HifiMAN HE-6 Planar Magnetic Headphone
Nov 23, 2013 at 5:34 PM Post #10,591 of 21,873
So I understand this correctly this combines both stereo channels to one mono channel and has setting to change to accomplish this. Is this correct??

Al D
Nov 23, 2013 at 5:37 PM Post #10,592 of 21,873
So I understand this correctly this combines both stereo channels to one mono channel and has setting to change to accomplish this. Is this correct??

Al D

No, it's not that simple, there's much more complex stuff going on than a simple crossfeed you're desribing.
Nov 23, 2013 at 5:57 PM Post #10,593 of 21,873
If you would be so kind to explain this please. A little background of me. I have good normal hearing except for one thing .

When using headphones most people give an impression of stage with depth and hight. Well I hear more like mono then stereo. But I do hear where the instruments are if stereo . But it is just in my head never outside, this is a bit of an issue when reading reviews . I use to think all people who claimed this were full of bull. I spent a good some of money having this perception condition and it is a fact for me . It has a name of sorts to I'm not alone. But with speakers I hear as good as anyone with trained ears. So mono is something I have wanting to listen to. So please explain for .


Al D
Nov 23, 2013 at 6:35 PM Post #10,594 of 21,873
  get a trial copy here http://www.toneboosters.com/tb-isone/
you can tweak setting, but can't save them until you purchase the license. It's only $20 and is good for life. Great value IMO. Be sure to follow the manual for proper setup procedures. This is by far the best I've come across, but it's definitely not a set-and-forget plug-in. You need to tweak it a bit, but once you're done it's truly sublime. The basic default setting is pretty good though. There's also a multi-channel version that works well with movies and such.

I'll have to check it out.  I used Redline Monitor for a while, but I could never bring myself to pay the $100 for the license...  Worked very nicely, but I'm a cheap b****** sometimes.
Nov 23, 2013 at 6:44 PM Post #10,595 of 21,873
  I'll have to check it out.  I used Redline Monitor for a while, but I could never bring myself to pay the $100 for the license...  Worked very nicely, but I'm a cheap b****** sometimes.

If you're into this kind of stuff, it's well worth the $20, and it's good for life. No "upgrade" fees 
 Just be sure to keep multiple backup copies of your license file across the cloud and/or email.
Nov 23, 2013 at 7:41 PM Post #10,596 of 21,873
  That's why I sold my T1 and never looked back, the HE-6 just excels at this. Especially when you finally get the HE-6 dialed in. The only genre it takes a back seat to other cans is classical.

T1 is still my favorite though for me. theres just something about the sound of the T1 that i really like. i guess its just the sound signature is something that really clicks with me, i really like it.
Nov 23, 2013 at 8:30 PM Post #10,597 of 21,873
T1 is still my favorite though for me. theres just something about the sound of the T1 that i really like. i guess its just the sound signature is something that really clicks with me, i really like it.

Yeah, it has a really nice midbass hump, with a wide stage, and is slightly forgiving. Great recipe for a jack-of-all headphone.
Nov 23, 2013 at 11:55 PM Post #10,598 of 21,873
Ended the experiment with the audeze veg pads. I agree with those who said they fill in the center, but I guess I do not think that is such a good thing. I think they make things sound more closed in and a bit congested. When j put the hifimsn pads back on I got a better senses of spacing and openness. The music sounds closer to what I hear from my speakers. To each their eon I guess. Interested to hear what others think.
Nov 24, 2013 at 1:20 AM Post #10,600 of 21,873
  If you're into this kind of stuff, it's well worth the $20, and it's good for life. No "upgrade" fees 
 Just be sure to keep multiple backup copies of your license file across the cloud and/or email.

It certainly comes loaded with lots of pre-sets, which are fun to play with, but in the end, I seem to always turn it off when I'm done playing around...
Nov 24, 2013 at 2:00 AM Post #10,601 of 21,873
  Upon reexamination last night with two different amps, I'm not experiencing a vacant middle in staging.

I don't either. I think it must be a less common personal psycho-acoustic effect.
  It certainly comes loaded with lots of pre-sets, which are fun to play with, but in the end, I seem to always turn it off when I'm done playing around...

