HIBY R6 - DAP Dual DAC Balanced Out - Great Reviews and Over 500% Funded @ Indiegogo!
Dec 28, 2017 at 1:11 PM Post #677 of 6,628
Well did you read the review mentioned above??? https://headfonics.com/2017/05/the-iematch-by-ifi-audio/ There you can get an actual review... I gave you my opinion after reading that review... It does mention the iphone in that review....

Yes, I read the review. No mention of actual experience of IEMatch and the R6 being used with actual low impedance headphones. I am not sure I can be any clearer, but maybe underlining, etc will help:

I am looking for actual listening impressions of the R6 paired with IEMatch or Earbuddy and a low impedance headphone such as the Andromeda.
Dec 28, 2017 at 1:31 PM Post #678 of 6,628
Yes, I read the review. No mention of actual experience of IEMatch and the R6 being used with actual low impedance headphones. I am not sure I can be any clearer, but maybe underlining, etc will help:

I am looking for actual listening impressions of the R6 paired with IEMatch or Earbuddy and a low impedance headphone such as the Andromeda.

And you will have this listening impressions in a week or so once my review unit of R6 arrives and I test it for you with iEMatch and Andromeda :wink:
Dec 28, 2017 at 9:08 PM Post #683 of 6,628
Hmm, that's cutting it close! :)
It is. I've been following the project for a week now and I'll probably support it. Waiting for the 1st so I get paid again, just to be on the safe side :)
My main concern is that it is not as "reference" as the DX200 (the other contender as my new DAP) and I'm worried that I'll want something less warm sounding although it seems it's very slight warmth.

It'll also be my desktop unit so I want to choose wisely. But it's ticks most of the boxes for me and I like supporting new projects.
Dec 28, 2017 at 9:27 PM Post #684 of 6,628
@Joe Bloggs how long is the idiegogo campaign open for? Waiting for twister6’s review before pulling any kind of trigger as I’m interested in the andromeda and IEMatch combo pairing.

Well, full review takes time, but I will do my best to have detailed audio pair up impressions with a bunch of IEMs and some full size cans, once I get R6 aluminum review unit (demand for SS is very high) and run it through a short burn in.

Btw, just a thought, don't focus so much on one specific pair up, unless this is one and only IEM you are planning to use for the next few years, which hard to be believe since you are on Head-fi :wink:
Dec 28, 2017 at 9:38 PM Post #685 of 6,628
Can't wait for your impressions Alex. Mostly interested. amongst other things, streaming from NAS capabilities.
Dec 28, 2017 at 9:57 PM Post #686 of 6,628
Well, full review takes time, but I will do my best to have detailed audio pair up impressions with a bunch of IEMs and some full size cans, once I get R6 aluminum review unit (demand for SS is very high) and run it through a short burn in.

Btw, just a thought, don't focus so much on one specific pair up, unless this is one and only IEM you are planning to use for the next few years, which hard to be believe since you are on Head-fi :wink:

Absolutely, can totally understand that it takes a hike to put together such thoughtful reviews. Definitely appreciate what you guys do.

I might be an odd one out on headfi as I have only the one iem namely an ANdromeda. Ticks all the boxes for me. I have and feeling there my never be a perfect dap for it incensed it doesn’t make sense for manufacturers to accommodate such a needing device. The IEMatch has been perfect for me this far so I don’t doubt it would be just fine for thenR6 as well.

Thanks again :)
Dec 28, 2017 at 10:00 PM Post #687 of 6,628
Absolutely, can totally understand that it takes a hike to put together such thoughtful reviews. Definitely appreciate what you guys do.

I might be an odd one out on headfi as I have only the one iem namely an ANdromeda. Ticks all the boxes for me. I have and feeling there my never be a perfect dap for it incensed it doesn’t make sense for manufacturers to accommodate such a needing device. The IEMatch has been perfect for me this far so I don’t doubt it would be just fine for thenR6 as well.

Thanks again :)

Dang.. headfi member since 2012 and only 1 IEM. I need your strength.
Dec 28, 2017 at 10:21 PM Post #688 of 6,628
Dang.. headfi member since 2012 and only 1 IEM. I need your strength.

He is one of the few men who was strong enough to stand up against our official HF greeting "welcome to Head-fi, sorry about your wallet" :)

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