I have my hands ON the Sony X1000 Walkman - Impressions / Discussions
Sep 10, 2009 at 11:40 PM Post #2,281 of 3,761

Originally Posted by FortisFlyer75 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks for the tip, i will give it a try when i get 5 mins, will i use this along side my DB Poweramp or will MP3 gain do everything DB P/Amp does?

Who are the ABI folks also!?

Cheers Dissembled : )

You should use it along side DBP. It doesn't convert songs like DBP does. Just changes the volume levels.

It changes the gain rather quickly I may add. It literally takes seconds for it to alter a single mp3 file.

Sep 11, 2009 at 12:07 AM Post #2,282 of 3,761

Originally Posted by kwang411 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
hey guys i have another question, i find that my old A728 is actually louder than my X. Now i have to increase the volume by about 2 on the X to get the same volume i get on A728. Is this normal? I thought with the builtin amp the X is supposed to be a bit more powerful?

Yes it is normal. I experienced the same thing, and so did at least one other member on here. It was weird though, for me, even with the X up 2 levels higher to be about on par with the A728, it still always "seemed" like it wasn't as loud. So sometimes I would go louder, and it would just start hurting my ears.
Sep 11, 2009 at 1:29 AM Post #2,284 of 3,761
Thanks for the confirmation Soundinterpreter.

Here's some of my impressions of the X.

I notice clear improvement over the A728, which I also own. Biggest improvement i find is the larger soundstage and greater three dimensionality. Christina Aguilera's Candyman sounds VERY congested on the A728, yet magically it sounds airy on the X. I've noticed this difference on a few other tracks as well. The X has less bass presence, which I find improves the overall balance of sound.

Also, like most people, I think the X does sound more natural (less digital). The electric guitar in Michael Jackson's Beat It sounds very natural, whereas it is a bit muffled and less crisp with A728. The recording acutally made me feel like I'm sitting at a concert!

So in conclusion, the X has a more balanced sound signature, more airy, more crisp, more natural, more detailed, and I can keep going... Sound quality-wise, its quite impeccable!

The noise cancelling function seems fairly good inside my room (completely filters out the fan), though I haven't tried it on a bus or anything. One cool thing about it is that the X can be used on a plane as a noise cancelling device even when watching the movies on the plane!! I can't wait to try this on my next flight!

Oh, and the screen is fantastic! Vibrant colours make the album art look rly good!

However, the X could use the improvement:
1) The browser is pretty bad, especially inputing the URL can be such a pain in the ass. 2) Many of the pictures i put into the player cannot be viewed (can anybody help me with this?).
3) The top buttons are blocked by my headphone jack, since its L shaped and it practically render the buttons useless.
4) When i set the hold to only lock the touch screen, at times the HOME button may accidentally be pushed in my jeans and turn off the player when I'm listening to it. This is acutally the biggest issue I find with this player.

I just got it last night, so i guess its not fully burnt in yet, if there is significant change after a couple of days i will update this!
Sep 11, 2009 at 2:02 AM Post #2,285 of 3,761

Originally Posted by kwang411 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Thanks for the confirmation Soundinterpreter.

However, the X could use the improvement:
2) Many of the pictures i put into the player cannot be viewed (can anybody help me with this?).

Save the photos as baseline standard instead of baseline optimized or progressive. This should fix your problem.

Nice first impressions btw. Welcome to the growing club.
Sep 11, 2009 at 2:36 AM Post #2,286 of 3,761

Originally Posted by kwang411 /img/forum/go_quote.gif
However, the X could use the improvement:
1) The browser is pretty bad, especially inputing the URL can be such a pain in the ass.
3) The top buttons are blocked by my headphone jack, since its L shaped and it practically render the buttons useless.
4) When i set the hold to only lock the touch screen, at times the HOME button may accidentally be pushed in my jeans and turn off the player when I'm listening to it. This is acutally the biggest issue I find with this player.

1) Agree, the text input is quite difficult. No pain no gain.

3) Agree, but you can rotate the the plug until you can access the button.