Yes it does. I have episodes with it, where i like it on for a bit, then i turn it off. I'ts really great while watching some sort of video with audio though.
Nov 24, 2013 at 4:04 AM Post #10,602 of 21,873
  It appears that Audeze's new LCD-X is the center of the spotlight currently here at Head-Fi.
Though I haven't had the opportunity to audition it in person yet, I think I have a vague idea of how it sounds like from reading reviews and feedbacks of several people on the Internet. If what they're saying is true, then I think I'll be one of those who prefer the LCD-X to its more expensive - and Audeze's self-proclaimed flagship - LCD-3... for the exact same reason I prefer my HE-6 to LCD-3.
If the LCD-3 is a lush, dark sounding headphone with a touch of somewhat tubey warmth, and the HD800 is a clean, transparent, open and airy headphone with state-of-the-art imaging and soundstage, both headphones are at opposite extremes. Both are complementary to one another, each has its own strengths/weaknesses and genres it excels at, but neither is a jack-of-all-trades. If I were to own just one headphone, owning either the LCD-3 and HD800 will leave me with a sense of dissatisfaction, considering that I listen to practically all genres out there. This is why the HE-6 currently stands as my favorite headphone; it is placed close to the middle of LCD-3 and HD800 which are polar opposite. The HE-6 offers a cleaner, wider, and more transparent window of music compared to the rather closed-sounding LCD-3, while retaining its tactility and the sound of engagement as a planar magnetic headphone compared to the rather distant-sounding HD800. It strikes one of the most perfect balance between two distinct sonic signatures people crave over, without sacrificing too much of one over the other.
However, after reading the reviews of LCD-X, I can't help but feel that it could also be another headphone that is ideal for me. According to the reviewers, It is apparently brighter than the LCD-3 and thus more neutral-sounding (but not bright in the absolute sense), has a superior treble response, more transparent, images better in terms of 3D soundstaging, and best of all, generally works better with a wider range of genre than the LCD-3. And while the LCD-3 seems to do better when it comes to mids and bass, the LCD-X's bass is still considered one of the best, probably the best after the LCD-3 and definitely better than that of the HE-6.
This got me really interested in comparing the LCD-X and HE-6, but sadly the LCD-X is not available here in Korea yet. This is purely my speculation, but I think the LCD-X and HE-6 will sound similar in many aspects, with the LCD-X still doing better in the bass department while the HE-6 shines in treble. Another very important difference is that the LCD-X is probably one of the easiest planar magnetic headphone to drive, with its relatively high sensitivity of 96 dB/mW, while the HE-6 is one of the most demanding beast in all of headphonedom.
It would be interesting to compare the LCD-X and HE-6 when they are driven to their very best. Call me prejudiced if you will, but I tend to think of headphones that are easy to drive, either having low impedance or high sensitivity, as having low a scalability (a.k.a. ceiling). At their very best, the HE-6 may perform better. But who knows?
Has anyone here heard the LCD-X in person?

Your description here between Audeze/HD800/HE-6 is precisely the reason I'm getting another pair of HE-6 after selling my original ones, and also part of the reason I'm curious about the LCD-X too.
I will point out that although all the descriptors you mention have been thrown at the LCD-X, they have often (? generally) been made in the context of overarching comments like "it does all this without departing from the Audeze sound". That gives me a little pause really. Makes me wonder whether despite those changes I may still like it less than the HE-6 for the stuff I love the HE-6 for (rock, metal), while also meaning I like it less for the stuff I presently really adore my LCD-2 for (female vocal jazz, stuff like say Massive Attack). I guess that's what I'm curious to know, is it a lose/lose for me, or could it be a single headphone that suits me well with the same kind of genre bandwidth the HE-6 has?
My feeling is that it probably can't supplant the HE-6 for me, particularly since I have the latitude to simply keep my LCD-2 around for the stuff I like from them.
Nov 24, 2013 at 6:51 AM Post #10,603 of 21,873
I NEVER understood the love for the LCD-2 (I only had the Rev 1)
How anybody can think that a headphone with almost an entire spectrum missing was good mystified me
Nov 24, 2013 at 7:13 AM Post #10,604 of 21,873
blush, its my fav....maybe its becos of the look of the silver toxic 

Nov 24, 2013 at 8:43 AM Post #10,605 of 21,873
HE-6 dark?  Not to my ears, not at all.  Unlike a LCD-2.2, or LCD-3.  I agree the T1s are a good all rounder.  It's just the HE-6 excels in the mids over the T1 and the notes are more full - maybe that's where people call them dark - not sure.
Yes the Planars are not that great in the sound stage area, but it's good enough as I value that less than other things.  For large orchestra ensembles I still would pick the HD800s but the HE-6 is not that far behind.  For a nice Jazz Trio piece I'd pick the HE-6 all day long.  For me the HE-6 is the best jack of all trade headphone out.  The LCD-X is said to be a good one as well.

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