HTC Desire SQ
Aug 10, 2010 at 4:50 PM Post #16 of 36

i have a desire (Uk version) and I have to say that for me the sound is spoilt by the low-level but very audible hiss at low volumes through iems which i use (se530)

That has me worried as I use low impedance IEMs a lot. My current portable sources all have really flat, dark silence and I just hate that background hiss. If the SE530 hiss at 36 Ohms I think my Mylar X3 wil be just unbearable at 16.
Shame, shame... you just confused me now. I was going for the Desire due to the Samsung Galaxy S useless GPS.
I need GPS and want to dump it but yet, the Galaxy S has amazing sound quality with all headphones I tried.
Samsung, no GPS, HTC, poor sound.
I think I am doomed to buy a phone + a second device... either for navigation or audio.

Aug 10, 2010 at 9:49 PM Post #17 of 36
Samsung is rumored to be aware of the GPS issue and I've read they think it's a software/firmware fix.  However, they have not officially acknowledged that the GPS is not performing within spec.  Who knows if they will fix it, but with how much they have vested in the Galaxy S platform, I would suspect they will.
Aug 17, 2010 at 7:49 PM Post #19 of 36
I returned mine to the store. Gave up on the GPS issues. There are no guarantees that it can be fixed by drivers/firmware and 599€ is a lot of money... don't want to risk being stuck with a GPSless unit due to faulty hardware design (either due to Samsung or Broadcom).
Anyway... as a multimedia player it sure was great.. the SAMOLED panel is simply amazing and the audio quality was fantastic, really great flac-player and the best I've heard on a phone (better than my Nokia E72 too). Not that the battery lasts long...
Aug 18, 2010 at 7:12 PM Post #20 of 36
Well today I can say that I'm getting pretty good GPS results; I used it to get from my hometown to my university today (about 4 hours drive) and from the uni to subway/walmart and back which weren't short drives at all.
There were times where I lost signal and it hung but the google maps/navigate were pretty solid (it rained all day today too).
Aug 27, 2010 at 3:53 PM Post #21 of 36
Just thought I'd point out that the HTC Desire is supported under Cyanogenmod 6.0 which gives it an EQ and dsp effects. It improves the sound quality of the Nexus One so I would assume it would do good for the Desire as well.
Sep 13, 2010 at 4:50 PM Post #22 of 36

That has me worried as I use low impedance IEMs a lot. My current portable sources all have really flat, dark silence and I just hate that background hiss. If the SE530 hiss at 36 Ohms I think my Mylar X3 wil be just unbearable at 16.
Shame, shame... you just confused me now. I was going for the Desire due to the Samsung Galaxy S useless GPS.
I need GPS and want to dump it but yet, the Galaxy S has amazing sound quality with all headphones I tried.
Samsung, no GPS, HTC, poor sound.
I think I am doomed to buy a phone + a second device... either for navigation or audio.


Just my 50p, I got my desire over the weekend and yesterday I decided to plug my RS2's into it.... And you know what? I got the feeling it was -slightly- better then my Cowon X5L.
Truth be told, I only heard 2 songs, and again it was through youtube not a dedicated mp3/ogg/flac, but my goodness I was amazed by the SQ of it.
I am planning on putting a full review on here about the Desire, but in the meantime it's looking very very promising. I was planning on going back to my Cowon/portable amp setup but after listening to the desire yesterday I'm  beginning to think twice. This is further enhanced by the prospect of RockBox going Android Markety.
Bear in mind guys, my main rig is a STAX setup.
Hope this helps somehow,
Jan 29, 2011 at 7:22 PM Post #23 of 36
My impression of the HTC desire is that it is a good phone and does the job for listening while walking around or in the car but unfortunately is not brilliant as a DAP in my experience, after 2 months of listening. Without Poweramp the hiss is very annoying. If there is the slightest hiss on a recording it is boosted considerably and hiss is added where there isn't any. With poweramp it can be reduced but inky black it is not. Compared to a 2g ipod nano and Cowon A3 the desire is not really in the same league. Bass and transients are not very well handled, particularly snare drums all sound the same and have a paper and comb quality that grates after you have started to notice it.  However the midrange can be quite sweet sounding and particularly guitars come across well, so it is not all bad. Instrument separation is quite good, but because of the hiss and papery high end detail is lacking.
Still what do you expect for a phone. Perhaps I've got a duff one? 
Jan 29, 2011 at 10:17 PM Post #24 of 36

