= HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =
Feb 27, 2018 at 11:01 PM Post #19,066 of 21,182
If it’s any consolation, yours lasted two weeks longer than my pair did before the left cup completely broke off.

LOL...yeah, but as a result I'm just outside the 30 day return window. Anyway, I'll see how Adorama customer support respond to my request to return them for a full refund. The HE-560 sound great, but suffice to say this is the last Hifiman product I will ever buy.
Feb 27, 2018 at 11:08 PM Post #19,067 of 21,182
If it’s any consolation, yours lasted two weeks longer than my pair did before the left cup completely broke off.
Mine didn't take long before the yoke started cracking either. It's due to weak yoke material combined with the clamping force it has, and everytime you push away of the clamping, the (pathetically weak) yoke is withstanding that force, and eventually decided to form a crack at the popular spot for the Adorama batches.

I guess Parker Lewis can lose after all. LOL.
Feb 27, 2018 at 11:11 PM Post #19,068 of 21,182
So I just got an email back from Hifiman and they are sending me a new headband free of charge, so we will see how that goes. I don't have a lot of faith that this new headband won't do the same thing, considering someone else already had theirs replaced and the new one did the same thing.

Of course if the new headband cracks too then I'm screwed because I'm past my return policy.
Feb 27, 2018 at 11:22 PM Post #19,070 of 21,182
So I just got an email back from Hifiman and they are sending me a new headband free of charge, so we will see how that goes. I don't have a lot of faith that this new headband won't do the same thing, considering someone else already had theirs replaced and the new one did the same thing.

Of course if the new headband cracks too then I'm screwed because I'm past my return policy.
I would return them if I were you. ...I will if Adorama take mine back.
Feb 27, 2018 at 11:50 PM Post #19,071 of 21,182
I would return them if I were you. ...I will if Adorama take mine back.

Yeah I guess it never hurts to ask. I'm wondering if the yokes that have been breaking are in any way distinguishable from the older ones. They look the same from the pictures I've seen.
Feb 28, 2018 at 12:05 AM Post #19,072 of 21,182
I'm bummed .... my HE-560 has developed a crack on the left yolk. I bought these from Adorama on 1/21 and delivered on 1/25. They've been babied - always stored on a headphone stand, never bumped or dropped.

Anaz, I know how badly you feel believe me. There's nothing anyone can do no matter how well we take care of them. I always kept mine on my headphone stand also : the yolk freakin gave while I was putting them on. I got a replacement headband & it broke 2 days after. I returned everything for a refund save the s&h in my case because I live in Canada. It's the worst experience I've had with anything I've ever bought since I've been in this hobby. Real sorry for you man.
Feb 28, 2018 at 5:54 AM Post #19,073 of 21,182

See if this image works...here is what the yolks look like with the metal strip.

here's the link to the google album. hope I didn't break any rules..

Do you mind telling me where did you find that thin-sheet-metal that fits so nicely into the headband yolk? Thanks
Feb 28, 2018 at 8:09 AM Post #19,074 of 21,182
Anaz, I know how badly you feel believe me. There's nothing anyone can do no matter how well we take care of them. I always kept mine on my headphone stand also : the yolk freakin gave while I was putting them on. I got a replacement headband & it broke 2 days after. I returned everything for a refund save the s&h in my case because I live in Canada. It's the worst experience I've had with anything I've ever bought since I've been in this hobby. Real sorry for you man.
Thank you for the sentiment BobG55. Given the failure rate you’d think Hifiman or Adorama would take some initiative. I’ve just started this hobby and Hifiman is a company that I’m not going to buy from again.
Feb 28, 2018 at 8:48 AM Post #19,075 of 21,182
@PCX. The spring came from one of those retractable cord winders...something like this..you should be able to find for cheap...

If i were to do it again, i would glue the end points of the strip first, let it set (jd weld takes about 1 hr) then put on the ear cups then glue the remainder of the strip. Gluing the whole strip at once makes the yolk rigid thus harder to put the cup on.
Feb 28, 2018 at 1:07 PM Post #19,076 of 21,182
So, Hifiman customer service said they’re sending me a new headband. I’ll report when it gets here.
Feb 28, 2018 at 5:43 PM Post #19,077 of 21,182
A co-worker got a pair recently with the Adorama deal. The yoke on his broke last week, and he treated them with kid gloves. Mine ordered directly from Hifiman a couple years ago have been perfectly fine.
Feb 28, 2018 at 6:15 PM Post #19,078 of 21,182
Is this officially the most depressing thread on Head Fi now? I feel bad for all of you having to deal with this, and the seeming lack of caring from the maker of these cans.
Feb 28, 2018 at 6:33 PM Post #19,079 of 21,182
Is this officially the most depressing thread on Head Fi now? I feel bad for all of you having to deal with this, and the seeming lack of caring from the maker of these cans.
I'm subscribed to a more depressing/angering thread. At least people here are getting some amount of service, whether it's getting a refund or another headband (even if the replacement also breaks). The other thread I'm in just has people that get the same canned email reply and implies the company has taken everyone's money and is now unable to produced the promised product.

But it really still sucks for a lot of the people here. I thought the HE560 sounded very good even though I ended up sticking with my HD600/TH-X00 combo instead. Had mine for several months with no signs of bad material, though I definitely thought that something of that price range should have metal yokes. Driver failure isn't great either, but at least from the reports here, it's less prevalent than broken yokes.
Feb 28, 2018 at 6:52 PM Post #19,080 of 21,182
i bought my he 560 2 months ago, and im gonna be soon running on my 3rd headband soon, so my chances are pretty bad. seems to break once in a month in average. i think when the next headband will break, ill consider a more permanent solution, because it seems like a train wreck waiting to happen every godamn time with these freak' plastics yolks. and it's not like they weren't kept under perfect condition, because they were kept. does anyone here have experience with 3d printing, or managed to make plastics yolks out of better materials?? i wish i had a 3d printer...

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