= HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =
Oct 12, 2014 at 9:21 PM Post #8,956 of 21,176
No one is buying "more expensive" stuff because they can't tell the difference, that is the last reason you would get something expensive. Generally on this planet, however, the things that sound better also tend to cost more. It's easy really.. do so some research, narrow down the things you might like and can afford, go to a store or a show/meet and have a listen, compare it with some other stuff, if you love it, buy it, and be happy. Doesn't matter what anyone else does, says, or thinks. Be warned though, when you go to the store and ask to listen to setup "XYZ" and he says let me set it up for you while you listen to this Liquid Gold setup I have here, say thanks but no thanks, take a seat and wait. Because it is a trap!

Loosen up a bit, splash some cash, you only live once, there is some great sounding gear out there!

BTW.. double the frequency ensures perfect reproduction only in theory, if you can sample with exact precision, which doesn't happen with 16/24 bits in which case a higher sampling rate may in fact be better.. but if you can't hear it in an ABX test then it didn't happen.

I agree with the buying stuff principle u talk about....well spoken! :wink:
Oct 13, 2014 at 1:01 AM Post #8,957 of 21,176
Since I have a couple universal players, moved my Cambridge Audio Azur 650 BD to the Computer Rig, why haven't Ya'll told me what I was missing :yum:?!? No more doubling up on SACD Audio, feeding directly to my Lyr 2 for now, adding the Belles One Tuesday, order a Sys, Mercy Mercy Me, Marvin Gaye sounds sweet on a DVD-A! Money, on not being able to hear a difference between CD and Hi-Rez, you are wrong again my Friend, these 560 have an incredible sound stage,oh my!
Oct 13, 2014 at 2:58 AM Post #8,958 of 21,176
So has there been any news on the next Hifiman HE-7(?) and the electrostatic at RMAF or did I miss it?
Need a HasturTheYellow in here too I think, that guy is very helpful.
Probably lots of secret beta testing going on (looks at Jerg).
Oct 13, 2014 at 6:23 AM Post #8,959 of 21,176
I wonder what is the process that tyll uses to determine which headphones he will review or not review. He has to realize that his personal endorsement is actually worth a bit more than the average reviewer and I wonder if companies try to influence his opinions by sending him free stuff haahah.
While I understand that he has his own priorities and personal preferences, I think it is possible to do informative reviews on headphones that you didn't personally enjoy. The HE-400i and HE-560 are priced very competitively compared to their direct competitors. It is a shame that he doesn't want to review them due to a personal preference for a particular frequency signature. Not everyone who follows his reviews share his sonic tastes, so it is kind of a disservice to use that platform to only promote headphones that follow one particular sound signature.
Oct 13, 2014 at 6:34 AM Post #8,960 of 21,176
Since I have a couple universal players, moved my Cambridge Audio Azur 650 BD to the Computer Rig, why haven't Ya'll told me what I was missing :yum:?!? No more doubling up on SACD Audio, feeding directly to my Lyr 2 for now, adding the Belles One Tuesday, order a Sys, Mercy Mercy Me, Marvin Gaye sounds sweet on a DVD-A! Money, on not being able to hear a difference between CD and Hi-Rez, you are wrong again my Friend, these 560 have an incredible sound stage,oh my!

