HiFiMan Susvara
May 26, 2024 at 1:00 PM Post #25,907 of 26,709
May 26, 2024 at 1:08 PM Post #25,908 of 26,709
I hope new "Susvara" is at least 10k. Otherwise I wont consider it top tier.
Shangri-La Sr is already 18k, everything below 20k can't even begin to compete🤣
May 26, 2024 at 1:26 PM Post #25,911 of 26,709
In the end it's so expensive because...
Yes because it's sounds so good. :smile:
But I don't like anything after the Susvara from Hifiman flaws over flaws in tonality.
I'd agree. Ever since I branched out to other brands, the Susvara remained the only Hifiman worth owning. All others were somehow dissapointing.

Arya Organic might be the 2nd exception for me, but the rest...
May 26, 2024 at 3:41 PM Post #25,913 of 26,709
Shangri-La Sr is already 18k, everything below 20k can't even begin to compete🤣
I sure hope they don't handicap it because of this. Can imagine upper management at Hifiman somewhere saying "We need to make it sound worse, it can't outperform Shangri-La Sr for only $8k"

A better Susvara should trade blows with Shang Sr after all, considering how close OG Susvara already is.
May 26, 2024 at 5:34 PM Post #25,914 of 26,709
Flux Mentor, ideally 2 in a stack for dual mono (3,000 with all maxed accessories). Single works well too, costs 1,300 usd. No taxes because it’s from Ukraine. It has the benefit of black quiet background (great for instrumental separation), very detailed and impactful lows, detailed highs without sibilance, and large soundstage. As for the accessories, Flux is selling them at cost from expensive power cables to dual mono adapters. Heck even the remote control is a beast. That thing looks plastic but is secretly a solid metal weapon. The electric component is actually very slim and durable and the rest is reinforced steel.

It is also very neutral. As in it doesn’t color your music into something it’s not. Some like the coloring which is why there is such a big tube amp following. My Schiit MJ3 does just that (warmth, bass heavy, and very smooth), and does it well for the Susvara but you just don’t have the resolution that Flux has. You have detailed highs with the MJ3 (sounds like an expensive tube amp on top of that) but you lose the details on lows. Outside the Flux, you’ll need 8K+ SS amps to get those detailed lows.

Flux had to close down production recent due to being bombed by Russian missiles but they will be open for business in about 3 weeks.
And don't sleep on the Volot and be deceived by it's lower price, it's an incredible dual mono amp imo I'm not missing anything with it. Very happy with it for the last couple years or so
May 26, 2024 at 6:17 PM Post #25,915 of 26,709
the sad truth is it is a never ending game of chasing what we do not have...years ago I kept swearing to myself that if I just bought this new piece of equipment that would be it and I would be content...for a short time I was until I heard or heard of new equipment and I starting getting the itch again...I am not even so sure that I am hearing better anymore rather than just different because I have climbed pretty high up the mountain top these days...in truth I regard it more as a hobby these days because I certainly own equipment that cannot be bettered dramatically..but I also realize that I will never quite be satisfied and this will go on for me until I am too old to distinguish any longer and even then who knows lol....I have come a long way from the days of my youth where I bought a Craig tape deck that only played back cassettes and I got my very first album on cassette,the combined cost was 20 bucks!..chicago II....I still have the album and play it often,great album
I've found the only way to stop buying is to stay off the forums and just enjoy the music. That is the only way for me to claim an end to this game 😆 Since there is always something better, the rabbit hole is deeper than my poor wallet will ever be. As long as there is someone willing to buy it, there's someone standing there ready to sell it! Lol
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May 26, 2024 at 6:33 PM Post #25,916 of 26,709
Thankfully when you buy and sell used, you can check out a lot of gear and not lose too much cash.
But yeah, enjoying the music is the #1 priority.
May 26, 2024 at 6:34 PM Post #25,917 of 26,709
And don't sleep on the Volot and be deceived by its lower price, it's an incredible dual mono amp imo I'm not missing anything with it. Very happy with it for the last couple years or so
The volot isn’t in production right now. I got the dual mentor because it’s supposedly a bit better than the Volot.
May 26, 2024 at 7:11 PM Post #25,918 of 26,709
I've found the only way to stop buying is to stay off the forums and just enjoy the music. That is the only way for me the claim a end to this game 😆 Since there is always something better, the rabbit hole is deeper than my poor wallet will ever be. As long as there is someone willing to buy it, there's someone standing there ready to sell it! Lol
Yup, the merry go round can be made to stop. Once you are happy with what you have (stop the audio nervosa) its time to ditch the mags, sites, stores, and audio pals because they are all purveyors of upgradeitis. I did it a few times - its good for the music, the pocket, and the mind. Haven't bought anything but a streamer in six years - but this winter the last hurrah...
May 27, 2024 at 4:20 AM Post #25,919 of 26,709
I've found the only way to stop buying is to stay off the forums and just enjoy the music. That is the only way for me to claim an end to this game 😆 Since there is always something better, the rabbit hole is deeper than my poor wallet will ever be. As long as there is someone willing to buy it, there's someone standing there ready to sell it! Lol
I've found the only way to stop buying is to stay off the forums and just enjoy the music. That is the only way for me to claim an end to this game 😆 Since there is always something better, the rabbit hole is deeper than my poor wallet will ever be. As long as there is someone willing to buy it, there's someone standing there ready to sell it! Lol
And the second-best way to stop buying is to completely empty the wallet lol
May 28, 2024 at 11:23 AM Post #25,920 of 26,709
I hope new "Susvara" is at least 10k. Otherwise I wont consider it top tier.
Lol — and at a certain price point it becomes prohibitive for a lot of us to "reach" towards it and risk bankrupting ourselves. They should make it $15k! Compete with Aperio!

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