my experience JHA makes a great product, but shows no mercy if you change your mind.  I bought the JH13 during one of their sales and an extra cable.   A day or two later I thought I'd buy the carbon fiber box.  I did, but they were very strict, "no sale price."  Okay, I bought it any way.  When I got it, I decided I didn't really like how it looked, or that I needed it.  I didn't get my name stenciled on the box or anything, just in case (and I don't really go in for that anyway).  So I emailed them and asked if I could send the carbon fiber box back, and I'd pay the postage.  This was "only" 75 dollars or so out of a one thousand dollar purchase.  I got a quick email back, "No.  All sales are final."  I also had a problem with one of their recommended audiologists, who not only did a poor fit, but then tried to scrape the IEMs into shape.  It didn't work, and so I contacted JHA and asked them to do the refit.  I was told that I had voided the warranty - even though it was one of their recommended audiologists.  I basically had to argue that last point, and then they told me, "just this once, we'll allow it."
So, I guess the verdict is:  Great product, but I'm not impressed with the customer service.  And do make sure you want whatever you order from them, because, unlike other (even smaller) manufacturers, there's a strict no return policy.
Mar 4, 2011 at 11:59 PM Post #2,474 of 2,681
For me the wait isn't really the problem..I can wait even a few more months if need be.  All I care about it getting a product that is at the standard or better than what I heard at Canjam.
What concerns me more is how little control Jerry has over his own product.  First off the DSP engineering team had to start from scratch, then I learned that the amp was going to be built in China.  I know many think that using some random Chinese manufacturer as a production method is fine, but we are already seeing the side effects of it...between the production delays, the miscommunications, and now wrong part specifications, it is really starting to make me question what we will be getting as a final product and if it will be up to the standard I am hoping.
Mar 5, 2011 at 12:09 AM Post #2,475 of 2,681
Sorry for the long post here... i felt its better to at least try to vent a little at this point, even if no one reads it.
The one thing that really bewilders me about this whole situation (btw ive been waiting since august) is they way they are "keeping us updated"  i know people have already complained about this.. a lot.. but thats why its so strange to me.  Surely they must be getting lots of calls with questions or complaints.  Surely they must be at least a little aware of head-fi and this thread.  Surely they have noticed people getting agitated.  Surely they realize that not everyone uses facebook, or head-fi for that matter.  Surely they must realize that no one is satisfied with the way they are handling their updates.  Surely they must see the confusion, the questions, the tension...  Or do they?  maybe they dont read head-fi.  Maybe for some strange reason they feel facebook is adequate.. but its very hard to imagine that perspective.
Are most if not all of the JH3A customers on head-fi? probably.. but still they are relying on head-fiers to check their facebook page, which if it werent for a few of us who happened to check the JH audio facebook page, we never would have seen the updates at all.  why on earth didnt they just pool 100-200 email addresses together and start sending out a mass mail with updates.  I can see absolutely no reason.  I dont care if someone had to copy and paste each email address into a file to make the initial list, it still would have been a very simple task.   
I mean really.  if they sent even one email.. ONE - to all the pre-orderers when this delay FIRST happened, politely explaining the situation, and following it with, we will make sure to send an update once a month, or once every two weeks, even if we have NO new information, just to help you feel supported... that would have been a HUGE releif!   It literally could be like 2 or three sentences each time.    The thing that just ices the cake here is that they are CONSTANTLY updating their facebook page - so its not like they dont have time for this.  Its like they are completely clueless...or scared.   
It's even more bewildering to me that JH audio seems to be known for such great customer service, and that aside from this project, they seem to be continuing that trend.  Its like this whole project has a black cloud hanging over it for some reason and that the reps at JH are afraid of it.    I have no idea what the bottom line is in that regard, but something just seems "off"  I honestly dont think they are lying to us and maybe thats just my naivete here, but for some reason they are afraid to communicate openly/fully with us.  If you watch their facebook page you see this demonstrated.  question after question and nearly every one is answered within an hour or 2, but EVERY time there is a jh3a question... hours, hours, maybe even days go by..   they know its there...
I dont really know what im getting at here, This is less of a complaint and more of me trying to figure out what is causative to their behavior around this release. It just isnt feeling right to me.    Its almost like they know they did something dishonest, or wrong, or made some kind of mistake somewhere early on, or maybe its guilt or shame or fear from losing the DSP programmer, or maybe the money really is tight, or nerves, or who knows what... but ever since that initial "something" they have been unable see clearly about this project and the way they are handling it.    On the subject of people thinking a lack of money in their company is the issue.. i would just speculate this.. simultaneous to the JH3A production they have moved and expanded their facilities, and completely revamped their website.. both potentially very expensive ventures....a struggling company just cant do this.  At least not in my opinion.
well, take this for what you will.  I realize im just speculating here, but It helps me to say SOMETHING after all this patient waiting.

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