lol. I wouldn't be able to comment on that as I do not own any CDs hahah. glad you are enjoying your music! there are certain settings on your computer that you can adjust to ensure good audio performance. cant seem to find the link right now.
There are people around here that state sound stage differences is more dependent on the source file than your headphones. I am still unsure. There is obviously the sound stage differences between closed and open that is very audible. Testing different open headphones against each other, I have not been able to ascertain whether that claim is true or false yet.
mmm... if there is a difference between CDs vs hi-rez, I would just tend to think that the differences are due to changes in mastering over sampling rate or even bitrate (as CD quality bitrate is basically equivalent to lossless).
Oct 13, 2014 at 7:07 AM Post #8,961 of 21,176
Couple of words about metal music + Hifiman HE-560. (Summary on impressions on metal for 47 headphones is here http://www.head-fi.org/t/715478/headphones-for-metal-music-ultimate-solution)
Hifiman HE-560
Among earphones of top level 560 most of all remind LCD-X (except for one, but very important point). Alas, at present I don't have LCD-X. Comparison was carried out with HE-500 (mostly) and HE-6.
Technical parameters. A bass - not the best in 560. Orthodynamic colleagues sound powerful. 560... Don't sound so. In the competitive world it is necessary to be allocated with something. Probably in it there was a task of 560 authors. Mids are cool, level, intelligent and sensual. Highs are smooth, fluid. A soundstage not titanic, 500's soundstage seem a bit wider, though it would be incorrect to call 560's soundstage a small one.
While 560 listening there was a RSA Dark Star amplifier on a visit. It should be noted that quality growth of 560 from more interesting amplifier was signifactly more, than of 500.
The joyful:
Heavy Metal: Keyword - magic. The magic of Black Sabbath through the direct channel comes to a brain. 500 look rough and clumsy compared to 560.
Alternative: Fine, pure and joyful. It can be slightly too intelligent in comparison with rude 500 fellows (rough aggression is pertinent on alternative). But the battlefield remains for 560. Compared to them 500 play simplistic, the increase of drive doesn't help.
Sludge, Stoner: 560 play rock, not metal. Perhaps here it isn't bad. Possibly because 560 really rocks.
Power: Everything seems not bad, almost, almost perfect, but something isn't enough here to get absolutely top result at the top level. May be a bit of madness?
Goth: The gothic is good, good. Hysterically, viscously. An ice block on a breast. There is no sense to compare with 500, other level of adequacy to a genre.
Not too joyful:
Industrial: The miracle doesn't happen, without of a liver bass massage the excellent result is unattainable. But in general it is possible to listen not without interest - cold smooth metal in sound signature is quite pertinent on a genre.
Doom: The dire shortage of a key resource - bass. Instead of a Doom we have a Hard Rock here.
Black: Bleak. There is no bass punch, too smooth. It is impossible to tell that it is absolutely bad - cool sound signature is really in plave. But after switch on 500 adrenaline emission is detected, at the return switching - sleeping pill.
Death: As well as on Black - not enough power of the adequate atmosphere.
Grindcore: Accurate, but weak. Needles are distinct, but aren't long enough and are hammered into the head half-heartedly. 500 play with modest technical skill, but a fervor of 500 makes much bigger impression.
Progressive: I understood not at once that isn't pleasant to me. 560 play prog metal as a prog-rock. It isn't too bad. But that's not metal - is no power, no pressure.
Symphonic: "Simfo" is quite good, "metal" is lightweight.
Thrash: Same problem.560 play rock, not metal. Fervent and vigorous Hard Rock. for metal there is no weight.
Grand total. Full impression that earphones are made to show their best on not too heavy genres and distinguish themselves from competitors. The solution of a task - quite original orthodynamic cans surpassing 500 in every point except for heavy genres. If you compare them to HE-6 - 560 are far from superiority, regardless of a genre. The current price of 500 - 560 - 6 reflects in my opinion the general ratio of qualitative distinctions.
Oct 13, 2014 at 7:21 AM Post #8,962 of 21,176
I wonder what is the process that tyll uses to determine which headphones he will review or not review. He has to realize that his personal endorsement is actually worth a bit more than the average reviewer and I wonder if companies try to influence his opinions by sending him free stuff haahah.

While I understand that he has his own priorities and personal preferences, I think it is possible to do informative reviews on headphones that you didn't personally enjoy. The HE-400i and HE-560 are priced very competitively compared to their direct competitors. It is a shame that he doesn't want to review them due to a personal preference for a particular frequency signature. Not everyone who follows his reviews share his sonic tastes, so it is kind of a disservice to use that platform to only promote headphones that follow one particular sound signature.

Oct 13, 2014 at 9:41 AM Post #8,963 of 21,176
No one is buying "more expensive" stuff because they can't tell the difference, that is the last reason you would get something expensive. Generally on this planet, however, the things that sound better also tend to cost more. It's easy really.. do so some research, narrow down the things you might like and can afford, go to a store or a show/meet and have a listen, compare it with some other stuff, if you love it, buy it, and be happy. Doesn't matter what anyone else does, says, or thinks. Be warned though, when you go to the store and ask to listen to setup "XYZ" and he says let me set it up for you while you listen to this Liquid Gold setup I have here, say thanks but no thanks, take a seat and wait. Because it is a trap!
Loosen up a bit, splash some cash, you only live once, there is some great sounding gear out there!
BTW.. double the frequency ensures perfect reproduction only in theory, if you can sample with exact precision, which doesn't happen with 16/24 bits in which case a higher sampling rate may in fact be better.. but if you can't hear it in an ABX test then it didn't happen.

