= HiFiMAN HE-560 Impressions & Discussion Thread =
Jun 24, 2014 at 8:55 AM Post #3,798 of 21,176
  Please give new headphones more time on running in. The production 560 headphones have more bass than the older version if run-in time is identical.

So does that mean we can have more time with the pre-order unit before we return it. Just wanna to compare and at the same time decide which is unit to keep?
By the way, are we to absorb the cost of shipping the unit back???
Jun 24, 2014 at 8:59 AM Post #3,800 of 21,176
I believe we were told that we'd get a shipping label from HFM and shipping would be on them.

For those of you who have the pre-order version and have received your revised version, was a shipping label included for returning the original headphones?
Jun 24, 2014 at 9:36 AM Post #3,801 of 21,176
I believe we were told that we'd get a shipping label from HFM and shipping would be on them.

For those of you who have the pre-order version and have received your revised version, was a shipping label included for returning the original headphones?

My 560s are stuck in Portland for some reason... Great to see all the wonderful pix, but I'm starting to drool.
The email I got from HFM said: "Please let me know once you receive it. Thanks" So, I'd guess you should reply back to the email to get return instructions.
As to return shipping of the preorder, HFM has said that they will cover that costs. 
Jun 24, 2014 at 9:41 AM Post #3,802 of 21,176
  The email I received stated they would provide a pre-paid shipping label.

Hmm, That's strange.  I was told that I would have to pay for the return shipping.
"Hi Customer,
Sorry for keeping you waiting for a while. Our working time is from 9:00am -  5:30 pm during which we reply the emails. Now we are arranging the upgrade of HE-560. We will send you the newest version of HE-560 and after you receive the package you need to send us back the old HE-560. Also you have to pay for the shipping fee of sending the HE-560 back to us. Do you still want to upgrade the HE-560? Please let me know your decision.
Best Regards,"

Jun 24, 2014 at 9:47 AM Post #3,803 of 21,176
Hmm, That's strange.  I was told that I would have to pay for the return shipping.
"Hi Customer,
Sorry for keeping you waiting for a while. Our working time is from 9:00am -  5:30 pm during which we reply the emails. Now we are arranging the upgrade of HE-560. We will send you the newest version of HE-560 and after you receive the package you need to send us back the old HE-560. Also you have to pay for the shipping fee of sending the HE-560 back to us. Do you still want to upgrade the HE-560? Please let me know your decision.
Best Regards,"

Interesting, I never received this email asking if I wanted to upgrade, they just confirmed my address and then shipped the replacement which DHL tried to deliver yesterday. Unfortunately, I'm in Chicago until Friday, so no new toys until then (which is why I asked about the return shipping label).
Jun 24, 2014 at 9:57 AM Post #3,806 of 21,176
  I never got an email from them asking for me to pay for shipping  back.  My first email I received said they would be sending me a replacement and to confirm my address. 

Well in my case I did the initiating after hearing that several people here were getting notifications about having their replacements shipped and got that response e-mail as result.  Like I said before, perhaps it was only a short list of people from the pre-order batch, such as yourself, that were given free shipping.  I'm wondering if anyone else got the same response.
Jun 24, 2014 at 9:59 AM Post #3,807 of 21,176
I might have to pay shipping too, who knows.  Hifiman will probably email me the info once I tell them I'm ready to ship the old one back.  Having to ship something internationally and most likely with insurance sounds hella expensive though.
Jun 24, 2014 at 10:07 AM Post #3,808 of 21,176
I received a email asking me to ship the pre order unit without the box inorder to reduce the weigh,
This is after I informed them that I had received the pre order unit.

A China address was given, nothing was said about a prepaid label.
Jun 24, 2014 at 10:07 AM Post #3,809 of 21,176
If you guys have to pay return shipping, that is a pretty big slap in the face to the preorders.
"Thanks for supporting our company with a brand new product by preordering...But we sent you a product that isn't finished, please pay more money now...thanks".
I could understand if this was a different revision a year from now, but for the preorder group to have to pay to send back a bad batch is just...bad.
I'm hoping it was just a communication breakdown to the front line support.
Jun 24, 2014 at 10:11 AM Post #3,810 of 21,176
I might have to pay shipping too, who knows.  Hifiman will probably email me the info once I tell them I'm ready to ship the old one back.  Having to ship something internationally and most likely with insurance sounds hella expensive though.

It's like 40 - 50$ tops.

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