Jan 29, 2011 at 10:20 PM Post #25 of 36
Ideally, I really want to use my Desire as primary source of DAP but the sounds is not as good even comparing with Sansa Clip. I just cannot listen to the Desire for long, it is quite ear piercing to me and the separation is so-so. Mid/High doesn't meet my expectation too. I tried the default/3rd party player they all sounds the same (why should they not?) other then extra EQ features you might get. My Clip has only 4GB so I got myself a Sony Walkman and quite happy with it although I believe there are better DAP out there. I have ordered a Teclast T51 and is on the way to me.
Feb 1, 2011 at 5:56 AM Post #26 of 36
Ideally, I really want to use my Desire as primary source of DAP but the sounds is not as good even comparing with Sansa Clip. I just cannot listen to the Desire for long, it is quite ear piercing to me and the separation is so-so. Mid/High doesn't meet my expectation too. I tried the default/3rd party player they all sounds the same (why should they not?) other then extra EQ features you might get. My Clip has only 4GB so I got myself a Sony Walkman and quite happy with it although I believe there are better DAP out there. I have ordered a Teclast T51 and is on the way to me.

I agree with you wholeheartedly. When I first opened this thread - I was hoping to deliver some grand impressions of the HTC Desire's SQ. Launching HTC's Music app, there was this massive cacophony of shrill, harsh treble - terribly amplified by my CK7 I was using at the time. Using the brilliant CK10, I experienced a slightly toned down SQ, but still enough t convince me to use my phone as full-time DAP. The overall signature is just 'boring' - in the sense (no pun intended) that nothing jumps out at you. I instead resort to more traditional sources such as my fuze, sflo2 or D2+. I am yet to try powerAMP to combat the hiss issues, but I use my phone's 3G + tethering services too often that listening to music on my phone would just reduce the battery life to next to nothing. 
As for your Teclast T51, I wish you a better experience at handling the UI. It's not too bad; I managed to flash the 2.3 firmware onto it....and I didn't notice much of a change. Forgetting the UI inconsistency, the SQ is sublime. Yum, yum there. 
Originally Posted by JohnerH
I am planning on putting a full review on here about the Desire, but in the meantime it's looking very very promising. I was planning on going back to my Cowon/portable amp setup but after listening to the desire yesterday I'm  beginning to think twice. This is further enhanced by the prospect of RockBox going Android Markety.

Please do that. I still find that (Desire --> CK10) just doesn't sound as inviting or involving as (sflo2 --> amp --> CK10) or (fuze --> CK10). Just a gimmick, are you running stock HTC Sense or running a custom ROM? I personally use Gingerbread-TME (Telstra-optimised Oxygen port).
Feb 1, 2011 at 7:49 AM Post #27 of 36
i usually sort my album in folders and play them directly so I guess I won't have much prob with it. also, there was a few occasion the playlist went missing in my sansa and sony walkman have corruption if I use drag and drop and I have learn to workaround or live with it. so u see, sandisk/sony are big company and these happen so what can i said :D
Feb 1, 2011 at 9:49 AM Post #28 of 36
Is this technically the same for the HTC Desire HD/HTC DHD (Android), or HTC HD7 (Windows Mobile 7)?
I have a HTC Desire HD, and am very interested in hearing what the general consensus is for the SQ on the device.
Feb 2, 2011 at 8:44 AM Post #29 of 36

Is this technically the same for the HTC Desire HD/HTC DHD (Android), or HTC HD7 (Windows Mobile 7)?
I have a HTC Desire HD, and am very interested in hearing what the general consensus is for the SQ on the device.

I can't speak for the phones you mentioned, but I don't get that kind of sound when playing through my HD2 in either Windows Mobile, Android, or Windows Phone 7. I find it perfectly acceptable under any of the operating systems.
Feb 10, 2011 at 12:19 AM Post #30 of 36
On my HTC Desire I was getting the "harsh, shrill treble" even using PowerAMP EQ'd with my RE-0 but when I changed to my cheap(they were free with my s:flo2) M1's the whole sound changed and became far more musical and warm. The detail and sound will not replace my 601 or s;flo2 for serious listening but is there enough for listening to on the go. I am really impressed.
Basically you need a darker more musical headphone and not an analytical one. I am tempted to get the M2 or M3 just for the Desire.

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