Many people overbuy because of IMO social conditions as it gives them something to talk about or feel better about. Other than offensively bad equipment, we are easily fooled by our senses when comparing stuff. Something as simple as a volume mismatch can weigh heavily with direct back and forth comparisons, relying on memory is far worse. One will get a far better bang for the buck buying a great pair of headphones.
Oct 13, 2014 at 10:42 AM Post #8,964 of 21,176
  I wonder what is the process that tyll uses to determine which headphones he will review or not review. He has to realize that his personal endorsement is actually worth a bit more than the average reviewer and I wonder if companies try to influence his opinions by sending him free stuff haahah.
While I understand that he has his own priorities and personal preferences, I think it is possible to do informative reviews on headphones that you didn't personally enjoy. The HE-400i and HE-560 are priced very competitively compared to their direct competitors. It is a shame that he doesn't want to review them due to a personal preference for a particular frequency signature. Not everyone who follows his reviews share his sonic tastes, so it is kind of a disservice to use that platform to only promote headphones that follow one particular sound signature.

All I know is that Tyll and Innerfidelity as a whole are becoming less and less relevant for me as a consumer/enthusiast.  I respect him and what he does for the community- I just find that I have little use for it anymore.
Oct 13, 2014 at 11:19 AM Post #8,965 of 21,176
  All I know is that Tyll and Innerfidelity as a whole are becoming less and less relevant for me as a consumer/enthusiast.  I respect him and what he does for the community- I just find that I have little use for it anymore.

His massive (always-growing) measurement archive remains a hugely important resource though.
Oct 13, 2014 at 11:45 AM Post #8,966 of 21,176
All I know is that Tyll and Innerfidelity as a whole are becoming less and less relevant for me as a consumer/enthusiast.  I respect him and what he does for the community- I just find that I have little use for it anymore.

His massive (always-growing) measurement archive remains a hugely important resource though.

I agree about the measurments , however it would be nice if the community could have a reviewer not biased by its tastes . I know preferences play a major role but i think what hi fidelity is all about is the ability to reproduce sound as accurate as posibble and being able to convey the intended musical impact that the source carries. If you prefer a warmer or brighter presentation should be eliminated from a review IMO. A review should be as objetive as possible.
Oct 13, 2014 at 12:26 PM Post #8,967 of 21,176
I agree about the measurments , however it would be nice if the community could have a reviewer not biased by its tastes . I know preferences play a major role but i think what hi fidelity is all about is the ability to reproduce sound as accurate as posibble and being able to convey the intended musical impact that the source carries. If you prefer a warmer or brighter presentation should be eliminated from a review IMO. A review should be as objetive as possible.

I agree on that.  While total objectivity is impossible because we all have different hearing, I really like the way Joker compares signiture differences between various IEMs in his reviews.  Furthermore there are other factors that prevent him from reviewing stuff that doesn't match his tastes such as time limitations and not messing up his relationships with headphone companies.  In his Seeding Innerfidelity Growth article he says that he'll be doing some comparisons for cheap headphones and Bluetooth speakers, etc, but will include his thoughts on bad products.  The reasoning is to warn people away from bad products and also get page views.  It seems somewhat hypocritical to not do this for higher cost headphones, especially when his reasoning for not reviewing the HE560 was to avoid the bias that it would be solely for generating page views (since he didn't like it).  Why not do a comparison of the modern Planars like the Oppos, Hifimans, Audezes, and Fostex like Joker does with his reviews and have the reader decide which headphone suit his tastes better?
Oct 13, 2014 at 12:39 PM Post #8,968 of 21,176
Many people overbuy because of IMO social conditions as it gives them something to talk about or feel better about. Other than offensively bad equipment, we are easily fooled by our senses when comparing stuff. Something as simple as a volume mismatch can weigh heavily with direct back and forth comparisons, relying on memory is far worse. One will get a far better bang for the buck buying a great pair of headphones.

