JH Audio JH-13 PRO impressions thread
Jul 23, 2009 at 8:13 AM Post #2,326 of 10,753

Originally Posted by Sinocelt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Not personally, no. If I go with JH Audio, I'll either pick the JH13 (top of the line) or, if I'm afraid I may break it before I've had my money's worth, the JH5 (bottom of the line). I'm more likely not to regret my choice thus than with any middle ground.

One thing you could consider is to purchase a UM3X used off of the forum to get a feel for whether the basic sound signature is to your liking. I've heard the UM3X described as 80% of the ES3X. They share the same drivers and cross-overs, I believe.

I'm thinking that, once the price off the UM3X falls a bit in the used market, I may end up sending a pair off to Unique Melody to get customized. You could always consider that route. I think it would run around $400 (same as JH5). Wouldn't have the vinyl canal portion, though.

Sinocelt, I think you'd be crazy to go with the ES3X over the JH13, if you decide to go for the full-deal. What's keeping the ES3X in the game for you?
Jul 23, 2009 at 11:36 AM Post #2,327 of 10,753

Originally Posted by MaoDi /img/forum/go_quote.gif

The JH11 are what the UE11 were supposed to be before Jerry left the company. The signature ist still warm and mellow but way more enjoyable compared to the UE11 with thier insane bump at the low end and colorized mids.

The JH10x3 are superiour to the ES3x and tend to have a slightly cold signature. Hence not real an equivalent.

About the rest, I don't really know...

Jul 23, 2009 at 2:11 PM Post #2,329 of 10,753

Originally Posted by Sinocelt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Care to elaborate?

For me the reporduction of high and low frequencies is far more convincing. Overall there's some lack of precision I expect from a premium custom. After some comparism with the UM3x I came to the conclusion that there's not such a big difference to justify the extra money. Don't get me wrong the ES3x are really good cIEM but I think they can't compete with any three-way model of JH-Audio.
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Jul 23, 2009 at 2:19 PM Post #2,330 of 10,753

Originally Posted by seehee2k /img/forum/go_quote.gif
For me the reporduction of high and low frequencies is far more convincing. Overall there's some lack of precision I expect from a premium custom. After some comparism with the UM3x I came to the conclusion that there's not such a big difference to justify the extra money. Don't get me wrong the ES3x are really good cIEM but I think they can't compete with any three-way model of JH-Audio.
regular_smile .gif

Any? Wow. You've compared the JH11 and the UE11, and now the JH10X3 and the ES3X. Er, how many... and which... custom IEMs do you have?
Jul 23, 2009 at 2:20 PM Post #2,331 of 10,753
Okay guys I hate to read this thread coz it makes me want a JH13 pro sooo bad. Now I am on the verge of buying a pair of ES3X's and every time I read this thread I switch to JH13 pro's. Now I ain't rich (after all I am only 15). But I recently have gotten a ****load of money to blow. I can afford a pair of ES3X's comfortably but if I wait a month or 2 I could get JH13 pro's. So should I wait an extra month or 2 for the JH13pro's or pull the trigger now and get the ES3X's?

BTW I have funnily shaped ears so the heat sensitive ttips on the ES3X's were the main thing swaying me.
Jul 23, 2009 at 2:23 PM Post #2,332 of 10,753

Originally Posted by FALC0NR14 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Okay guys I hate to read this thread coz it makes me want a JH13 pro sooo bad. Now I am on the verge of buying a pair of ES3X's and every time I read this thread I switch to JH13 pro's. Now I ain't rich (after all I am only 15). But I recently have gotten a ****load of money to blow. I can afford a pair of ES3X's comfortably but if I wait a month or 2 I could get JH13 pro's. So should I wait an extra month or 2 for the JH13pro's or pullt he trigger now and get the ES3X's?

BTW I have funnily shaped ears so the heat sensitive ttips on the ES3X's were the main thing swaying me.

At 15, you are still growing (fast) and your ears are changing with the rest of your body. So a custom IEM may end being, in your case, a short-term investment.
Jul 23, 2009 at 2:34 PM Post #2,336 of 10,753

Originally Posted by FALC0NR14 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
I emailed Jerry and he said he would re-mould them in like a year if I needed it.

Then it's a big plus over the ES3X, methinks, in your case. Re-molding from Westone, past the first three months (IIRC), costs more than $300. And Bojamijams is right: since it's a custom, the funny shape of your ears won't matter. Westone's heat-sensitive tips are more of a selling point for people who wear their IEMs while singing or doing voice work (i.e. while moving their jaws a lot), and maybe also for people who wear them non-stop all day long.
Jul 23, 2009 at 2:39 PM Post #2,337 of 10,753

Originally Posted by Sinocelt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Then it's a big plus over the ES3X, methinks, in your case.

Ya I know. Plus he has a 2 year warranty. Plus I can order them direct. With the ES3X's I'd have to order them from the earplugstore because I am Irish.
Jul 23, 2009 at 2:50 PM Post #2,338 of 10,753

Originally Posted by FALC0NR14 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Ya I know. Plus he has a 2 year warranty. Plus I can order them direct. With the ES3X's I'd have to order them from the earplugstore because I am Irish.

Yes. Two valid points, that I also have to take into account myself, since I live in Taiwan. I'll go see an audiologist at the NTU Hospital soon, and will ask them if they've got any link with Westone (since Westone sells hearing aids). If they do, they may be able to order the ES3X directly, which would be a plus in favor of this IEM. But if they don't, I'll have to either order through Earplugstore, or through a local Westone dealer, but in that case for more than $900, last time I checked (and I'm not even sure that includes shipping). It's a little annoying to have to bring imprints to a dealer so they can just bring them to the post office, instead of being able to go to the post office directly.
Jul 23, 2009 at 2:51 PM Post #2,339 of 10,753

Originally Posted by seehee2k /img/forum/go_quote.gif
For me the reporduction of high and low frequencies is far more convincing. Overall there's some lack of precision I expect from a premium custom. After some comparism with the UM3x I came to the conclusion that there's not such a big difference to justify the extra money. Don't get me wrong the ES3x are really good cIEM but I think they can't compete with any three-way model of JH-Audio.
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I'm confused... did you come to that conclusion based on a UM3x comparison? Also you said you `think' they can't compete?
Jul 23, 2009 at 2:58 PM Post #2,340 of 10,753

Originally Posted by Sinocelt /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Any? Wow. You've compared the JH11 and the UE11, and now the JH10X3 and the ES3X. Er, how many... and which... custom IEMs do you have?

I only own one pair of cIEM from a german manufacturer (with which I am absolutly happy). But we recently had a meet here with generic (test) versions of UE4, UE7, UE11, JH10x3, JH11, JH13 and almost any relevant universal. Since Westone doesn't provide gernerics we had a custom ES3x which fitted me perfectly. Bottom line I was really dissapointed about the performance of Westone's custom but really surprised what Jerry has to offer with his line-up. I think he really knows what he's doning and seems to be a nice guy at least mail-wise.

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