4) Then you may need the X's carrying case.
I also have the case, and IMHO, it is very nice looking and it's looks expensive too. Not need to HOLD/lock the touch panel or buttons anymore.
Sony CKL-NWX1000 Leather case for NW-X series
CKL-NWX1000 | ƒP[ƒX | gƒEƒH[ƒNƒ}ƒ“hê—pƒAƒNƒZƒTƒŠ[ | ƒI[ƒfƒBƒI | ƒJƒ^ƒƒOî•ñ | ƒ\ƒj[
Sony X1000 Leather Case - Walkman X Series - abi>>forums

Thank you.
Sep 11, 2009 at 2:37 AM Post #2,287 of 3,761
Hey guys, it's been a while. I have not migrated from the stock headphones yet. I am considering the sleek's for this job. Anyone have impression on them? Amazon has them for 154.95 which is a pretty good deal if you ask me. Let me know if you guys think of the combo.

As far as EQ, I find that the settings 0-0-(-2)-1 with CB set to 2 is a very nice combination for the stock headphones.
Sep 11, 2009 at 3:17 AM Post #2,288 of 3,761

Originally Posted by Kbadone /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Its Sony man they are always overpriced so dont expect a price cut anytime soon!

By the way WMP12 on windows 7 doesn't work good with WAV files, it doesn't apply artist and album name to the WAV files for some reason. We might need a firmware update soon

Don't worry, if SONY reluctant to cut it's price, you can vote with you note to Cowon S9 or AMP3 , both are top of SONY X 1000 in term of sound quality with half of SONY X 1060's price.
Sep 11, 2009 at 4:28 AM Post #2,289 of 3,761
lol! Please point me to the 32 gig S9 for 200 bucks, I want to jump on that deal!!

I agree with CN11 and Sooz - I'd also put the X above the S9 in pure SQ. Never had the pleasure of trying the amp3, but I know it's sound sig. isn't for me . Plus it looks like a brick-like oversized shuffle, with a tiny screen. ha ha - well it does
Sep 11, 2009 at 4:33 AM Post #2,290 of 3,761
Do you still have the Sony X? I'm curious because I'm wondering if you have it on hand to compare to the amp3 side by side... I ask because in comparing it to the amp3 I heard things completely opposite. Actually, I'd rate the three DAP's like this:

Sony X > Cowon S9 > amp3.

While I realize these things come down to personal taste, my ears quantitatively hear significantly more extended bass/wider soundstage with better 3D separation/more natural sound signature (ie, not as digital sounding) with the Sony X. The amp3 sounds more cold/clinical/mids and vocals focused/narrower soundstage/weaker bass
Sep 11, 2009 at 3:05 PM Post #2,291 of 3,761
Hey guys, I wanted to ask if there is an incoming 64 gb version of the Sony X. That would be awesome.
Sep 11, 2009 at 3:12 PM Post #2,292 of 3,761
Had a chance to audition the X1050 today at my local Sony Centre. It's a pretty impressive DAP imo. The UI is very responsive and intuitive. The build-quaility is also really good. And the most important thing for me: the SQ doesn't disappoint. On the contrary, it's excellent!!! Exciting, lush, effortless, beefy,...

Now I know what my next DAP will be. I'll just wait until the price will be a little more competitive - the current price over here is 379 EUR (which equals $550 or £330).
Sep 11, 2009 at 8:20 PM Post #2,293 of 3,761

Originally Posted by antonyfirst /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey guys, I wanted to ask if there is an incoming 64 gb version of the Sony X. That would be awesome.

I think the price for 64GB will be pretty high as 64GB flash memory price is very high.
Sep 11, 2009 at 9:37 PM Post #2,294 of 3,761

Originally Posted by antonyfirst /img/forum/go_quote.gif
Hey guys, I wanted to ask if there is an incoming 64 gb version of the Sony X. That would be awesome.

I do not forsee the current X being bumped to 64 gigs, the new X or its successor will most likely ship with 64, maybe ces in january.

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