I dont agree thats true what u say (At least for most of them!) as as an example, NO ONE talks about blue circle or code-x on other threads except me....thats a choice i make..talking about it.....i know for a fact almost all dont even mention what they have, who own one of those two brands, but are just lurking here smiling about what some other people (not owning any of the two brands) say against buying those kind of 'non regular'' equipment..or call it a emotional/social reason. :D

fact is that people who buy stuff for those kind of reasons dont buy blue circle or code-x..they buy stax, audeze blue hawai or cavalli...those are the brands people with heaps of money buy blindly...and show off with them..or as u say..talk about them in a social way...
Blue circle is bought by people who know what they want soundwise and most already have a long history in audio buying..well..i even can say that as far i see ALL are no newbies..and their products are far from bling bling..

hell..am sure if i ever put ANY (beautiful looking) cavalli amp next to my amp, people would think that cavalli would cost at least double the price of my amp...well just until they hear it. :D

Ps..i talk about those two brands as i have experience with them..am sure it also goes for other non-standard regarded brands for hifiman headphones costing a bit more then a shiit amp (or any likewise budgetminded brand)...dont get me wrong..they make good products for what they cost and they have a very loyal, but very agressively defending/ promoting affectionees...and thats okay!

But its wrong to say people spendinh money on stuff is because of a social thingie....maybe for some it is..but they are not active on the threads of hifiman..u can find them om stax and the sorts threads...just like u find them om porsche threads or rolex threads etc etc etc..brands known for their status fame. And no, never owned a porsche or rolex..dont even want to..i could have..instead i bought brands that i liked and were more rarer on the streets and on ur arm :D as i like to be different..
Oct 13, 2014 at 12:51 PM Post #8,969 of 21,176
I dont agree thats true what u say (At least for most of them!) as as an example, NO ONE talks about blue circle or code-x on other threads except me....thats a choice i make..talking about it.....i know for a fact almost all dont even mention what they have, who own one of those two brands, but are just lurking here smiling about what some other people (not owning any of the two brands) say against buying those kind of 'non regular'' equipment..or call it a emotional/social reason.

fact is that people who buy stuff for those kind of reasons dont buy blue circle or code-x..they buy stax, audeze blue hawai or cavalli...those are the brands people with heaps of money buy blindly...and show off with them..or as u say..talk about them in a social way...
Blue circle is bought by people who know what they want soundwise and most already have a long history in audio buying..well..i even can say that as far i see ALL are no newbies..and their products are far from bling bling..

hell..am sure if i ever put any (beautiful looking) cavalli amp next to my amp, people would think that cavalli would cost at least double the price of my amp...well just until they hear it.

Ps..i talk about those two brands as i have experience with them..am sure it also goes for other non-standard regarded brands for hifiman headphones costing a bit more then a shiit amp (or any budgetminded brand)...dont get me wrong..they make good products for what they cost and they have a very loyal, very agressive defending affectionees...

But its wrong to say people spendinh money on stuff is because of a social thingie....maybe for some it is..but they are not active on the threads of hifiman..u can find them om stax and the sorts threads...just like u find them om porsche threads or rolex threads etc etc etc..brands known for their status fame. And no, never owned a porsche or rolex..dont even want to..i could have..instead i bought brands that i liked and were more rarer on the streets and on ur arm
as i like to be different..

You might like to be different and talk about it. Maybe you like some of the attention that you might get from that. I wont guess. I'll gve you some points for passion.
There's a difference between an expensive car that can accelerate, corner, brake and look far better than most other cars vs. an overpriced amp that only excels in one's imagination. At least most, not all, expensive amps are built well and are styled well. I'd invest in headphones as they make a big difference, do so carefully as there's a lot of fluff there as well.
Oct 13, 2014 at 12:59 PM Post #8,970 of 21,176
People talk about how they only want the amp to reproduce the source without coloration. Explain to me how it's possible to even know what the original source is supposed to sound like. It will always go through an amp of some kind. The only person who could honestly answer whether or not something is being colored would be the engineer who mastered it. We all think we know what it's supposed to sound like, but of course we just pick up the combination of equipment that makes it sound right to us.

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