Hifiman Ananda
Jun 18, 2021 at 11:26 PM Post #3,826 of 5,061
The upper mids dip of Audeze does sound unnatural despite their tonality being warm overall. Crincacle really dislikes the tuning of most Audezes.
That's what I hear.
Jun 19, 2021 at 12:34 AM Post #3,827 of 5,061
The upper mids dip of Audeze does sound unnatural despite their tonality being warm overall. Crincacle really dislikes the tuning of most Audezes.
One of the reasons they recommended using Reveal +
Jun 19, 2021 at 6:19 AM Post #3,828 of 5,061
LCD-X, LCD-2, HE-560, T1 1st gen, among others. The Ananda just immediately sounded "right" to me. It's more typical for me to need a little "brain burn-in" to tune my brain's built-in EQ, so to speak, with new cans. I will say that the T1 also immediately was delightful, and it still is... but the Ananda is smoother.
Try vs HE-6se, HE-500, Arya?
Jun 19, 2021 at 7:41 AM Post #3,829 of 5,061
When everyone is sleeping, I definitely prefer my speakers but that's kind of rare to happen 😃😃
I even introduced a tube buffer - cathode follower between the DAC and my amp to give additional warmth to my speakers.
Ah HA!

Back in the 80's I knew a guy (EE and audio buff) that had a little box with two RCA male cables sticking out, with a dial. He said that it added HD. He never would let anyone touch it. But you could take a Threshold Stasis 3, SAE 31B, Ampzilla, HK Citation 19, Dyna 400 (SS amps known to be accurate at the time) and make them sound like a CJ MV-50 (tubby tube amp). He could make the CJ sound like slow motion sludge.

This experiment was run a number of times with me present. I noticed that I didn't like the tube amps much (I was using a hybrid pre at the time), and also the unchanged SS amps were not the top pick either. It was the SS with just a smidge of HD added. I noticed that the exotic line contact MC cartridges could often sound like that (vs say a Dyna vector), and many Pass amps. Speakers not so much - that's more of a FR/room thing. Headphones a bit more since the room is out of it.

Anyhow: Figure out what you like that compliments the music you play, build that system - and ban audio nervosa in your life.
Jun 23, 2021 at 10:36 AM Post #3,830 of 5,061
I have both the Sundara and the Ananda, really like both. I’m new at this so please don’t bite my head off.

I have the Sundara hooked up to an Asgard 2, Bifrost one with Unison usb, with a modded Yaquin SD-CD3 with a pair of RAYTHEON 6SN7GTB tubes, and a Schiit Loki

The Ananda is hooked up to a Lyr 3 with a RAYTHEON 6SN7GTB and the rest of the other equipment with the exception of the Asgard.

Soon the Lyr 3 will be paired with a MHDT LABS Istanbul (More tube rolling goodness)

Music I listen to everything from old classic country, to classic heavy metal and some older gospel and contemporary Christian, and other genres

To my ears, your results may vary

Sundara is intimate a bit more congested, and like a woman who wears too much perfume, and a bit too much lipstick (sometimes that one can be real fun) Can go drinking with the boys, and can be hard to live with depending on the source music.

Ananda is more refined, could be perceived as a seductive mistress, she likes to shop at Victoria’s secret, and reveal what she has to offer in the way of silky goodness, and can be forgiving and at the same time kind of harsh depending on the earphones position on the head (mine at least)

Both are never cold and since I didn’t pay retail for either one, I could afford to keep both and love em’ both
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Jun 24, 2021 at 2:15 AM Post #3,831 of 5,061
I have both the Sundara and the Ananda, really like both. I’m new at this so please don’t bite my head off.

I have the Sundara hooked up to an Asgard 2, Bifrost one with Unison usb, with a modded Yaquin SD-CD3 with a pair of RAYTHEON 6SN7GTB tubes, and a Schiit Loki

The Ananda is hooked up to a Lyr 3 with a RAYTHEON 6SN7GTB and the rest of the other equipment with the exception of the Asgard.

Soon the Lyr 3 will be paired with a MHDT LABS Istanbul (More tube rolling goodness)

Music I listen to everything from old classic country, to classic heavy metal and some older gospel and contemporary Christian, and other genres

To my ears, your results may vary

Sundara is intimate a bit more congested, and like a woman who wears too much perfume, and a bit too much lipstick (sometimes that one can be real fun) Can go drinking with the boys, and can be hard to live with depending on the source music.

Ananda is more refined, could be perceived as a seductive mistress, she likes to shop at Victoria’s secret, and reveal what she has to offer in the way of silky goodness, and can be forgiving and at the same time kind of harsh depending on the earphones position on the head (mine at least)

Both are never cold and since I didn’t pay retail for either one, I could afford to keep both and love em’ both
Am pretty sure that the Sundara will collect dust with the Ananda around.
Jun 24, 2021 at 9:09 AM Post #3,832 of 5,061
Am pretty sure that the Sundara will collect dust with the Ananda around.
Not going to lie, haven't listened to the Sundara as much as the Ananda lately, but I have been picking her up and cuddling, so she don't feel left out. :o2smile:
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Jun 24, 2021 at 10:13 AM Post #3,833 of 5,061
My replacement Ananda finally arrived after the first one had a bad right driver. Currently using it with a Headamp Pico and it sounds absolutely superb. I like its tuning a lot more than the Arya I tried earlier and it is surely a keeper for me. I somehow couldn't stand the peaky bright treble on the Arya. It probably was my amp but I love the Ananda tonality a lot more.
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Jun 24, 2021 at 10:44 AM Post #3,834 of 5,061
Listening to Steely Dan Aja with my Sundara and it's like an intimate session.
Picking up my Ananda and listening to the same song, ya, I'm hearing things that I can't hear with the Sundara, a bit more clarity, revealing, more full figured and balanced.
Both sound very good... Oh' I love em' both
Jul 2, 2021 at 9:36 PM Post #3,835 of 5,061
I actually read through most of these 256 pages. Lots of opinions, little consensus. Situation normal. I just got my Anandas ($560, open box from HiFiman store, including $39 coupon. Indistinguishable from new as far as I am concerned). I’m running them off my main rig, through a Burson Soloist - plenty of power. Anyway one point of agreement seems to be that the oem cables should be replaced, but I see few if any reliable suggestions for replacement. I’m a cable cheapskate, so I’m thinking Hart, Periapt or Audiophile Ninja. Unlike a lot of you, I find the Anandas to be overall too polite. Read: boring. My pair has no sign of the high end peak that I read so much about and while the deep bass is there, it lacks punch. Maybe they need to break in or maybe they need different cables, or maybe this is just how they sound. I like them better than lcd-x which I previously owned in all respects except dynamic punch and build quality (but they make up for build quality with comfort). Anyone have experience with the mentioned cables and/or break in changes with the Ananda? These were such a good deal, I’d hate to send them back, but they’re no bargain if they don’t boogie, at least a little. Thank you.
Jul 3, 2021 at 1:26 AM Post #3,836 of 5,061
I actually read through most of these 256 pages. Lots of opinions, little consensus. Situation normal. I just got my Anandas ($560, open box from HiFiman store, including $39 coupon. Indistinguishable from new as far as I am concerned). I’m running them off my main rig, through a Burson Soloist - plenty of power. Anyway one point of agreement seems to be that the oem cables should be replaced, but I see few if any reliable suggestions for replacement. I’m a cable cheapskate, so I’m thinking Hart, Periapt or Audiophile Ninja. Unlike a lot of you, I find the Anandas to be overall too polite. Read: boring. My pair has no sign of the high end peak that I read so much about and while the deep bass is there, it lacks punch. Maybe they need to break in or maybe they need different cables, or maybe this is just how they sound. I like them better than lcd-x which I previously owned in all respects except dynamic punch and build quality (but they make up for build quality with comfort). Anyone have experience with the mentioned cables and/or break in changes with the Ananda? These were such a good deal, I’d hate to send them back, but they’re no bargain if they don’t boogie, at least a little. Thank you.

This is my Anandas replacement cable:


No memory shape at all, light, beatifully made and no sound difference compared to stock cable. It would be even better if strain relief was stronger, but so far has endured some pull
Jul 3, 2021 at 2:47 AM Post #3,837 of 5,061
I actually read through most of these 256 pages. Lots of opinions, little consensus. Situation normal. I just got my Anandas ($560, open box from HiFiman store, including $39 coupon. Indistinguishable from new as far as I am concerned). I’m running them off my main rig, through a Burson Soloist - plenty of power. Anyway one point of agreement seems to be that the oem cables should be replaced, but I see few if any reliable suggestions for replacement. I’m a cable cheapskate, so I’m thinking Hart, Periapt or Audiophile Ninja. Unlike a lot of you, I find the Anandas to be overall too polite. Read: boring. My pair has no sign of the high end peak that I read so much about and while the deep bass is there, it lacks punch. Maybe they need to break in or maybe they need different cables, or maybe this is just how they sound. I like them better than lcd-x which I previously owned in all respects except dynamic punch and build quality (but they make up for build quality with comfort). Anyone have experience with the mentioned cables and/or break in changes with the Ananda? These were such a good deal, I’d hate to send them back, but they’re no bargain if they don’t boogie, at least a little. Thank you.
Am surprised to hear that you may have bought the Ananda (or any other cans) without even listening to them first. Buying an open box item have its disadvantages including doubts as it's rare to hear a description of the Ananda's sound as boring or too polite, In fact no need for break in as yours were used as open box.
Jul 3, 2021 at 8:07 AM Post #3,839 of 5,061
Yeah, Ananda needs a bit o' tweaking sometimes, if you have a Schiit Loki it helps with those songs that sound like life departed from them.
Jul 3, 2021 at 8:35 AM Post #3,840 of 5,061
Am surprised to hear that you may have bought the Ananda (or any other cans) without even listening to them first. Buying an open box item have its disadvantages including doubts as it's rare to hear a description of the Ananda's sound as boring or too polite, In fact no need for break in as yours were used as open box.
I’ve been in this hobby almost 50 years; I would never buy a pig in a poke with no recourse. When you buy direct from HiFiman you get 30 days to try them in your own system and return for a full refund if you don’t like them (and you don’t destroy them). Open box does not = ‘used’. Any experience with the cables I asked about? If not, thanks for your useful input.
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